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Intel Parallel Studio Installation Fails


I have trouble installing Intel Parallel Studio Cluster Edition for Windows 2017. 
It fails with error code 1612:"The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it". 
I tried the online installer and the offline one (in various update versions). I tried installing just MKL (which is actually what I need). 
I repaired the registry just in case. But nothing seems to help. 
I'm running on Windows Server 2012 R2 with i7-6700K core.
Anyone expereinced something like that/has any suggestion about how to solve it?
Log file is attached, if it helps.


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1 Reply

Hi Nicky,

Please see this thread:

and here:


Root of issue is corrupted Windows Installer local database. One possible way to corrupt it is if the user launched some windows clean-up tools. These tools usually break Windows installer database and Windows registry. We do not recommend customers to use such tools.

Workaround: User need to find original packages for all installed intel products and perform installation and uninstallation them. It should help to restore Windows installer database. If you cannot locate those packages on your system but you do know which version you installed try to download that version and use it."


Regards, Hal

Intel(R) Developer Zone Support
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.


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