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How to calculate the number of sets in each LLC slice (Something wrong)


Dear all,


Hello, This question is seemingly simple but I have trouble getting the number of sets in each LLC slice. I currently use INTEL(R) XEON(R) SILVER 4510T CPU, which has 12 physical cores.


Below is the result of "$ lscpu --cache"




Interestingly, the number of sets is 32,768 and the number of LLC slices is 12.


When I calculate the number of sets per slice with the following equations,,,

(number of sets per slice  =  cache size per slice / (cache line size * associativity))


number of set per slice = (2.5*1024*1024 / (64 * 15)) = 2,730.66666666


Thus, I cannot find the number of sets per slice in my CPU,


Is there anyone who can help me?





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1 Reply
Honored Contributor III

The Skylake Xeon and Cascade Lake Xeon servers have 1.875 MiB of LLC per slice, not 2.5 MiB.  Your Xeon Silver 4510T must have 16 LLC slices to provide the 30 MiB of cache.  The associativity of each set is 15-way, consistent with 2048 sets in each LLC slice.    


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