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Dear all,


This is Muhilan Veerarasu from India. This code is my own design. I referred following for 8-series PCH ACPI.


Manual:- Intel 8-series-chipset-pch-datasheet.pdf

Chapter:- 5 - Functional description

Sections:- 1. 5.14 - Power management

                 2. - Initiating sleep state.

                 3. 12.1.13 - ACPI BASE ADDRESS REGISTER

                 4. 18.8.3 - Power Management I/O Registers

And i designed following code for 8-series PCH Motherboards.



push ax

push bx

push cx

push dx

push si

push di

push ds

push es


mov eax,0x8000F840; Bus 0, Device 31, Function 0, Offset 0x40

mov dx,0x0CF8

out dx,eax

mov dx,0x0CFC

in ax,dx

and ax,0xFFFE

mov dx,ax

add dx,0x0004

mov eax,0x00003C00

out dx,eax

pop es

pop ds

pop di

pop si

pop dx

pop cx

pop bx

pop ax



In the above code, I directly fetch APM Base address register and turn off PC. However, From Intel 100-series PCH onwards, PMC has be moved to new PCI Bus location.

I modified this code to following with some changes for intel 100-series PCH motherboard onwards.. This code has be designed with Bus# 0, Device# 31, Function# 2 and offset 0x40(ACPI Base address register).



push ax

push bx

push cx

push dx

push si

push di

push ds

push es


mov eax,0x8000FA40 ; Bus 0, Device 31, Function 2, Offset 0x40

mov dx,0x0CF8

out dx,eax

mov dx,0x0CFC

in ax,dx

and ax,0xFFFE

mov dx,ax

add dx,0x0004

mov eax,0x00003C00

out dx,eax

pop es

pop ds

pop di

pop si

pop dx

pop cx

pop bx

pop ax



Will this code work? Will bios write ACPI Base address register and will enable it?


Thanks in advance. Kindly intimate me as early as possible since this is urgent.

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1 Reply

Dear all,


I have attached my resume with this post. Kindly create me an opportunity in intel corporation bangalore as early as possible. I am going to supply more intel based products in regular basis. 


Thanking you


Muhilan Veerarasu

Mobile:- +91-96296 33042

E-Mail Id:-

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