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ATTENTION: As of March 20, 2018 the XDK project has been officially retired and this forum has been retired!!

Your best source of support for developing Cordova/PhoneGap HTML5 applications for mobile devices is to use StackOverflow. Specifically, the following three links:

There will be no further monitoring of this forum by Intel employees.

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As was stated in our July 10, 2017 blog, Intel has closed the Intel XDK Build Service. On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 all remaining Intel XDK Cloud Services will be retired.

You will have until Monday, January 29, 2018 to retrieve any Android keystore files stored in your Intel XDK account.

After that date, Intel will purge all data from the Intel XDK Cloud Services and you will no longer be able to retrieve your Android keystore files. See the “Android Signing Certificates” section of the article titled "Build Your Intel XDK Mobile App using PhoneGap Build" for additional help.

An installer for the last version of the Intel XDK (version 3987) can be found here > <

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We no longer have a copy of any build certificates stored in the XDK backend. There is a notice on the XDK web site ( regarding this action (also shown below):

ATTENTION: As stated on our July 10, 2017 blog, Intel closed the Intel XDK Build Service. On Tuesday, January 30, 2018, all remaining Intel XDK Cloud Services will be retired. You will have until Monday, January 29, 2018, to retrieve any Android* keystore files stored in your Intel XDK account. After that date, Intel will purge all data from the Intel XDK Cloud Services and you will no longer be able to retrieve your Android keystore files. See the “Android Signing Certificates” section in Build Your Intel XDK Mobile App Using the PhoneGap Build for additional help.

If you do not have a copy of the certificate you used to sign your app for the Google Store you'll have to create a new certificate and submit your app with a new package ID, meaning your updated app will appear as a new app in the store, because of the new package ID.

If you do have the old certificate, but want to update to a more secure certificate, see this article > < for help with that transition.

NOTE: Google has added a new method for managing Android signing keys that accommodates recovering a lost key. Unfortunately, this will not help you with the keys you used to sign apps you built with the XDK build service, because those were "self-signing" keys. However, going forward, you may want to investigate this alternate signing method.

More information on signing keys is available from Google here > <

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