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problems with resolutions on vga with intel GMA 945

Hi, I'm having trouble with my LCD tv (Hyundai HLTU-37F2) and my new LG R400-5PM3V laptop running vista, In the manual of the LCD tv it says it only supports:
VGA 640x480 horizontal freq 31.5KHz Vertical Freq 60 Hz
SVGA 800x600 horizontal freq 35.1KHz Vertical Freq 56 Hz
SVGA 800x600 horizontal freq 37.9KHz Vertical Freq 60 Hz
XGA 1024x768 horizontal freq 48.4KHz Vertical Freq 60 Hz
SXGA 1280x1024 horizontal freq 64.0 KHz Vertical Freq 60 Hz
But GMA only shows 800x600, 1024x768 1280x768 1366x768. and of these only 800x600 and 1024x768 works on the tv.
MonInfo provides me with this info:

Windows description......... Allmn PnP-bildskrm
Manufacturer description.... 37V1A-A6A
Manufacturer................ YHI
Plug and Play ID............ YHI4C54
Serial number............... 83 (16100083)
EDID data source............ I2C bus (real-time)
Manufacture date............ 2006, ISO week 1
EDID revision............... 1.3
Display type and signal..... Analog 0.700,0.300 (1.0V p-p)
Sync input support.......... n/a
Screen size................. 820 x 460 mm (~39")
Power management............ Standby

Color characteristics
Display gamma............... 1,00
Red chromaticity............ Rx 0,637 - Ry 0,331
Green chromaticity.......... Gx 0,278 - Gy 0,600
Blue chromaticity........... Bx 0,149 - By 0,600
White point (default)....... Wx 0,313 - Wy 0,330

Timing characteristics
VESA GTF support............ Not supported
Horizontal scan range....... 29-60kHz (est.)
Vertical scan range......... 48-85Hz (est.)
Video bandwidth............. 85MHz (est.)
Extension blocks............ n/a
Timing recommendation #1.... 1366x768 at 60Hz
Modeline................ "1366x768" 76,000 1366 1398 1462 1560 768 769 772 806 +hsync +vsync
Timing recommendation #2.... 1366x768 at 60Hz
Modeline................ "1366x768" 76,000 1366 1398 1462 1560 768 769 772 806 +hsync +vsync

Standard timings supported
640 x 480 at 60Hz - IBM VGA
640 x 480 at 60Hz - VESA
640 x 480 at 72Hz - VESA
640 x 480 at 75Hz - VESA
640 x 480 at 85Hz - VESA
720 x 400 at 70Hz - IBM VGA
800 x 600 at 56Hz - VESA
800 x 600 at 60Hz - VESA
800 x 600 at 70Hz - VESA
800 x 600 at 72Hz - VESA
800 x 600 at 75Hz - VESA
800 x 600 at 85Hz - VESA
1024 x 768 at 60Hz - VESA
1024 x 768 at 70Hz - VESA
1024 x 768 at 75Hz - VESA
1366 x 768 at 60Hz - YHI

Raw EDID base
00: 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 65 09 54 4C 53 00 00 00
10: 01 10 01 03 00 52 2E 00 88 36 62 A3 54 47 99 26
20: 99 50 54 AF CE 00 45 59 31 59 61 4F 45 40 45 4A
30: 45 4F 31 40 31 4F B0 1D 56 C2 50 00 26 30 20 40 40: 13 00 34 CC 31 00 00 1E B0 1D 56 C2 50 00 26 30
50: 20 40 13 00 34 CC 31 00 00 1E 00 00 00 FD 00 32
60: 55 18 3C 08 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FC
70: 00 33 37 56 31 41 2D 41 36 41 0A 20 20 20 00 07

how can i make this work?

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8 Replies

Are you using VGA? HDMI?

Not sure what you're trying to do, but I assume you're trying to get 1366x768 (native resolution?) out of your monitor. Your monitor tells us that for 1366x768 it wants

B0 1D 56 C2 50 00 26 30 20 40 13 00 34 CC 31 00 00 1E

It seems pretty insistent about it, because it repeatsthis twice. :)

Unless your laptop VideoBIOS has been configured to specifically refuse to use 1366x768, by using this Wiki

with the DTD settings I provided above, you should be able to get 1366x768 out of the monitor. Unless you're using HDMI... then the problem may be that your monitor's internal circuitry will only accept 1920x1080 or 1280x720.

Let me know how it works out. If your manual doesn't say anything about 1366x768, it could be that they identified a problem with 1366x768 on that monitor in general and took all references to it out of the manual because they didn't want you to try something that they knew wouldn't work.

0 Kudos
I'm trying to get either 1366x768 (preferrably) or 1280x1024 to work.
I've tried changing in the .inf file but the problem remains. When I choose 1366x768 it just jumps back into 800x600 somehow.

I'm using VGA ->VGA
0 Kudos

Check the registry for "DTD" to verify that your settings are being written there. Some people have to uninstall and reinstall the drivers to get it to "take". Alternatively, some vendors forbid certain resolutions in the BIOS, even if they make it to the registry. You might have to try 1360x768 instead. Let me know the exact process you follow and what happens when it "switches back" to 800x600.

0 Kudos
The data has made it into registry.
When i try to change settings i do it by opening the Intel graphics media accelerator driver icon in systemtray. Then i choose 1366x768 and press "apply" then it changes into 800x600 for some reason.
0 Kudos

Immediately changes back, or the screen goes blank for~15 seconds and then it changes back to 800x600?

If it's immediate, I don't have a good answer for you. I've not encountered that behavior before. Your best bet is to go to Intel's support site at

If it's about 15 seconds before it changes back, then it's a problem with the EDID reported by your monitor: despite the fact that it claims it likes that DTD for 1360x768, the monitor does not, in fact, work with it, and thus you never see the screen which says, "Would you like to keep these resolution settings?" and it switches back to 800x600 automatically to be safe. If that's the case, we can try to find you a timing which works. But I'm turning up very littleabout your monitor with Google, so it may be a bit tricky.

0 Kudos
When i try with the intel application it just goes right back to 800x600 immidatly, however i tried to change it by going into the monitor settings via the control panel and there the screen went blank for 15 seconds when i changed to 1366x768.
0 Kudos


Sorry, I missed this coming back from vacation. Hard to tell what's going on here, exactly. You might want to try the technique found here:

Your command line would be

setup.exe -res 1366x768x32x60

(this would be from the driver directory you extracted to)

If that doesn't work, I'm not really able to help. You've exhausted my expertise on the driver side.

You might want to try

B0 1D 50 C8 50 00 26 30 20 40 13 00 34 CC 31 00 00 1E

which is 1360x768. It doesn't sound to me like your computer is exhibiting the symptoms of VideoBIOS refusal, but perhaps I'm not reading you right. It's worth a shot.

Good luck to you!

0 Kudos

more Info:

I downloaded MoreInfo and ran it, I didn't know what you exactly need from it so I'm just putting the first page of results here:

Manufacturer............. LPL
Plug and Play ID......... LPLC000
Data string.............. LGPhilipsLCD LP141WX1-TLB4
Serial number............ n/a
Manufacture date......... 2006, ISO week 0
EDID revision............ 1.3
Input signal type........ Digital
Color bit depth.......... Undefined
Display type............. RGB color
Screen size.............. 300 x 190 mm (14.0 in)
Power management......... Not supported
Extension blocs.......... None
DDC/CI................... Not supported

Color characteristics
Default color space...... Non-sRGB
Display gamma............ 2.20
Red chromaticity......... Rx 0.585 - Ry 0.344
Green chromaticity....... Gx 0.337 - Gy 0.539
Blue chromaticity........ Bx 0.157 - By 0.145
White point (default).... Wx 0.313 - Wy 0.328
Additional descriptors... None

Timing characteristics
Range limits............. Not available
GTF standard............. Not supported
Additional descriptors... None
Preferred timing......... Yes
Native/preferred timing.. 1280x800p at 60Hz (16:10)
Modeline............... "1280x800" 71.000 1280 1328 1360 1440 800 803 809 823 -hsync -vsync

Standard timings supported

Report information
Date generated........... 11/1/2008
Software revision........
Raw data................. 00,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,00,32,0C,00,C0,00,00,00,00,00,10,01,03,80,1E,13,78,0A,C4,40,95,58,56,8A,28,
......................... 25,50,54,00,00,00,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,BC,1B,00,A0,50,20,17,30,30,20,
......................... 36,00,30,BE,10,00,00,18,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,FE,00,4C,
......................... 47,50,68,69,6C,69,70,73,4C,43,44,0A,00,00,00,FE,00,4C,50,31,34,31,57,58,31,2D,54,4C,42,34,00,8B

I see a 1360 up there and that made me happy!

So what shall I do.

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