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Problem installing development version on ipad


I have a problem in installing a development version of an IOS app on my iPad and iPhone. I've read all documentation about building the app (p12, development certifcate, provisioning profile) and I'm convinced (for what it's worth) that I did everthing the way I should.

When installating the .ipa file through itunes on my ipad (Windows computer) the app starts to install but quits after about 75%. De icon disappears.

I rebooted my computer, cleared the cache and repeated the whole procedure about 10 times. Nothing helps.

I would appreciate it if anyone could help me out.

Kind regards,


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4 Replies

I've seen this happen with my iPod, as well. Generally it is the result of one of two things:

  • you need to uninstall any existing copy of the same app on the iOS device
  • your dev certs do not include the proper ID for your iOS device

Unfortunately, the error messages provided by the iOS device and/or iTunes are not very helpful.

If you have not included your iPad in the list of authorized devices, you will not be able to install it onto your iPad.

BTW, the easiest way to install the app onto your device is to email it to your device, and using the OTA link in the email. Using iTunes is much more difficult. Just make sure you open that email with the native iOS email app; the OTA link will not work with other email apps, only with the native iOS app. You can send an email by using the "share" icon on the build tab.

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Hi Paul,

I still have this issue more or less.

I have a development version of an app, created the .csr. cer, mobile provision files and the P12 file.
The Intel XDK creates the ipa files with no warnings or problems.

I have two devices included in my developers space at apple. An ipad an an iphone.

When I install the ipa file on the iphone all is going well. However if I install the same ipa file on the ipad it installs for about 75-80% and than disappears from the ipad screen. I'm 100% sure I have the ipad included as an identified device.

I have created dozens of new csr files and provisioning files, restarted my computer, my ipad but keep getting this very annoyning problem.
I'm also sure that there are no previous versions of the app on the ipad.

I've spend more than 32 hours now on this problem and I'm completely stuck right now.

I would appreciate any suggestions or help.





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Valued Contributor I

@Henk: Apple is a big pain! I had these issues types. In all cases it is a combination of cert, version, provision or other things. The major issue is that we don´t see the error message. Try to use the TestFlight. It is a longer path but always work.

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Paul and Hamilton thanx for your help.

I found the cause of the problem. The UDID of the ipad has changed. I have this ipad for about 3 years now and have never had a problem with the UDID. The UDID of the ipad was different form that one of the registered device at Apple.

I'm puzzled why and how the UDID of the ipad has changed somewhere somehow??

Yes Hamilton, you are absolutely right. Apple was, is and allways will be a big pain in the butt.



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