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I have successfully created andorid and windows app ,but not able to generate app for ios. Please let me know.. Am not able to add ios certificate in intel XDK. Following the tutorial but after apple developer login am not getting the certificate identity profile to generate now one. Please help.




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1 Solution

Your app ID does not match what's specified in your developer certs. See the following from the detailed build log:

Check dependencies
Code Sign error: Provisioning profile does not match bundle identifier: The provisioning profile specified in your build settings (“Abhigyan”) has an AppID of “com.example.aequm.alok” which does not match your bundle identifier “”.


The following build commands failed:
	Check dependencies
(1 failure)
Error: Error code 65 for command: xcodebuild with args: -xcconfig,.../cordova_project/platforms/ios/cordova/build-release.xcconfig,-project,StoreReports.xcodeproj,ARCHS=armv7 arm64,-target,StoreReports,-configuration,Release,-sdk,iphoneos,build,VALID_ARCHS=armv7 arm64,CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=.../cordova_project/platforms/ios/build/device,SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR=.../cordova_project/platforms/ios/build/sharedpch

Try changing the App ID in the Build Settings to match what's in your provisioning file (e.g., "com.example.aequm.alok").

View solution in original post

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56 Replies

Abhigyan G. wrote:

Could you please help e for google login. Actually I am able to call that google login in my project but after login It is going somewhere else ,You have my project please help me out.I juts want to call home.html after login through google.

You should not be using multiple html files to represent multiple pages in your app, you should have only one html page (index.html). First rule for Cordova apps, straight from the Cordova docs > SPA is Your Friend. When you leave index.html you lose the JavaScript and Cordova context you had. Do not build multi-page apps; instead, hide and show an enclosing <div> element to make it appear as a page.

We do not have the resources to provide programming level support here. For that you are best served by searching through the Cordova tag on StackOverflow and the many excellent blogs and articles on the net that are available. For example search for "making google oauth work with cordova apps" to find help with this issue.

p.s. We do not keep copies of your apps, as a company policy, because that source is your property. We will use the source you provide to resolve product issues, but then it is removed when it is no longer needed.

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Hi Paul,

I am just uploading data from listview to server. //After selection of first page listview its going to another page (List view with checkbox), Now there are many lists with check box ,so I just want to select few of them and upload that selected list to server using rest api.


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Hi Paul,

I need one more help.. please..

I am following  this link "" for google login ,I have change my credentials but again and again its opening nginx page while it should go to home page .Please help how can I enter in my project after google login.

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Please see my previous comment > < you probably need to simplify your app so there is only ONE html file called index.html. If that doesn't help, I recommend you file an issue with the author of that code to get additional help. Notice that his example is a single index.html file, he is NOT using multiple html files. Working with multiple html files within a Cordova app is difficult. See this Cordova doc page >

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Hi Paul,

Can we get current location in our hybrid app and send it to server ??

Basically i want to use geofencing in my app. As of by using script am able to get current Lat Long but its coming on emulator only.

Whenever am installing in mob and trying to get location  ,one notification is coming screen overlay detected.


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If the user of your app has given permission to allow your app to retrieve position, you can get it from the device. There are geolocation calls built into Cordova (native on newer versions of Cordova, via a plugin on older versions). There are also background geolocation services that can be utilized (as plugins). Try this search to get started > <

0 Kudos

Hi Thanks,

I am getting the lat long in Nougat version but am installing in below Marshmello its not coming . Please suggest some changes .

0 Kudos

Can we do Geofencing in hybrid ,where I want to get enter and exit time automatic ,once we come inside the Geofencing are or go out of that.


Please help..

0 Kudos

I recommend you investigate the "background" geolocation services plugin that is included in the search list I already provided. The native geo services should work on all versions of Android. If they are not working, you'll have to do some debugging and search places like the Cordova tag in StackOverflow for questions from others who have experienced the same issue.

0 Kudos

When am using background-Geolocation and trying to build then am getting error -"Error - A plugin may need to be updated as it is using a deprecated library (org.apache.http). View the build logs to see what plugin has caused this error".


I have attached a log file.. please help.. If am adding geolocation plugin which is is available in plugin management and building then its working on all version except Marshmello (not able to get current lat long).




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You've got multiple key error messages at the very beginning of that log file:

Installing "cordova-background-geolocation-lt" at "2.9.1" for android
Plugin doesn't support this project's cordova version. cordova: 7.0.2, failed version requirement: >=7.1.0
Skipping 'cordova-background-geolocation-lt' for android
Installing "cordova-plugin-geolocation" at "3.0.0" for android
Plugin doesn't support this project's cordova-android version. cordova-android: 6.1.2, failed version requirement: >=6.3.0
Skipping 'cordova-plugin-geolocation' for android
Installing "cordova-plugin-geolocation" at "3.0.0" for android
Plugin doesn't support this project's cordova-android version. cordova-android: 6.1.2, failed version requirement: >=6.3.0
Skipping 'cordova-plugin-geolocation' for android

I'm guessing that the version of Cordova specified in the config.xml file is the problem. This is specified in the Build Settings section of the Project properties page. The highest that can be specified in the XDK is Cordova 6.5.0. You have two options:

  1. Roll-back the versions of the problem plugins to versions that will work with the version of CLI that you are specifying in the Build Settings section on the Project properties page.
  2. Modify the config.xml to use the "latest" version of CLI when you submit your package to PhoneGap Build. You'll find that directive inside the config.xml file that is part of the exported ZIP file (it will be a line that looks something like this: <preference name="phonegap-version" value="cli-6.2.0"> </preference>). You can get the "latest" by removing that line.

Be aware that some of your plugins may need to be updated to use the "latest" version, so I would recommend trying option #1 first. That means you'll have to review the plugin docs to figure out which version of the plugin you should be using. The XDK cannot help you figure that out, you'll have to visit the repo for that plugin and review the release notes, etc. How easy or hard it is to figure out depends on the person who wrote that plugin, some developers provide a very good history and some do not. You can also see which versions are available for a specific plugin by using the "npm show" command. A useful place to start is the online npm package management tool > <

0 Kudos

Hi Paul,

How can I build our intel xdk project for chrome??? for mobile app we generate apk ipa, but could you please let me know how to build for web?



0 Kudos

Abhigyan -- building a web app, whether specifically for Chrome or for use in another browser, is much different than building a Cordova hybrid app. Many of the general-purpose HTML5 APIs are the same, but there are also many details that vary because the target platforms are quite different: a hosted web app runs in a browser that is associated with a web server over the Internet; whereas, your Cordova web app is running in an encapsulated environment on an Android or iOS device that may or may not have a connection to the Internet and/or a host system. You need to write your code for the specific target (browser or Cordova), and if you want to use that code in both places you'll have to use conditional coding techniques to handle those areas where the platform requires different coding techniques.

There are many blogs and sites that describe how to create a hosted web app, I recommend you search the Internet for help understanding how to make such apps. In particular, if you are trying to create a Chrome app or extension, see the Chrome developer pages for help.

0 Kudos

Hi Paul

I mean ,I want to code once and run this app on android ,ios and web also, any browser .


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Abhigyan G. wrote:

I mean ,I want to code once and run this app on android ,ios and web also, any browser .

I understand. My previous post applies. Only the simplest of apps can do that. Otherwise, you have to "write for the target." Writing for Cordova is different than writing for a browser. There is no silver bullet. You can create code that can be used on more than one platform, but you'll have to add runtime checks to determine which platform you are on and write conditional code to address platform differences. Within Cordova you sometimes have to do this to deal with differences between Android and iOS. When you add a browser to the mix you have to take that into consideration. Also, the way you package and distribute the app is different, so you have to have multiple build systems to deal with those very significant differences.

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