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Issue with RealSenseWeb.exe



I am running the latest SDK on a HP 840 with 4th Gen i7, windows 8.1 and 16 GB of ram.  All the demo stuff works great except for the javascript examples.  For some reason the RealSenseWeb.exe does not fire up automatically when trying to initialize the camera.  I have to go and start the exe manually for it to work and then notice in some cases that multiple instances of it are running.  I have 2 other laptops running the same spec and they dont seem to have any issue.  I thought it was an user permissions issue, but it does not seem to be the case.  Does anyone have any suggestions or run into this issue?

I am integrating voice, hand and facial recognition into a Proof of Concept for a web application and would greatly appreciate any feedback.


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2 Replies

Hi Joseph,

I've had the same experience, but have chalked it up to the JavaScript examples not really being ready for production use. I've found that the C++ examples are the most robust, followed by the Java examples. 

Integrating voice, hand and facial recognition all into one app might also not be suited for the JavaScript interface at this time - just my opinion, but based on previous experience.

If you want to integrate more than one of the SDK features into one app, I would suggest that you start with C++, and then go from there.

Good luck!


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Thanks for the response, however i have 3 laptops all with the same specifications.  All purchased specifically for the use of the SDK and 2 of them function perfectly fine with the JavaScript examples and have been used to develop against the SDK.  The 3rd one is being configured for demo purposes and is the one currently giving the grief.  Now in a pinch we can use one of the other 2 machines, however they have become principle development machines for 2 of the developers at this point.  If anyone has any other suggestions or if anyone from Intel has anyone we can contact to discuss this in more detail, it would be appreciated.

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