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provisioning profile does not match your selected certificate



I am using my existing apple development certificates and provisioning profiles, while importing existing p12 file in developer certificates section i am getting this error : "Error: Your mobile provisioning profile does not match your selected certificate. Please see the Intel XDK FAQs for information on how to fix this."

Steps : 

1 ) I created the certificate Signing Request file from my mac PC and imported that to apple developer account to create new development certificate. 

2) After downloading the ios_development.cer, I created the p12 file by simply double click and exporting private key

3) Browse this p12 to intelXDK development certificate and also enter the passphase for the certificate which I created while exporting the p12 file.. Now certificate is visible in Build certificate section (Developer Certificate)

4) Now I created the development provisioning profile by selecting the above created apple development certificate and also selected the devices..

5) assigned the above download certificate to the development provisional profile section..

Now When I Build the application in Development Mode.. I am getting the following error

"Error: Your mobile provisioning profile does not match your selected certificate. Please see the Intel XDK FAQs for information on how to fix this."

Please Help me out ASAP

Thank in Advance 





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1 Reply

Varun -- sometimes the self-signing process using a Mac fails, for a variety of obscure reasons. Try using the "windows system" process to create your certificate. That is, follow the instructions provided for Windows developers, it should work. In that case you will NOT use you Mac keystore to create a P12, you will pretend that you are developing on a Windows machine and use that process.

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