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AC-8260 Huge connection problems


Hello, I just bought a new Lenovo Y700 with AC 8260 adapter, but my WiFi connection has some terrible issues. It's very slow and frequently disconnecting.

I discovered that I can somewhat bypass the problem by setting the adapter to connect with 802/11b only mode. This gives me stable 11 Mb/s speed, but still disconnects from time to time. If I set it to anything else, it fluctuates between 54 Mb/s and 1 Mb/s and disconnects almost every minute. I know it's not a router problem because I use it with other devices without a problem. I also have the newest drivers from intel site. I'd like to know what should I do differently.

Here is how my adapter wireless settings look:

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1 Solution

I worked around the problem by purchasing a new access point with ac compability. Looks like that's the only solution here.

View solution in original post

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9 Replies

Hello Garrox,



We understand your system is showing connectivity issues and setting the adapter to 802.11b helps with this situation. Here are some items for your consideration:



- Please check with the http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/topics/OEMs.html Computer Manufacturer Support and make sure you are using their recommended drivers, configuration and system updates.



- Apply the configuration from the Advisory: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/000005544.html Recommended Settings for 802.11n Connectivity.



- Try placing the computer closer to access point and check if this helps.



If the issue persists, please provide the following information:



- https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25293/Intel-System-Support-Utility Download Intel® System Support Utility, run the tool with the connection working fine and use it to create a report with all sections, on the next screen, Save the report to a file. Then use the Advanced editor options to add the resulting XML file to your post as an attachment.



- Router model and firmware version.





Jonathan B.
0 Kudos

I am having the same problem with a brand new Lenovo Yoga. Anytime I connect the laptop to the wireless network it slowly (over the course of a minute or so) degrades the wireless network to the point where virtually all wireless traffic stops. If I have another wireless client connected at the same time (and downloading a file) you can watch the speed start to drop drastically after connecting the Yoga with the 8260 card. If I disconnect the Yoga the other clients speed begins to pick up and resume to normal. I have tried this laptop on three wireless networks that I administrate (one Linksys, one Netgear, one a hospital Cisco network) with the same results. The laptop was just shipped back from depot repair at Lenovo to repair the faulty wireless radio (board and radio replaced) and still experience the same problems. Most current drivers are installed and firmware updates on both home routers were done.

The issue is for sure the card.... has to be.

0 Kudos

I have the same issues with my Intel Dual Band AC 3165. I have opened a thread here ( )


Could you please run CMD as Administrator, type netsh wlan show wlanreport and tell us if you're experiencing frequent 11004 11010 events? (Wireless security started / stopped)


That's what's happening on my laptop.
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Setting up right next to the access point helps with the stability, but going as far as 10 feet away from it makes it practically unusable. Changing settings and upgrading / downgrading drivers doesn't change anything.

Here is the log from SSU.

My router is D-Link DAP-1160 Firmware Version: v1.41.

@ reavcn I have about 3-5 of those events every session. I don't know if that's a lot.

0 Kudos

Hello Garrox,



Thank you for the information, here are some important aspects for your consideration:



- The D-Link DAP-1160 is an 802.11g access point, released in 2007, it has a maximum data rate of 54 Mbps. This device has been phased out by the manufacturer.


The Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 works better at 2x2 802.11ac, with a theoretical maximum bandwidth of 867 Mbps. The difference in technologies may be the main cause of the problem.



- The driver you are using is not the one recommended for your configuration. Please contact the http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/topics/OEMs.html Computer Manufacturer Support and update to their latest driver. If the issue persists, try using our latest generic version, https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/26598/Wireless-Intel-PROSet-Wireless-Software-and-Drivers-for-Windows-10?product=86068 Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and Drivers for Windows® 10 [19.40.0].



- Disable the Bluetooth* component in your PC. This is normally done with a switch in the chassis, or a key combination.



- If possible, try connecting to a 802.11ac access point and check if the issue persists.



- There are a few configuration changes you can make in the http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/000005585.html Advanced Intel® Wireless Adapter Settings, this will limit the capabilities of the 8260 and may improve compatibility with your access point:



1. HT Mode: Disabled


2. Wireless Mode: 802.11b and 802.11g





Jonathan B.
0 Kudos

I worked around the problem by purchasing a new access point with ac compability. Looks like that's the only solution here.

0 Kudos

Hello Garrox,

It is good to know that using a newer Wireless access point helped you resolve the issue. We are sure other users will also benefit from your experience.

azeralili , please keep in mind that in this specific case, the AP was using technology from almost 10 years ago. If this is also your case, please apply the recommendations mentioned before and provide the details and logs requested as well.


If the environment you have is different, it would be better to create a new thread in the /community/tech/wireless Intel® Wireless Communities, or http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/contact-support.html Contact Support to engage your local support center.



Jonathan B.
0 Kudos



I have the same problem with Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 460 wireless network adapter intel dual band wireless ac 8260. I try several way to solve issue: try tochange configuration of wireless adapter, try several driver versions. The problem most likely depends on the distance, as closer to access points connection is good. But when in i move a few steps away from access point time outs are begin to appear. Purchasing a new access point with ac compatibility also is not a solution. I can only change access point only at home, what to do at work or at other public places.
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i never could get the intel dual band wireless-ac 8260 chipset to work reliably in several new (VERY expensive) Panasonic CF-54 laptops.

I tried everything I could think of and many suggestions from the internet as well. nothing worked. the chipset was balky in connecting if it would connect at all, and when it did connect, it was almost always REALLY, REALLY, REALLY slow! And this was the case on multiple routers, both old and new.

In complete despair, I finally decided to completely nuke the MASSIVE (and as far as I could tell - nearly useless) set of bloatware known as Intel Proset/Wireless and instead just install the basic Intel WiFi drivers and let Microsoft manage the WiFi, which Microsoft has almost always done flawlessly.

Here's what I did:

1. Download the barebones Intel drivers for the 8260 wifi chipset from here:


And don't be fooled by the the Proset page title: the first set of downloads on the page are the barebones drivers WITHOUT Proset. (When the filename does not include the word "Proset", then they are barebones.) For my Windows 7 x64 system, I downloaded was WiFi_20.0.2_Driver64_Win7.zip:


2. Unzip the downloaded driver file, but don't do anything else with it yet.

3. Go to Programs and Features in Control Panel and Uninstall the installed Intel Proset/Wirless software. Remove everything, including "settings".

4. Next, manually delete the two intel wifi driver files from Windows/system32/drivers, namely netwfw02.sys and netwfw02.dat OR netwfw04.sys and netwfw04.dat (or perhaps some other number besides 02 or 04). This is a precautionary step, because uninstalling intel driver software lately does not actually delete the old driver files, and I've had replacement intel driver installs silently fail because they were unable to delete and/or replace existing driver files, leaving a total mess. (The worse case i've encountered is that uninstalling the intel HD Graphics 520 display drivers leaves over 200 driver files that have to be manually deleted AFTER uninstalling, because if they are not manually deleted, the new driver bundle will absolutely NOT install correctly leaving things like graphics acceleration completely broken.)

5. Now go back to the unzipped barebones wifi drivers folder and execute DPInst64.exe followed by executing iprodifx.exe.

And that should be it. Windows should popup a balloon from the taskbar telling you that a new wifi device has been installed and you should be good to go. Not only should the intel wifi now function flawlessly, but you've also eliminated a massive amount of unnecessary bloatware, including several background processes that run at all times, consuming both CPU and memory.
