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SR300 noise in depth readings.




I am porting my prototype application to use realsense SR300 instead of another commercial camera. I run it on linux and I use OpenCV libraries. I used the librealsense from github to acquire raw frames from the Intel camera and it works.


The problem that I have right now is the noise in the realsense camera. So far, I have been always using the non-adaptive background model in my application, and it was working fine for me. Unfortunately, after porting it to SR300 the level of noise is so big (around 75 units), that the background model doesn't work anymore.


What am I missing? Is it  the issue of camera options configuration? Or should we use some other way of background extraction/filtering?


I use the following setup:

1. I use ubuntu 14.04 laptop with Intel i7 processor and Realsense SR300 via USB3.0
2. I use librealsense library
3. The realsense options are as follows:
color_backlight_compensation                    0
color_brightness                                0
color_contrast                                  50
color_exposure                                  156
color_gain                                      64
color_gamma                                     300
color_hue                                       0
color_saturation                                64
color_sharpness                                 50
color_white_balance                             4600
color_enable_auto_exposure                      1
color_enable_auto_white_balance                 1
f200_laser_power                                15
f200_accuracy                                   3
f200_motion_range                               50
f200_filter_option                              7
f200_confidence_threshold                       3
sr300_auto_range_enable_motion_versus_range     1
sr300_auto_range_enable_laser                   1
sr300_auto_range_min_motion_versus_range        180
sr300_auto_range_max_motion_versus_range        605
sr300_auto_range_start_motion_versus_range      303
sr300_auto_range_min_laser                      2
sr300_auto_range_max_laser                      16
sr300_auto_range_start_laser                    -1
sr300_auto_range_upper_threshold                1250
sr300_auto_range_lower_threshold                650
frames_queue_size                               20
hardware_logger_enabled                         0


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