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lost connection after micflash



I have a brand new Intel Phi 5110P installed in my workstation. Afer I installed MPSS-3.1, I ran "micflash -update -device all -smcbootloader" based on the installation instruction. However, the micsmc always report error mesaage such as "lost connection" and "no turbo mode support" after flash.Then I tried to reflash but always got "ERROR: micflash: mic0: SMC update failed: SMC buffer size exceeded (0x1)". Even after I unpluged the system power for a minute, the situation was unchanged. By the way, I always keep the mpss daemon off when I ran "micflash".

Any suggestion is appreciated!


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4 Replies

The buffersize error message doesn't worry me all that much. I know that, at 2.1, that error could be ignored. But the lost connection and no turbo mode support I don't know about. Do you know what stepping your card is? The directions you followed are for B1. For C0 you don't specify -smcbootloader. That's probably not what the problem is here but it wouldn't hurt to check. After you reran micflash, did the card go to the ready state? (micctrl --s)

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Actually I'm using the latest version of MPSS v3.1. I tried both of the following commands but failed with same error message "ERROR: micflash: mic0: SMC update failed: SMC buffer size exceeded (0x1)".
(1) micflash -update -device all
(2) micflash -update -device all -smcbootloader

I'm sure my device was on "ready" state when I applied these two commands. After micflash, the card went to ready state (check with micctrl -s). I can even use "service mpss start" to boot my card to "online" state. But the micinfo gave the strange output as follows after the card online
MicInfo Utility Log

Created Thu Oct 31 15:29:01 2013

System Info
HOST OS : Linux
OS Version : 2.6.32-358.23.2.el6.x86_64
Driver Version : 6720-21
MPSS Version : 2.1.6720-21
Host Physical Memory : 65936 MB

Device No: 0, Device Name: mic0

Flash Version : NotAvailable
SMC Firmware Version : NotAvailable
SMC Boot Loader Version : NotAvailable
uOS Version : NotAvailable
Device Serial Number : NotAvailable

Vendor ID : 0x8086
Device ID : 0x2250
Subsystem ID : 0x2500
Coprocessor Stepping ID : 3
PCIe Width : x16
PCIe Speed : 5 GT/s
PCIe Max payload size : 256 bytes
PCIe Max read req size : 512 bytes
Coprocessor Model : 0x01
Coprocessor Model Ext : 0x00
Coprocessor Type : 0x00
Coprocessor Family : 0x0b
Coprocessor Family Ext : 0x00
Coprocessor Stepping : B1
Board SKU : NotAvailable
ECC Mode : NotAvailable
SMC HW Revision : NotAvailable

Total No of Active Cores : 60
Voltage : 0 uV
Frequency : 947368 kHz

Fan Speed Control : NotAvailable
Fan RPM : NotAvailable
Fan PWM : NotAvailable
Die Temp : NotAvailable

GDDR Vendor : Elpida
GDDR Version : 0x1
GDDR Density : 2048 Mb
GDDR Size : 7936 MB
GDDR Technology : GDDR5
GDDR Speed : 5.000000 GT/s
GDDR Frequency : 2500000 kHz
GDDR Voltage : 0 uV

By the way, I never saw the blue light blink on the back of the card after I failed on micflash. I remember it should blink in blue at beginning. Does that mean hardware failure? 

Any further suggestions would be helpful.

Thank you!



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The micinfo output is saying you are still running MPSS 2.1. Could you try uninstalling that version and installing 3.1, using the directions for the readme for MPSS 3.1? I know it is a bother but I think it may help. If you still get the message about the buffer size being exceeded, just keep on going and reboot the system.

Also the micinfo output seems to be implying that the coprocessor is not booted. If the card is in the ready state, there will be information missing. I am wondering if that is part of the problem with the micsmc output. micsmc cannot connect to the coprocessor unless it is booted.

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Thank you for the suggestion. The card can be booted with "service mpss start" and I can get ready status with "micctrl -r". I tried all of them with fully uninstalled MPSS 2.1, new installed MPSS 3.1 and vice versa.

I do believe it is some problem with the hardware itself and I have asked the seller for a card replacement.

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