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Unattainable resolution (1680x1050) with Intel 82830M graphics adapter


I guess I'm hoping archibael is reading this!

I have a Latitude C400 laptop with an Intel 82830M graphics adapter running Windows XP SP2. I've recently purchased a Samsung 226BW monitor which has a native resolution of 1680x1050. If I connect the laptop directly to the monitor, it defaults to the correct 1680x1050 resolution (so the laptop is definitely capable of that resolution) but in my normal setup the laptop is docked in a Dell "C/Dock II" docking station, the video output of which goes to the monitor via an ageing Cybex KVM switch.

The KVM is definitely capable of handling such a resolution as I have a desktop PC and another laptop going through the KVM and both these display at 1680x1050. The second laptop has a 'Mobile Intel 945 Express Chipset' and, like the C400, would display the correct resolution when connected directly to the new monitor, but when docked (and with or without the KVM) it would only manage 1280x1024. I followed archibael's instructions on editing the igxp32.inf file with the correct EDID information and 1680x1050 then appeared as a selectable resolution within the graphics properties on Windows. As a result, even when docked the second laptop now outputs correctly (via the KVM) at 1680x1050.

I therefore think that I somehow need to get 1680x1050 added to the C400 laptop's list of selectable resolutions. However, the latest drivers for the Intel 82830M adapter doesn't have the igxp32.inf file so I'm a bit stuck as to how to achieve this.

Reading other forum messages I believe I need to use the IEGD method(?) Can anyone (archibael?) please confirm this, and if possible point me to some instructions as to how to use the IEGD method?

I have MonInfo outputs for the C400 laptop when connected directly and via the KVM. I can upload these outputs if necessary.

Kind regards,

Neil W. Garside

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3 Replies


Best bet on the 82830 graphics is to use the IEGD method. Check out my post (and the responses to it) in:

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Hi Archibael,

Thanks for your reply. The latest IEGD driver available is the IEGD_8_0_GOLD_1063.exe, but the download page which lists the supported architectures does not explicitly specify the 82830M. Shall I use this regardless?

Kind regards,


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Hmmm... you raise a good point. It's possible that chipset is so old it's unsupported even on IEGD. :( I'd give it a try and roll back to the originals if it doesn't work.
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