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Splash Screen Issues in latest Intel XDK 3491


After moving my Splash Screen images to package-assets folder (great update btw), I noticed that in my intelxdk.config.ios.xml file there were entries for two Splash Screen images that were not listed in the Intel XDK UI under CORDOVA HYBRID MOBILE APP SETTINGS > Launch Icons and Splash Screens > iOS.

<splash platform="ios" src="app/ios_splash_screen_750x1334.png" width="750" height="1334" orientation="portrait"/>
<splash platform="ios" src="app/ios_splash_screen_1334x750.png" width="1334" height="750" orientation="landscape"/>

These dimensions seem to be for the iPhone 6, and looking at this page here:

It seems like it is still a valid size, this was causing my upload to build to fail (as I had moved those files to the package-assets folder).

I also notice that for iOS Landscape only 4 splash screen resolutions are listed, while under iOS Portrait, there are 7 splash screen resolutions.

This seems like a few resolutions might have been unintentionally left out, or was this intentional?

Should I remove those entries, or update them manually, and include the other missing resolutions listed on that wiki?

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2 Replies

These file are actually specified in the *.xdk file, and just propagating through auto-generation to the xml file.

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Keith -- those resolutions were removed from the UI, presumably because Cordova no longer supports them, but removing them is causing the problem you are seeing when you have an existing project that includes those resolutions. They should get restored to the UI to avoid that problem in an upcoming hot-fix.

The <project-name>.xdk file contains all the UI and project settings, that's why you see them referenced in there. If you know how to edit a JSON file (which the XDK file is) you can remove those references manually from the XDK file (assuming you've closed the XDK, first), in order to get rid of that problem.

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