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RANT: Who deleted my thread/post and why?

Valued Contributor I


I posted a thread more than a month ago here to ask why it is impossible to edit my own posts in topics not started by me.

Nobody from Intel bothered to reply and when another person tested editing in a separate thread I warned them of the inability to edit posts in threads other than in those created by them.

I also stated my opinion and I repeat it here -- it is brain-dead not to be able to edit mistakes at least for one hour after posting. Every other forum allows that. Why not here?

Furthermore, I said that Intel Software Network is wasting resources on developing inferior forum software instead of using ready made and feature rich solutions such as vBulletin and it seems that what I said was truth since only the truth gets censored.

I would really like to know who believes that they can censor me, and why they feel the censorship is needed? Who or what are you protecting? What part of what I said was wrong or inaccurate?

Whoever did it -- you can delete this thread as well if your axe is your only argument, but don't forget that I can always write a long rant about what is going on here on my own website, and post a link to all relevant IT and software development forums.

Finally, I am investing considerable amount of my free time here on ISN, and I believe that gives me some right to expect things to improve, and for my questions to get answers. What I am seeing for quite some time is stagnation while my questions and suggestions are being swept under the carpet.

So far, I was of the opinion that you appreciate my constructive criticism, because everyone from Intel keeps telling me so, but if you don't then please just say so and I am gone so you can enjoy keeping things at the mediocre level.


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8 Replies
Honored Contributor III
Quoting - cijoaj2003

I also asked the same sort of question and I got a reply from Gina (Intel Staff) saying that you can delete your own post /thread there is a button to the right of the post . I could not find any button to delete my postings. You thread /post might have been deleted by mistake. I now see that when I search for some of the olders threads I have replied I get a 404 error from Intel. If the thread/ post creator can't delete his thread then how can someone else do so.

Yes, the most common reason for deletions has been forum server failure. In the case where someone is judged to be a spammer, the login account is disabled as well.

It took a very long time before many accounts had their permissions set correctly. Some still may not have it correct. There appear to be too many levels of permissions. For example, I never have permission to rate posts, and some of my permissions come and go.

The edit/delete/report abuse settings for the initial post of a thread aren't consistent with the settings for replies. For an initial post, the options appear only above the text, and the way to report abuse is with a reply and quotation.

It's possible a reply could be removed accidentally by someone hitting the abuse button. A moderator should restore it, subject to issues like working hours and priorities.

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Valued Contributor I
Quoting - tim18

Yes, the most common reason for deletions has been forum server failure. In the case where someone is judged to be a spammer, the login account is disabled as well.

It took a very long time before many accounts had their permissions set correctly. Some still may not have it correct. There appear to be too many levels of permissions. For example, I never have permission to rate posts, and some of my permissions come and go.

The edit/delete/report abuse settings for the initial post of a thread aren't consistent with the settings for replies. For an initial post, the options appear only above the text, and the way to report abuse is with a reply and quotation.

It's possible a reply could be removed accidentally by someone hitting the abuse button. A moderator should restore it, subject to issues like working hours and priorities.


The thread I started was deleted on purpose, and not as a result of a malfunction, because I got an email notification that the thread was deleted. If it was the server failure I doubt I would get notified.

As for the account permissions, that is exactly why I started a thread -- to get clarification from Intel. Perhaps I should have emailed support but it wasn't urgent, and I thought that admins would see it, and that the answer might be interesting for others having the same problem as well.

Reply is not automatically removed as a result of an abuse report -- someone (usually Gina) has to review it before removing it. That is why I believe that my reply in another thread was censored.

In my opinion, all issues with permissions including yours are direct result of poorly designed and/or poorly implemented forum software which is a shame, and it surely should not stay that way. As an example of brokenness the

 tag still has wrong font face months after I reported it here.

Finally, Intel has asked me for a list of things I would like to see changed and/or improved on the ISN for the recent online interview they were doing with me. The interview has been published here, and as you can see, there is no mention of either that question or my answer (which was a rather long list of things) in it. When I asked what happened with that part of the interview I got no reply so for me, it is pretty evident what is going on around here and I am not nearly as angry (like this topic might make it look like) as I am sad and disappointed to see that.

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Honored Contributor III

I've had similar experience.


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Honored Contributor III
Quoting - Igor Levicki


The thread I started was deleted on purpose, and not as a result of a malfunction, because I got an email notification that the thread was deleted. If it was the server failure I doubt I would get notified.

As for the account permissions, that is exactly why I started a thread -- to get clarification from Intel. Perhaps I should have emailed support but it wasn't urgent, and I thought that admins would see it, and that the answer might be interesting for others having the same problem as well.

Reply is not automatically removed as a result of an abuse report -- someone (usually Gina) has to review it before removing it. That is why I believe that my reply in another thread was censored.

In my opinion, all issues with permissions including yours are direct result of poorly designed and/or poorly implemented forum software which is a shame, and it surely should not stay that way. As an example of brokenness the

 tag still has wrong font face months after I reported it here.

Finally, Intel has asked me for a list of things I would like to see changed and/or improved on the ISN for the recent online interview they were doing with me. The interview has been published here, and as you can see, there is no mention of either that question or my answer (which was a rather long list of things) in it. When I asked what happened with that part of the interview I got no reply so for me, it is pretty evident what is going on around here and I am not nearly as angry (like this topic might make it look like) as I am sad and disappointed to see that.


I wrote a nice reply to this email. But sad to say. my reply post ended up getting hosed.

Service Unavailable - Zero size object

The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later.

Reference #15.f2a12d1.1229894616.1cff1b5

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Honored Contributor III

Service Unavailable - Zero size object

The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later.

Reference #15.f2a12d1.1229894616.1cff1b5

That server is trying to teach us to make our own copy of our pending post before clicking "Add your post." Usually, it is sufficient to back up and start over with "Reply to Post."

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Honored Contributor III
Quoting - tim18

That server is trying to teach us to make our own copy of our pending post before clicking "Add your post." Usually, it is sufficient to back up and start over with "Reply to Post."

And I thought it was an atomaton in on the conspiracy to delete all negative posts....


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Just to clarify this for everyone - some forums on our old interface allowed for the user to delete their own threads. When we migrated over to the new forums, we kept that functionality for some forums at first, but now users do not have the ability to delete their own threads/posts.

If there is a post you have made that you would like to delete, please email us and we can assist you further.

Warm regards,

Gina B.
Intel Software Network Support

Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.

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Valued Contributor I


Just to clarify this for everyone - some forums on our old interface allowed for the user to delete their own threads. When we migrated over to the new forums, we kept that functionality for some forums at first, but now users do not have the ability to delete their own threads/posts.

If there is a post you have made that you would like to delete, please email us and we can assist you further.

Warm regards,

Gina B.
Intel Software Network Support

Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.

What I want is the ability to edit my own replies in those threads not started by me.

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