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transfering to a newPC


I have Intel Parallel Studio xe2015 installed on my current PC (running windows 7) with an academic license that I was granted in 2015 and am now about to buy a new PC running Windows 10. How do i go about transferring to the new machine? Do I have to download from the web? Do i have to get a new license or can i copy it to the new machine? I would be really grateful for advice o how to proceed!!!

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1 Reply

Hi Thomas,

Transferring the older version of Intel Parallel Studio 2015 to a new machine depends on the type of license that is being used,

For named user license:
1) Download the product.
2) Open the installer and accept the license agreement.
3) Activate the license.
Place the license file (*.lic) in the appropriate directory, making sure not to change the license file name.

Note 1: If the INTEL_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is defined, use that directory instead of the default directory for your operating system.

On Microsoft Windows*: <installation drive>\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\Licenses
On Linux*: /opt/intel/licenses
On macOS*: /Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/Intel/Licenses
Note 2: You will likely need administrative or root privileges to copy the license to the named directory.
4) After activation press the Install button to start the installation process.

For Floating license:
1) Install Intel Software License Manager on a host machine.
2) Make sure to use the client's license file for the floating serial number. Place the license file (*.lic) in the appropriate directory, making sure not to change the license file name:

Note 3: If the INTEL_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is defined, use that directory instead of the default directory for your operating system.

On Microsoft Windows*: <installation drive>\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\Licenses
On Linux*: /opt/intel/licenses
On macOS*: /Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/Intel/Licenses

Note 4: You will likely need administrative or root privileges to copy the license to the named directory.

Note 5: Copying only the installed product files is not recommended, as it may sometime do not link the libraries to your IDE's.

In case of any issues please feel free to open a ticket through below link: ;



Nikky Priya

Intel Developer Zone

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