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Bluetooth para de funcionar após a atualização do driver para


Quando fui atualizar os drivers do meu notebook, o driver do Bluetooth na versão não conecta mais com nenhum dispositivo, já testei com diversos dispositivos e nenhum conectou ao notebook, sempre mostrando a mensagem que não é possível conectar. Computador de 2023 com o Windows 11

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3 Replies

Hi, LucasPessoa.

Por favor, esteja ciente de que eu só posso apoiá-lo em inglês. Eu usei uma ferramenta de tradução web para traduzir esta resposta, portanto, pode haver alguma tradução imprecisa.

Thank you for posting in the Intel Communities. We would be more than glad to help you solve the problem (Bluetooth stops working after the driver updates to

To better assist you, we would like to ask for the following details: 

  • Has the Bluetooth driver worked before?
  • As you mentioned, you've tried to update your laptop's drivers, including your Bluetooth driver in version, but it no longer connects with any other device. May we know, if there were any recent changes you made to the system before the issue occurred?
  • May we know the reason why you updated the Bluetooth driver?

Moreover, kindly provide us with your SSU, as it would really help us if we could get more information about your system.

To provide the Intel SSU logs:

  1. Download the Intel® System Support Utility and save the application to your system. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/18377/intel-system-support-utility-for-windows.html 
  2. Open the application, tick Everything, and click Scan to see system and device information. The Intel® System Support Utility defaults to the Summary View on the output screen following the scan. Click the menu where it says summary to change to Detailed View. 
  3. To save your scan, click Next and click Save. You can save the file to any accessible location on your computer. 
  4. Attach the text file here.

Best regards,

Von M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hi, LucasPessoa.

I hope you are doing fine. Were you able to check the previous post regarding the following details that we asked for?

Kindly let us know if you still need assistance.

Best regards,

Von M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hi, LucasPessoa.

I trust you're doing well.

I have not heard back from you we will close this inquiry now. If you need further assistance, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.

Best regards,

Von M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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