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Which host ID to use?


Since last Saturday I've been trying to install Parallel Studio XE 2016 Update 2. First your server was down. Next my serial number was no longer valid. It appears the expiration mail sent by Intel contains a non-descriptive link (what the heck is an SKU) to convert to a new serial number. I received no real instructions for this.

On top of all this the installer still does not accept the new serial number, now for reasons that I apparently need to link the host ID of my system to the serial number. Nice going Intel, changing stuff (again) without sending proper instructions.

Now the thing is, working at home I use a WiFi connection and when in the company, I may or may not depending on where I'm sitting. In all cases it is the same laptop. Here's the current list (macs hidden):

Connection Name Network Adapter Physical Address    Transport Name              
=============== =============== =================== ==========================================================
Wi-Fi                  Intel(R) Centri      XX-YY-ZZ-AA-BB-CC N/A                         
Ethernet 2         Killer E2200 Gi     Disabled            Disconnected                
Network Bridge  Microsoft Netwo   XX-YY-ZZ-AA-BB-DD N/A                         
vEthernet (Wire Hyper-V Virtual     XX-YY-ZZ-AA-BB-EE  \Device\Tcpip_{anything}

The fixed ethernet connection is currently not connected. What is my host ID? And will it change if I use another connection?

This is all very inconvenient. I have more important things to do than to be your "not-so-trustworthy-customer" and solve your problems.

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4 Replies


I'm sorry the new licensing is causing such a problem.  The 2016 license should have automatically detected your host ID during install, but in your case it looks like it got an invalid value of ffffffff when it tried to use the wired Ethernet adapter.  You can use the Wi-Fi physical address instead.  It doesn't have to be connected in order to work. 



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Hi Jennifer,

You're right, the host listed is ffffffff

I've added the mac address of my WiFi, activated this on your site but the installer still refuses with the same message: "Activation rights do not allow this product to be installed. This could be due to expired subscription or incompatible serial number."

We have two support services subscriptions for Parallel Studio XE Professional. Actually I'm not sure anymore whether I will recommend to renew these at the end of this year. At the moment I'm thinking very hard about reverting back to the 2015 version and stick to that.

BTW the whole idea to use mac addresses as protection is futile. It takes about 2 minutes to change this if you're evil. Intel is just making life hard for honest customers. You can note that down as an official complaint.

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Ok, I stand corrected.

I sent myself a new license file and by selecting this I was able to continue installation. This would all have been so much easier with clear instructions, better error messages and a more intelligent installer.


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This issue has been resolved. If you have a similar question please start a new thread to ensure your issue is being addressed in a timely manner.

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