Software Tuning, Performance Optimization & Platform Monitoring
Discussion regarding monitoring and software tuning methodologies, Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) of Intel microprocessors, and platform updating.

intel vtune errors


this are the errors while

[kiran@sdp1 clustalw-mpi-0.13]$ amplxe-cl -collect advanced-hotspots -r profileadv ./clustalw-mpi -infile=CFTR.input -newtree=CFTR.mytr
amplxe: Error: Cannot start data collection. nmi_watchdog interrupt capability is enabled on your system, which prevents collecting accusampling data. Please disable nmi_watchdog interrupt or see the Troubleshooting section of the product documentation for details.
amplxe: Error: Cannot enable Hardware Event-based Sampling: problem with the driver (sep*/sepdrv*). Check that the driver is running and is in the current user group list. See "Building and Managing the Sampling Driver" help topic for further details.
amplxe: Warning: On some systems based on the Intel microarchitecture code name Nehalem / Westmere with C-states enabled, this analysis stem hanging due to a known hardware issue (see errata AAJ134 in To avo, disable all "Cn(ACPI Cn) report to OS" BIOS options before sampling with VTune Amplifier on such systems.
[kiran@sdp1 clustalw-mpi-0.13]$ amplxe-cl -collect advanced-hotspots -r profileadv ./clustalw-mpi -infile=CFTR.input -newtree=CFTR.mytre
amplxe: Error: Cannot start data collection. nmi_watchdog interrupt capability is enabled on your system, which prevents collecting accusampling data. Please disable nmi_watchdog interrupt or see the Troubleshooting section of the product documentation for details.
amplxe: Error: Cannot enable Hardware Event-based Sampling: problem with the driver (sep*/sepdrv*). Check that the driver is running and is in the current user group list. See "Building and Managing the Sampling Driver" help topic for further details.
amplxe: Warning: On some systems based on the Intel microarchitecture code name Nehalem / Westmere with C-states enabled, this analysis stem hanging due to a known hardware issue (see errata AAJ134 in To avo, disable all "Cn(ACPI Cn) report to OS" BIOS options before sampling with VTune Amplifier on such systems.
[kiran@sdp1 clustalw-mpi-0.13]$
[kiran@sdp1 clustalw-mpi-0.13]$ amplxe-cl -collect advanced-hotspots -r profileadv ./clustalw-mpi -infile=CFTR.input -newtree=CFTR.mytre
amplxe: Error: Cannot start data collection. nmi_watchdog interrupt capability is enabled on your system, which prevents collecting accusampling data. Please disable nmi_watchdog interrupt or see the Troubleshooting section of the product documentation for details.
amplxe: Error: Cannot enable Hardware Event-based Sampling: problem with the driver (sep*/sepdrv*). Check that the driver is running and is in the current user group list. See "Building and Managing the Sampling Driver" help topic for further details.
amplxe: Warning: On some systems based on the Intel microarchitecture code name Nehalem / Westmere with C-states enabled, this analysis stem hanging due to a known hardware issue (see errata AAJ134 in To avo, disable all "Cn(ACPI Cn) report to OS" BIOS options before sampling with VTune Amplifier on such systems.
[kiran@sdp1 clustalw-mpi-0.13]$ echo $nmi_watchdog

[kiran@sdp1 clustalw-mpi-0.13]$ echo $NMI_WATCHDOG

[kiran@sdp1 clustalw-mpi-0.13]$ amplxe-cl -R hotspots -source-object function=calc_score -r profile/
amplxe: Using result path `/home/kiran/installdir/clustalw-mpi-profile/clustalw-mpi-0.13/profile'
amplxe: Executing actions 50 % Generating a report

amplxe: Error: An internal error has occurred. Our apologies for this inconvenience. Please gather a description of the steps leading upnd contact the Intel customer support team.

vcs/dvt/src/dicer/dvt_dicer_provider_query_impl.cpp(332): gen_helpers2::error_code_t dvt6_1::ProviderQueryImpl::executeQueryImpl(gen_hel_1::ITableTree> &, msngr2::IProgress *, int): IsNot Valid State
amplxe: Executing actions 100 % done
amplxe: Error: Error 0x40000024 (Reporter error)

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1 Reply

Hello kiran,

Can you post this to the vtune forum? You will get quicker/more accurate responses.


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