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Native app theme feeling


Good morning,
I'm really new at Intel XDK, so maybe could be a stupid question, but I haven't found a solution.

I'd like to create a basic (2/3 views) app but with same feel of a native app (checkboxes, pickers etc..).

I could use AppFramework but seems deprecated and I don't want to start with a framework that it has already been deprecated.

How could I achive this? At startup I can choose:
- Bootstrap doesn't have OS themes
- Framework7 doesn't have WindowsPhone
Ionic, inside XDK seems similar to Bootstrap behaviour, but on their website I've found some screenshots with native themes.

Maybe I should use Ionic 2 ?



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1 Reply

Trying to achieve a native look and feel is very difficult. Using App Designer will not get you to a native look and feel app. If that is what you want you need to build your UI by hand using a UI framework that is optimized to a specific platform. You will likely have to build a different app for each platform if that is what you want.

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