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Intel Phi co-processor.

504 조회수


 Can I use Intel Phi co-processor with Linux gfortran compiler instead with Intel FORTRAN compiler? How faster will be the binary program compiled with Intel compiler? I heard the gfortran is slower. Can I plug 10 Phi co-processors on single main board with 10 PCI express slots, x8 and x4?


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4 응답
명예로운 기여자 III
504 조회수

Gfortran supports the new knl but not the original Mic knc. Avx512 vectorization plus openmp or mpi will be needed for satisfactory performance although older host isa can run on knl

0 포인트
504 조회수



0 포인트
새로운 기여자 III
504 조회수

Gfortran does not support KNC.

As for plugging in 10 cards into a single host: I doubt that it would work , but even it would, I would not recommend it. Performance will be quite bad with so many cards in a single box. I'd stop at 4 cards in a single host. Also, keep in mind that the host needs to have an amount of RAM that is equal or close to the amount of RAM on the cards (mostly for performance reasons). Thus, for 10 16 GB cards you need at least 160GB of RAM in the host.


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504 조회수


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