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Difference between 622AN.HMWG and 622AN.HMWWB



i am going to upgrade the wlan card of my notebook as 5Ghz is essential for me. My notebook is an asus N82JV and it seems i need the 622AN.HMWG.

At the usual local marketplaces i' only able to buy the HMWWB.

What is the difference between those cards? Would the HMWWB do also the job where the HMWG would?

Unfortunately i can't find any informations on the intel website.

Thanks in advance.

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5 Replies

The answer couldn't be that hard.

If I look at other posts I'm in general not impressed how "quick" or often Intel employees are answering.

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Hope this is quick enough... I'm still working on your original question.

There is a great (it's mine ) support article that talks about http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-031167.htm replacing your wireless card with links to possible issues. A couple of items you don't say but need to know about. Contact your OEM first - they can tell you which card is compatible with your system. While you are at it, ask them if this laptop supports 5GHz. Your laptop is sold with 2.4GHz antenna only - it's possible that the OEM did not enable or install a 5GHz antenna on your system. Without the antenna your new card will not support 5GHz. Also, you don't mention what country you are in. This is very important for regulatory requirements as some countries have very specific regulations as to which frequencies are allowed.

Your best option is to contact the OEM and have them do the installation of the new card. Don't buy a card elsewhere hoping it will work. At best you wasted your money but at worst you risk damaging the laptop and/or card.



Intel Customer Support


Thank you for proving me wrong. It seems i had an wrong impression.

I'm from Germany and Asus isn't known to be quite helpful in regards to support here in Europe. But this isn't the place to discuss such things.

The laptop we talk about (N82JV) is also sold with a Intel Centrino based card in some countries (in the USA for example if I'm not mistaken). Looking at www.asusparts.eu reveals Asus seems to use 622AN.HMWG cards. I couldn't find a German shop selling those cards, but 622AN.HMWWB instead. It would be very helpfull for me as others with a bit tech.knowledge what the difference between such models is. I guess they aren't a secret, are they? If i would know, i could make a decision. Maybe the HMWG is an international version and the HMWWB a German specific? How should i know? I understand intel isn't supporting such upgrades done by customers and i also understand the "why". I'm also aware of the fact my laptop antenna could be designed to support 2,4Ghz only. In this case I'm technical able to replace the antenna (I really am ). However, chances are good the antenna is specified for both frequency bands, as most OEMs don't make things more complicated for themselves as reasonable (as using more different parts for models than absolutely needed).

So, if you could provide some technical document stating what a specific model is made for, it would be a real great things for us techies who didn't got a choice while buying (I would have paid more if I had got the option to get a 5Ghz Intel wifi card in this specific laptop, which exactly meets my needs in all other aspects).

You would help me, if you could tell me the exact difference between the mentioned cards and you would likely help also many many other people if you could provide some matrix with the differences of the most common models.

Thank you for your answer and sorry for being so inpatient.

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Well it seems i asked for some top secret stuff. I guess the product line an model features MUST be top secret as even Intel employees didn't know anything about their products. At least I get spam via your forum, that's great. Maybe i should go and ask the Nigeria-connection spammer "Sallie", chances of getting the information from him couldn't be that worse. Sorry, but I can't have any respect for Intel .. a company unable or unwilling to give information's about their product. Bye Bye i vote with my money and buy a product from another vendor.


Sorry about that - I did get your answer but forgot to post. Actually there is no difference between these adapters - the WG and WWB simply refer to the packaging size. The HMWG is the Generic SKU sold in minimum qty 100 and the HMWWB is the White Box SKU sold in minimum qty 10. You should check with your OEM to ensure that the laptop will accept the adapter you are planning to install. Also, there could be regulatory requirements that you need to meet for your country.

Installation or use of Intel® wireless adapters is subject to country-specific legal regulations. In certain countries, these products can only be installed in systems that have a system-level regulatory approval. This approval must be obtained by the manufacturer of the system (OEM/ODM) or the installer of this device. Before installing this device into a system, you must contact the manufacturer of the system, and determine if the product is approved for use in a specific system in a specific country. You are also required to follow the manufacturer's post-approval requirements.

If the manufacturer does not have the necessary approvals, the party installing the device is responsible for those approvals. Installing these adapters in an unauthorized system may be illegal.

The end user is not authorized to install these wireless adapters. They can only be installed by the manufacturer or its authorized representative.



Intel Customer Support

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