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how to make an app default portrait but some screen support landscape too?

New Contributor I

I'm using XDK 3922, how to make an app default in portrait only but some screen support landscape too?

I need that just because I have a screen to view an video. In iOS, the app can be just set to portrait. When I view the video and rotate the device, it will becomes landscape even my app orientation is portrait only. However, in android, it won't rotate and I need to set its orientation to Default. But that will make all of my screens support landscape too. In case I can't make only certain screen support landscape. I will review all my screens look ok in landscape too.

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3 Replies
New Contributor I

I used the plugin cordova-plugin-screen-orientation but not work. In iOS, seems it even cause javascript error as codes after that statement not run. In android, there is no effect of


as app screen still rotate to landscape after rotate device. But

alert('Orientation is ' + screen.orientation.type);

output the correct device orientation.


env: iOS 10.3.1 iPhone 7

android 6.0 LG K8 LTE

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Last time I used that plugin I discovered the API calls varied as a function of the platform. Not sure if that is still true, but in case it is, you can steal from this code, which does work:

app.testToggleOrientation = function() {
    "use strict" ;
    var fName = "toggleOrientation():" ;
    app.consoleLog(fName, "entry") ;

    var str = "" ;
    var screenOrientation = "unknown" ;

    if( window.cordova ) {
        try {
            if( cordova.platformId.match(/ios/i) ) {
                screenOrientation = screen.orientation ;
            else if( cordova.platformId.match(/android/i) ) {
                screenOrientation = screen.orientation.type ;
            else {
                screenOrientation = "unknown" ;

            if( screenOrientation.match(/landscape/i) ) {
                screenOrientation = "portrait" ;
                screen.lockOrientation(screenOrientation) ;
            else if( screenOrientation.match(/portrait/i) ) {
                screenOrientation = "landscape" ;
                screen.lockOrientation(screenOrientation) ;
            else {
                screenOrientation = "unlocked" ;
                screen.unlockOrientation() ;

            str = "try succeeded, screen orientation set to: " + screenOrientation ;
            app.consoleLog(fName, str) ;
        catch(e) {
            str = "try failed: " + e ;
            app.consoleLog(fName, str) ;
            app.alert(str) ;

//    app.flashBackground("#"+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16), 0) ;
    app.consoleLog(fName, "exit") ;
} ;

app.windowEventOrientationChange = function() {
    "use strict" ;
    var fName = "windowEventOrientationChange():" ;

    var str = "" ;
    var screenOrientation = "unknown" ;

    if( window.cordova ) {
        if( cordova.platformId.match(/ios/i) )
            screenOrientation = screen.orientation ;
        else if( cordova.platformId.match(/android/i) )
            screenOrientation = screen.orientation.type ;

    str = "Screen orientation is: " + screenOrientation ;
    app.consoleLog(fName, str) ;
//    app.alert(str, 1000) ;
} ;
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", app.windowEventOrientationChange) ;


0 Kudos
New Contributor I

thanks, it is ok now after using your methods:

screen.lockOrientation, screen.unlockOrientation

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