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reduce frame rate in cpp


Dear All,


The below is my code which i found in sample browser.It is displaying the joint informations very fastly. Kindly helping e in reducing the rate.Please let me know where top modify

#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>

#include "pxcsensemanager.h"
#include "pxcmetadata.h"
#include "service/pxcsessionservice.h"

#include "pxchanddata.h"
#include "pxchandconfiguration.h"

#include "Definitions.h"

bool g_live = false; // true - Working in live camera mode, false - sequence mode
bool g_gestures = false; // Writing gesture data to console ouput
bool g_alerts = false; // Writing alerts data to console ouput
bool g_skeleton = false; // Writing skeleton data (22 joints) to console ouput
bool g_default = false; // Writing hand type to console ouput
bool g_stop = false; // user closes application

std::wstring g_sequencePath;

PXCSession *g_session;
PXCSenseManager *g_senseManager;
PXCHandModule *g_handModule;
PXCHandData *g_handDataOutput;
PXCHandConfiguration *g_handConfiguration;

void releaseAll();

BOOL CtrlHandler( DWORD fdwCtrlType ) 

  switch( fdwCtrlType ) 
    // Handle the CTRL-C signal. 
    case CTRL_C_EVENT: 

    // confirm that the user wants to exit. 
      g_stop = true;    
      return( TRUE ); 
      return FALSE; 

void main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    int alpo;

    Definitions::appName = argv[0];

    SetConsoleCtrlHandler( (PHANDLER_ROUTINE) CtrlHandler, TRUE );
    if(argc < 2)

    // Setup
    g_session = PXCSession::CreateInstance();
        std::printf("Failed Creating PXCSession\n");

    /* Optional steps to send feedback to Intel Corporation to understand how often each SDK sample is used. */
    PXCMetadata * md = g_session->QueryInstance<PXCMetadata>();
    if(md) {
        pxcCHAR sample_name[] = L"Hands Console";
        md->AttachBuffer(PXCSessionService::FEEDBACK_SAMPLE_INFO, (pxcBYTE*)sample_name, sizeof(sample_name));

    g_senseManager = g_session->CreateSenseManager();
        std::printf("Failed Creating PXCSenseManager\n");

    if(g_senseManager->EnableHand() != PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
        std::printf("Failed Enabling Hand Module\n");

    g_handModule = g_senseManager->QueryHand();
        std::printf("Failed Creating PXCHandModule\n");

    g_handDataOutput = g_handModule->CreateOutput();
        std::printf("Failed Creating PXCHandData\n");

    g_handConfiguration = g_handModule->CreateActiveConfiguration();
        std::printf("Failed Creating PXCHandConfiguration\n");

    // Iterating input parameters
    for (int i=1;i<argc;i++)
        if (strcmp(argv,"-live")==0)

        if (strcmp(argv,"-seq")==0)
            std::string tmp(argv[i+1]);

        if (strcmp(argv,"-gestures")==0)
            std::printf("-Gestures Are Enabled-\n");
            g_gestures = true;

        if (strcmp(argv,"-alerts")==0)
            std::printf("-Alerts Are Enabled-\n");
            g_alerts = true;

        if (strcmp(argv,"-skeleton")==0)
            std::printf("-Skeleton Information Enabled-\n");
            g_skeleton = true;

    // Apply configuration setup

    // run sequences as fast as possible
        g_handConfiguration = NULL;

    g_default = !(g_alerts && g_gestures && g_skeleton); 
    pxcI32 numOfHands = 0;

    // First Initializing the sense manager
    if(g_senseManager->Init() == PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
        std::printf("\nPXCSenseManager Initializing OK\n========================\n");

            std::printf("Number of hands: %d\n",numOfHands);

        // Acquiring frames from input device
        while(g_senseManager->AcquireFrame(true) == PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR && !g_stop)
            // Get current hand outputs
            if(g_handDataOutput->Update() == PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
                // Display alerts
                    PXCHandData::AlertData alertData;
                    for(int i = 0 ; i < g_handDataOutput->QueryFiredAlertsNumber() ; ++i)
                        if(g_handDataOutput->QueryFiredAlertData(i,alertData) == PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
                            std::printf("%s was fired at frame %d \n",Definitions::AlertToString(alertData.label).c_str(),alertData.frameNumber);

                // Display gestures
                    PXCHandData::GestureData gestureData;
                    for(int i = 0 ; i < g_handDataOutput->QueryFiredGesturesNumber() ; ++i)
                        if(g_handDataOutput->QueryFiredGestureData(i,gestureData) == PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
                            std::wprintf(L"%s, Gesture: %s was fired at frame %d \n",Definitions::GestureStateToString(gestureData.state),,gestureData.frameNumber);

                // Display joints
                    PXCHandData::IHand *hand;
                    PXCHandData::JointData jointData;
                    for(int i = 0 ; i < g_handDataOutput->QueryNumberOfHands() ; ++i)
                        std::string handSide = "Unknown Hand";
                        handSide = hand->QueryBodySide() == PXCHandData::BODY_SIDE_LEFT ? "Left Hand" : "Right Hand";

                        for(int j = 0 ; j < 22 ; ++j)
                            if(hand->QueryTrackedJoint((PXCHandData::JointType)j,jointData) == PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
                                std::printf("     %s)\tX: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f \n",Definitions::JointToString((PXCHandData::JointType)j).c_str(),jointData.positionWorld.x,jointData.positionWorld.y,jointData.positionWorld.z);

                // Display number of hands
                    if(numOfHands != g_handDataOutput->QueryNumberOfHands())
                        numOfHands = g_handDataOutput->QueryNumberOfHands();
                        std::printf("Number of hands: %d\n",numOfHands);

            } // end if update

        } // end while acquire frame
    } // end if Init

        std::printf("Failed Initializing PXCSenseManager\n");
    scanf("%d", &alpo);
    std::printf("reached end\n");

void releaseAll()
        g_senseManager = NULL;
        g_session = NULL;

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2 Replies

Which frame rate did you want to reduce? Could you detail your question?

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Valued Contributor II

You could select a different frame rate when you enable the streams.

Or just wait a bit before calling AcquireFrame.

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