Software Tuning, Performance Optimization & Platform Monitoring
Discussion regarding monitoring and software tuning methodologies, Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) of Intel microprocessors, and platform updating.

[PCM]QPI Link Power Management is abnormal


 HI All

    when I disabled Intel QPI Link Power Management in BIOS , I found the L0P and L1 are not zero . 

    I checked the source code , the PCM read those registers :  devide 8 , Function 2 offset A0h ~ A7h and A8h~AFh

    why don't read device 8 , Function 0 offset ACh and B8h ,  these registers will be 0 when I disabled QPI Link Power Management. 

    And they will be non-zero when I enabled QPI Link Power Management.

    Does anyone call explain these registers for me?

    Thank you for your help


  this is dumped data when enabled

Time elapsed: 9993 ms
Called sleep function for 10000 ms
S0P0; QPIClocks: 8072779692; L0p Tx Cycles: 97.80%; L1 Cycles: 0.78%
S0P1; QPIClocks: 8072859916; L0p Tx Cycles: 97.80%; L1 Cycles: 0.78%
S0CH0; DRAMClocks: 4031559734; Rank0 CKE Off Residency: 86.18%; Rank0 CKE Off Average Cycles: 1376; Rank0 Cycles per transition: 1597
S0CH0; DRAMClocks: 4031559734; Rank1 CKE Off Residency: 90.45%; Rank1 CKE Off Average Cycles: 2613; Rank1 Cycles per transition: 2889
S0CH1; DRAMClocks: 0; Rank0 CKE Off Residency: -1.#J%; Rank0 CKE Off Average Cycles: -1; Rank0 Cycles per transition: -1


this is dumped data when disabled

Time elapsed: 9994 ms
Called sleep function for 10000 ms
S0P0; QPIClocks: 23517446722; L0p Tx Cycles: 0.02%; L1 Cycles: 0.17%
S0P1; QPIClocks: 23517446870; L0p Tx Cycles: 0.02%; L1 Cycles: 0.16%
S0CH0; DRAMClocks: 11762726225; Rank0 CKE Off Residency: 156823713489.93%; Rank0 CKE Off Average Cycles: 4549785055301; Rank0 Cycles per transition: 2901
S0CH0; DRAMClocks: 11762726225; Rank1 CKE Off Residency: 156823713489.88%; Rank1 CKE Off Average Cycles: 7424862454273; Rank1 Cycles per transition: 4734


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