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micsmc : fonts are not diplayed correctly on X11


Dear All,

I have currently an issue with micsmc that doesn't seems to display the font correctly.

Since this is static binary, I cannot find what kind of fonts it should use and I get some black cube instead (seem screen cap here).

Can someone help give me advice ?

(Notice I display on my X11 on my Mac using X forwarding with SSH, there is NO X11 on the server where the Phi is. The OS used it CentOS 7, the Phi works like a charm).

Kind regards,

Capture d’écran 2015-02-05 à 10.32.07.png

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6 Replies

I looked at the source code for the micsmc GUI in the src directory that comes with the MPSS release. It looks like micsmc uses the 'segoe ui' font. You might need to download additional fonts to get that one. I don't know whether 'segoe ui' is available in the Font Book app that comes with OS X or not, but that is where I would start looking.

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I can't say I know for sure, but I would have expected the version of Qt used in that program to have defaulted to client-side font rendering, rather than the old server-side font mechanism. Is that font installed on the CentOS machine?

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New Contributor III

which font packages are installed on the CentOS server? it looks like micsmc can use quite a few fonts, e.g. from dejavu-sans-fonts , urw-fonts or xorg-x11-fonts-Type1



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Has this problem been resolved?  It looks like MPSS 3.6.1 might require fonts not included in the minimal server installation, but the installer isn't checking for them.

I see this bug with the following combinations:

1) CentOS 7.2 desktop and a CentOS 7.2 minimal server with Phi and MPSS 3.6.1

2) CentOS 6.4 desktop and a CentOS 7.2 minimal server with Phi and MPSS 3.6.1

The following work fine:

1) CentOS 7.2 desktop and a CentOS 6.6 minimal server with Phi and MPSS 3.5

2) CentOS 6.4 desktop and a CentOS 6.6 minimal server with Phi and MPSS 3.5

3) CentOS 6.4 desktop as display client and CentOS 7.2 development desktop with MPSS 3.6.1 but no Phis installed as server.

4) CentOS 7.2 desktop as display client and CentOS 7.2 development desktop with MPSS 3.6.1 but no Phis installed as server.

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Solved by "yum install xorg-x11-fonts-Type1"

Could this be a defect in the MPSS installation RPMs?  It appears the package above is installed by default in CentOS 6, but not CentOS 7.

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New Contributor III

strictly speaking: no

On my centos 6 box I do not have that font installed, yet the micscm-gui looks fine on my laptop. The thing to remember is that this is an X11 application - the fonts required are needed on the X11 DISPLAY server, not necessarily on the machine with the Xeon Phi in it.

It would be nice, of course, if the release notes or installation guide for the MPSS stack would mention that in order to use the micsmc-gui you need to have the font package "xorg-x11-fonts-Type1" installed on your X11 display server.


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