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Licencing issues and seeking assistance


Below is an actual example of an enquiry about licencing, and the response given. The names have been hidden to protect the ... umm ... innocent?




Back in early 2016 I downloaded a copy of Parallel Studio 2016 Update
2 and was granted licence 3ZCK-SGMWRMWZ under the open source
contributor rules. At the time my hardware vendor sold me a system
that was faulty so it was never installed. In January 2017 I received
notification of an upgrade which was also downloaded. The upgrade fell
within the 12 month window for the above licence so a new licence was
not applied for. Parallel Studio 2017 Update 2. Neither of these
versions are on the unsupported list, but in any case I don't require
support after 40 years as a computer engineer.

I have recently acquired a Ninja Development Platform (Supermicro) and
again applied for an open source contributor licence, which was
granted and the latest version of Parallel Studio was installed.
Parallel Studio 2018 Update 2 Professional lic. # NHKS-THC8GNXZ

However I also have some X100 cards which I'd like to work with in
Ubuntu on another system. Tonight I attempted to install Parallel
Studio 2017 Update 2 on the Ubuntu machine, to be told that the
licence has expired. I tried the newer licence and it tells me that it
is not valid for this version of Parallel Studio. Effectively there's
no way I can use either of the earlier downloads.

I don't believe the later version of Parallel Studio supports Ubuntu
16.04 and I'm also unsure if it even supports X100 cards any more. I
would prefer to use the earlier tools with the X100 cards but there
doesn't seem to be a way to do that.

Any ideas?




Here is a link to all the free Open Source licenses.

Here is a link to all our free Intel Tools for Non-Commercial

E****** M***
Senior Account Executive


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