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MPSS 3.6, OFED-3.18 and test.c



I have installed MPSS 3.6, OFED-3.18 on hos and Intel Xeon Phi

I build simple test from /test directory of Intel MPI 5.1 for host and mic. I run test with command line 

mpirun -n 2 -genv I_MPI_DEBUG=5 -host node ./test :  -n 6 -host node-mic0 ./test-mic

but I got failed run

Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux* OS, Version 5.1.1 Build 20150715 (build id: 12269)
Copyright (C) 2003-2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

[0] MPI startup(): Multi-threaded optimized library
[0] DAPL startup(): trying to open first DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[1] DAPL startup(): trying to open first DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[0] MPI startup(): DAPL provider ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[0] DAPL startup(): trying to open secondary (2) DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-scif0
[1] MPI startup(): DAPL provider ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[1] DAPL startup(): trying to open secondary (2) DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-scif0
[0] MPI startup(): secondary DAPL provider ofa-v2-scif0
[0] DAPL startup(): trying to open secondary (3) DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mcm-1
[1] MPI startup(): secondary DAPL provider ofa-v2-scif0
[1] DAPL startup(): trying to open secondary (3) DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mcm-1
[0] MPI startup(): secondary DAPL provider ofa-v2-mcm-1
[0] MPI startup(): shm and dapl data transfer modes
[1] MPI startup(): secondary DAPL provider ofa-v2-mcm-1
[1] MPI startup(): shm and dapl data transfer modes
[6] DAPL startup(): trying to open first DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[2] DAPL startup(): trying to open first DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[7] DAPL startup(): trying to open first DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[3] DAPL startup(): trying to open first DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[4] DAPL startup(): trying to open first DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[5] DAPL startup(): trying to open first DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[6] MPI startup(): DAPL provider ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[6] DAPL startup(): trying to open secondary (2) DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mcm-1
[2] MPI startup(): DAPL provider ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[2] DAPL startup(): trying to open secondary (2) DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mcm-1
[7] MPI startup(): DAPL provider ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[7] DAPL startup(): trying to open secondary (2) DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mcm-1
[3] MPI startup(): DAPL provider ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[3] DAPL startup(): trying to open secondary (2) DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mcm-1
[4] MPI startup(): DAPL provider ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[5] MPI startup(): DAPL provider ofa-v2-mlx4_0-1u
[5] DAPL startup(): trying to open secondary (2) DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mcm-1
[4] DAPL startup(): trying to open secondary (2) DAPL provider from I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER_LIST: ofa-v2-mcm-1
[6] MPI startup(): secondary DAPL provider ofa-v2-mcm-1
[6] MPI startup(): shm and dapl data transfer modes
[2] MPI startup(): secondary DAPL provider ofa-v2-mcm-1
[2] MPI startup(): shm and dapl data transfer modes
node-mic0:MCM:1695:c0e0cb40: 30037330 us(30037330 us!!!): scif_connect() to port 68, failed with error No such device
node-mic0:MCM:1695:c0e0cb40: 30037760 us(430 us):  open_hca: SCIF init ERR for mlx4_0
node-mic0:MCM:1696:b80b9b40: 30037620 us(30037620 us!!!): scif_connect() to port 68, failed with error No such device
node-mic0:MCM:1696:b80b9b40: 30037743 us(123 us):  open_hca: SCIF init ERR for mlx4_0
[4] DAPL startup(): failed to open DAPL provider ofa-v2-mcm-1
[5] DAPL startup(): failed to open DAPL provider ofa-v2-mcm-1

I would like to run with ofa-v2-mcm-1 provider with other its work.

I run dmesg command and saw

#dmesg node
[ 2191.159984] __scif_register 2607 err -107
[ 2191.184605] __scif_register 2626 err -107
[ 2515.793982] __scif_register 2607 err -107
[ 2515.819731] __scif_register 2626 err -107

#lsmod node
Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: G  
ibscif                 80845  0 
ibp_sa_server          17302  0 
ibp_cm_server          17651  0 
ibp_server             39970 24 
bridge                 78015  0 
stp                    12437  1 bridge
llc                    12745  2 bridge,stp
mic                   607687 36 ibscif,ibp_sa_server,ibp_cm_server,ibp_server
nfsv3                  37785  1 
nfs_acl                12511  1 nfsv3
nfs                   192309  2 nfsv3
lockd                  83417  2 nfsv3,nfs
fscache                36394  1 nfs
sunrpc                237551  7 nfsv3,nfs_acl,nfs,lockd
rdma_ucm               22055  0 
rdma_cm                39550  1 rdma_ucm
iw_cm                  35426  1 rdma_cm
ib_uverbs              44841  5 rdma_ucm
mlx4_ib               132318  1 
ib_umad                21450  0 
ib_ipoib               85119  0 
ib_cm                  35027  3 ibp_cm_server,rdma_cm,ib_ipoib
ib_sa                  27032  6 ibp_sa_server,rdma_ucm,rdma_cm,mlx4_ib,ib_ipoib,ib_cm
mlx4_core             206809  1 mlx4_ib
ib_mad                 44194  4 mlx4_ib,ib_umad,ib_cm,ib_sa
ib_core                69071 12 ibscif,ibp_server,rdma_ucm,rdma_cm,iw_cm,ib_uverbs,mlx4_ib,ib_umad,ib_ipoib,ib_cm,ib_sa,ib_mad
ib_addr                13099  3 rdma_ucm,rdma_cm,ib_core
compat                 13563 17 ibscif,ibp_sa_server,ibp_cm_server,ibp_server,rdma_ucm,rdma_cm,iw_cm,ib_uverbs,mlx4_ib,ib_umad,ib_ipoib,ib_cm,ib_sa,mlx4_core,ib_mad,ib_core,ib_addr
igb                   171790  0 
ptp                    17460  1 igb
pps_core               17249  1 ptp
i2c_algo_bit           12751  1 igb
i2c_core               28006  2 igb,i2c_algo_bit

-------- lsmod node-mic0
Module                  Size  Used by
blcr                   95175  0 
blcr_imports            2581  1 blcr
sep3_15                45433  2 
ib_ipoib               54466  0 
pm_scif                 4582  0 
rdma_ucm               10191  0 
rdma_cm                23788  1 rdma_ucm
iw_cm                   6398  1 rdma_cm
ib_addr                 4356  1 rdma_cm
ib_qib                 23107  0 
ibp_cm_client          20435  2 ib_ipoib,rdma_cm
ibp_sa_client          16779  3 ib_ipoib,rdma_ucm,rdma_cm
ibp_mlx4               28679  0 
ibp_mlx5               27170  0 
ibp_client             24749  4 ibp_cm_client,ibp_sa_client,ibp_mlx4,ibp_mlx5
ib_uverbs              31618  1 rdma_ucm
ibscif                 67365  0 
ib_core                45751  10 ib_ipoib,rdma_ucm,rdma_cm,iw_cm,ibp_sa_client,ibp_mlx4,ibp_mlx5,ibp_client,ib_uverbs,ibscif
mpssboot                2833  0 
micras                 98653  0 
ramoops                 2077  0 
micscif               292933  26 pm_scif,ib_qib,ibp_cm_client,ibp_sa_client,ibp_client,ibscif,mpssboot,micras
intel_micveth          22875  0 
dma_module             33080  2 micscif,intel_micveth
michvc                  2943  0 
ringbuffer              2297  2 micscif,michvc

As I could understand it is not a problem IMPI it is problem scif0. Does any one have some idea what is wrong?


0 Kudos
7 Replies

Hi Dmitry,

It looks like mpxyd daemon isn't running. This daemon is needed for ofa-v2-mcm-1 DAPL provider. You can find more details in the Intel® MPSS User's Guide.

Also you can find the similar example in the Intel MPI Library User's Guide: Troubleshooting on Linux*.

0 Kudos

Artem R. (Intel) wrote:

Hi Dmitry,

It looks like mpxyd daemon isn't running. This daemon is needed for ofa-v2-mcm-1 DAPL provider. You can find more details in the Intel® MPSS User's Guide.

Also you can find the similar example in the Intel MPI Library User's Guide: Troubleshooting on Linux*.

Hello  Artem,

In case of mpxyd not running I will got such message:

node-mic0:MCM:1595:43da8700: 4789 us(4789 us): scif_connect() to port 68, failed with error Connection refused
node-mic0:MCM:1595:43da8700: 4893 us(104 us):  open_hca: SCIF init ERR for mlx4_0

Any other ideas?



0 Kudos

Hi Dmitry,

Could you please provide output of the following commands from host and MIC card:
rpm -qa | grep dapl
rpm -qa | grep libibscif

Also please make sure that all the necessary services are running (mpss, openibd, ofed-mic, mpxyd) on the host.

Could you also please share /var/log/mpxyd.log from the problem node?

0 Kudos

Hi Artem,

node$ ibv_devinfo
hca_id:    scif0
    transport:            invalid transport (-1)
    fw_ver:                0.0.1
    node_guid:            4c79:baff:fe63:0481
    sys_image_guid:            4c79:baff:fe63:0481
    vendor_id:            0x8086
    vendor_part_id:            0
    hw_ver:                0x1
    phys_port_cnt:            1
        port:    1
            state:            PORT_ACTIVE (4)
            max_mtu:        4096 (5)
            active_mtu:        4096 (5)
            sm_lid:            1
            port_lid:        1000
            port_lmc:        0x00
            link_layer:        Unknown

hca_id:    mlx4_0
    transport:            InfiniBand (0)
    fw_ver:                2.33.5100
    node_guid:            f452:1403:008a:47c0
    sys_image_guid:            f452:1403:008a:47c3
    vendor_id:            0x02c9
    vendor_part_id:            4099
    hw_ver:                0x0
    board_id:            MT_1100120019
    phys_port_cnt:            1
        port:    1
            state:            PORT_ACTIVE (4)
            max_mtu:        4096 (5)
            active_mtu:        4096 (5)
            sm_lid:            1467
            port_lid:        389
            port_lmc:        0x00
            link_layer:        InfiniBand

node-mic0# ibv_deviinfo
hca_id:	mlx4_0
	transport:			InfiniBand (0)
	fw_ver:				2.33.5100
	node_guid:			f452:1403:008a:47c0
	sys_image_guid:			f452:1403:008a:47c3
	vendor_id:			0x02c9
	vendor_part_id:			4099
	hw_ver:				0x0
	phys_port_cnt:			1
		port:	1
			state:			PORT_ACTIVE (4)
			max_mtu:		4096 (5)
			active_mtu:		4096 (5)
			sm_lid:			1467
			port_lid:		389
			port_lmc:		0x00
			link_layer:		InfiniBand

hca_id:	scif0
	transport:			SCIF (2)
	fw_ver:				0.0.1
	node_guid:			4c79:baff:fe63:0480
	sys_image_guid:			4c79:baff:fe63:0480
	vendor_id:			0x8086
	vendor_part_id:			0
	hw_ver:				0x1
	phys_port_cnt:			1
		port:	1
			state:			PORT_ACTIVE (4)
			max_mtu:		4096 (5)
			active_mtu:		4096 (5)
			sm_lid:			1
			port_lid:		1001
			port_lmc:		0x00
			link_layer:		SCIF
-- node --
node$ rpm -qa | grep dapl


node$ rpm -qa | grep libibscif

-- node-mic0 --

node-mic0:~$ rpm -qa | grep dapl

node-mic0:~$ rpm -qa | grep libibscif

All  (mpss, openibd, ofed-mic, mpxyd) are running

/var/log/mpxyd.log from problem node: 

 ef6c8740:106856290: mpxy_log_options: log level 0x0
 ef6c8740:106856304: mpxy_log_options: lock file /var/run/
 ef6c8740:106856305: mpxy_log_options: configuration file /etc/mpxyd.conf
 ef6c8740:106856306: mpxy_log_options: SCIF server_port 68
 ef6c8740:106856308: mpxy_log_options: SCIF listen queue length 240
 ef6c8740:106856309: mpxy_log_options: CPU affinity enabled 1
 ef6c8740:106856310: mpxy_log_options: CPU affinity base core_id for MICs 0
 ef6c8740:106856311: mpxy_log_options: OP thread polling disabled
 ef6c8740:106856312: mpxy_log_options: RDMA buffer pool size 32 MB
 ef6c8740:106856312: mpxy_log_options: RDMA buffer segment size 131072
 ef6c8740:106856313: mpxy_log_options: RDMA buffer alignment 64
 ef6c8740:106856314: mpxy_log_options: RDMA Proxy TX queue depth 512
 ef6c8740:106856315: mpxy_log_options: RDMA Proxy RX queue depth 512
 ef6c8740:106856315: mpxy_log_options: RDMA SCIF inline threshold 256
 ef6c8740:106856316: mpxy_log_options: RDMA IB inline threshold 160
 ef6c8740:106856317: mpxy_log_options: RDMA eager completion 1
 ef6c8740:106856317: mpxy_log_options: RDMA proxy-out signal rate 1
 ef6c8740:106856318: mpxy_log_options: RDMA proxy-out/in max WR processing 10
 ef6c8740:106856319: mpxy_log_options: RDMA proxy-out/in max WC processing 10
 ef6c8740:106856320: mpxy_log_options: RDMA proxy-in enabled
 ef6c8740:106856320: mpxy_log_options: RDMA proxy-in signal rate 1
 ef6c8740:106856321: mpxy_log_options: RDMA proxy-in max reads outstanding 40
 ef6c8740:106856322: mpxy_log_options: Maximum message size 16 MB
 ef6c8740:106856322: mpxy_log_options: CM msg queue depth 500
 ef6c8740:106856323: mpxy_log_options: CM msg completion signal rate 100
 ef6c8740:106856324: mpxy_log_options: CM msg reply timeout 4000 ms
 ef6c8740:106856324: mpxy_log_options: CM msg rtu timeout 2000 ms
 ef6c8740:106856325: mpxy_log_options: CM msg retry count 10
 ef6c8740:106856326: mpxy_log_options: Performance Profiling == 0
 ef6c8740:106856327: mpxy_log_options: MPXYD log device counters (print at close) == 0
 ef6c8740:106856327: main: CCL Proxy - SCIF/IB DAPL RDMA Proxy Service, Mix Version 5 (Build-20151001) v2
 ef6c8740:106856481: main: Starting server
 ef6c8740:106856497: mpxy_server: Server started, cpu_id=20
 ef6c8740:29314076: mix_open_device:  New MIC device - /sys/class/mic/mic0/device, numa_node 0, cpu 0 - 0-13
 ee0bd700:29314189: mpxy_tx_thread: TX thread (ee0bd700) MIC node_id 1 bound to numa_node 0 and cpu_id=0
 ed8bc700:29314197: mpxy_cm_thread: CM thread (ed8bc700) MIC node_id 1 bound to numa_node 0 and cpu_id=2
 ee8be700:29314193: mpxy_op_thread: OP thread (ee8be700) MIC node_id 1 bound to numa_node 0 and cpu_id=1
 ed0bb700:29314209: mpxy_rx_thread: RX thread (ed0bb700) MIC node_id 1 bound to numa_node 0 and cpu_id=3
 ef6c8740:29314499: open_ib_device: System GUID == c047:8a00:0314:52f4
 ef6c8740:29314505: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:29314520: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29317151: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:29317174: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29319119: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:29319142: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29320376: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:29320398: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29322178: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:29322185: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29324449: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:29324461: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29326694: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:29326705: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29328905: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:29328920: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29330798: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:29330812: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29332305: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:29332310: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29334224: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:29334230: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29335868: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:29335874: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29337864: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:29337876: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29339948: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:29339971: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29342116: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:29342124: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29343833: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:29343846: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29345999: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:29346005: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29348599: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:29348622: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29350210: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:29350232: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29352090: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:29352104: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29354675: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:29354689: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29357438: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:29357450: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29361506: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:29361517: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29363928: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:29363939: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:29469050: mcm_init_cm_service:  IB LID 185 (0) PORT 1 GID fe80::f452:1403:8a:47c1 QPN 95: mic0 -> mlx4_0 - MXS, mic_ver 5 
 ef6c8740:59716146: create_smd_bpool:  scif_register rx_addr=0x7faccdff9000,41943040 failed Transport endpoint is not connected
 ef6c8740:59719103: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for mlx4_0 - 1
 ef6c8740:59719111: scif_send_msg: ERR: scif_send - ep 79, Connection reset by peer, (len 118 != ret -1) msg(0x7ffff499ff20 0x7ffff499ff20)
 ef6c8740:59719113: mix_open_device:  ERR: scif_send dev_id 79 op_ep 5714, closing device (nil)
 ef6c8740:59719120: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 79 82 80 
 ef6c8740:90368834: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:90368858: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90371390: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:90371405: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90373476: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:90373490: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90375803: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:90375823: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90377954: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:90377962: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90379917: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:90379932: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90382231: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:90382239: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90384645: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:90384658: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90387300: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:90387312: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90389343: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:90389354: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90391872: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:90391893: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90394828: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:90394836: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90398041: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:90398049: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90399891: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:90399914: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90402992: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:90403006: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90405408: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:90405422: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90408439: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:90408462: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90411047: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:90411058: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90413738: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:90413758: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90416101: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:90416115: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90418116: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:90418124: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90421404: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:90421426: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90426225: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:90426247: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:90428738: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:90428749: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:128221980: create_smd_bpool:  scif_register addr=0x7faccb7f7000,41943040 failed Transport endpoint is not connected
 ef6c8740:128223564: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for mlx4_0 - 1
 ef6c8740:128223569: scif_send_msg: ERR: scif_send - ep 83, Connection reset by peer, (len 118 != ret -1) msg(0x7ffff499ff20 0x7ffff499ff20)
 ef6c8740:128223571: mix_open_device:  ERR: scif_send dev_id 83 op_ep 5780, closing device (nil)
 ef6c8740:128223579: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 83 86 85 
 ef6c8740:216463824: mix_open_device:  New MIC device - /sys/class/mic/mic1/device, numa_node 1, cpu 14 - 14-27
 e77fe700:216463884: mpxy_tx_thread: TX thread (e77fe700) MIC node_id 2 bound to numa_node 1 and cpu_id=14
 e67fc700:216463916: mpxy_rx_thread: RX thread (e67fc700) MIC node_id 2 bound to numa_node 1 and cpu_id=15
 e7fff700:216463939: mpxy_op_thread: OP thread (e7fff700) MIC node_id 2 bound to numa_node 1 and cpu_id=16
 e6ffd700:216463951: mpxy_cm_thread: CM thread (e6ffd700) MIC node_id 2 bound to numa_node 1 and cpu_id=17
 ef6c8740:216470744: mcm_init_cm_service:  IB LID 185 (0) PORT 1 GID fe80::f452:1403:8a:47c1 QPN f2: mic1 -> mlx4_0 - MSS, mic_ver 5 
 ef6c8740:221761625: mix_open_device:  New MIC device - /sys/class/mic/mic2/device, numa_node 1, cpu 18 - 14-27
 e57fa700:221761693: mpxy_tx_thread: TX thread (e57fa700) MIC node_id 3 bound to numa_node 1 and cpu_id=18
 e4ff9700:221761721: mpxy_cm_thread: CM thread (e4ff9700) MIC node_id 3 bound to numa_node 1 and cpu_id=19
 e5ffb700:221761731: mpxy_op_thread: OP thread (e5ffb700) MIC node_id 3 bound to numa_node 1 and cpu_id=20
 caffb700:221761760: mpxy_rx_thread: RX thread (caffb700) MIC node_id 3 bound to numa_node 1 and cpu_id=21
 ef6c8740:221767476: mcm_init_cm_service:  IB LID 185 (0) PORT 1 GID fe80::f452:1403:8a:47c1 QPN f7: mic2 -> mlx4_0 - MSS, mic_ver 5 
 ef6c8740:1213585: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:1213619: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1215787: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:1215794: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1218267: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:1218282: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1219539: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:1219547: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1222091: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:1222102: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1224584: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:1224605: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1227083: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:1227095: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1229192: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:1229207: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1231362: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:1231373: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1233428: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:1233449: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1234943: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:1234955: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1237281: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:1237287: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1239067: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:1239081: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1241302: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:1241314: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1243699: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:1243712: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1246177: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:1246184: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1248448: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:1248458: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1249723: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:1249733: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1251398: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:1251405: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1253970: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:1253982: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1256387: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:1256399: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1258861: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:1258876: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1261248: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:1261256: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:1264954: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:1264960: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:41713587: create_smd_bpool:  scif_register rx_addr=0x7facb1ff9000,41943040 failed Transport endpoint is not connected
 ef6c8740:41716748: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for mlx4_0 - 1
 ef6c8740:41716756: scif_send_msg: ERR: scif_send - ep 85, Connection reset by peer, (len 118 != ret -1) msg(0x7ffff499ff20 0x7ffff499ff20)
 ef6c8740:41716758: mix_open_device:  ERR: scif_send dev_id 85 op_ep 10693, closing device (nil)
 ef6c8740:41716765: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 85 87 86 
 ef6c8740:98692293: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:98692324: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:98695494: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:98695503: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:98698818: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:98698841: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:98702757: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:98702766: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:98708322: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:98708345: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:98711243: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:98711256: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:98712855: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:98712865: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:98715003: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:98715013: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:98717403: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:98717414: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:98719535: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:98719547: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:98721295: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:98721306: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:98723269: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:98723279: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:166940301: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:166940328: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:166943990: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:166944001: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:166947571: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:166947580: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:166950527: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:166950549: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:166978356: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:166978380: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:166982407: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:166982416: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:166986025: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:166986046: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:166989606: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:166989614: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:167046725: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:167046748: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:167051412: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:167051422: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:167055793: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:167055803: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:167059174: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:167059195: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:62154504: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:62154530: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:62157237: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:62157260: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:62160980: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:62160987: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:62164401: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:62164413: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:62178787: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:62178798: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:62182555: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:62182566: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:62186812: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:62186833: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:62189996: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:62190007: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:62192108: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:62192130: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:62194957: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:62194964: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:62197960: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:62197970: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:62200463: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:62200483: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38168889: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:38168909: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38171233: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:38171259: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38173128: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:38173139: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38175489: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:38175499: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38178043: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:38178051: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38180713: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:38180720: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38182634: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 1
 ef6c8740:38182641: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38185090: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:38185101: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38187008: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:38187018: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38189289: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:38189300: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38191373: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:38191383: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38193115: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:38193121: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38194811: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib0 - 2
 ef6c8740:38194817: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38196502: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:38196508: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38198214: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:38198221: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38199941: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:38199951: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38202057: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:38202064: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38204227: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:38204233: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38206151: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 1
 ef6c8740:38206157: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38208113: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:38208121: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38209817: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:38209823: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38214247: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:38214254: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38216619: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:38216625: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:38220887: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for qib1 - 2
 ef6c8740:38220898: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 70 72 71 
 ef6c8740:69604707: create_smd_bpool:  scif_register rx_addr=0x7facb1ff9000,41943040 failed Transport endpoint is not connected
 ef6c8740:69607583: mix_open_device:  ERR: mix_open_device failed for mlx4_0 - 1
 ef6c8740:69607593: scif_send_msg: ERR: scif_send - ep 85, Connection reset by peer, (len 118 != ret -1) msg(0x7ffff499ff20 0x7ffff499ff20)
 ef6c8740:69607595: mix_open_device:  ERR: scif_send dev_id 85 op_ep 12369, closing device (nil)
 ef6c8740:69607602: mix_scif_accept:  ERR: open_device -> closing SCIF client EPs 85 88 87 


0 Kudos

Hi everyone,

Please help. 

0 Kudos

Hi Dmitry,

Could you please specify your OS and Linux* kernel version? Could you also please provide more details how you installed OFED? 

0 Kudos

OS: Scientific Linux 7.1, kernel 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64

OFED 3.18 has been installed by using with this config file:

#cat ofed.conf


0 Kudos