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I need msi package for Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software version 18.12.1 Windows 7 x64.


Where to download ?

I have version as msi and Setup.exe witch can be installed silent, but it does not Work when installed silent, only with full User interface.

Version 18.12.1 Works, but do not give me the posibility to install it silent.

Can anyone help ?

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

hello Plop,

Please check this link and let us know if this is what you are looking for: http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-030736.htm Silent Installation of Wireless Drivers and Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software

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This is not what i'm looking for. I know how to start a silent installation, the problem are that the software does not Work, after a silent installation.

If I install it with full User interface (Run Setup.exe or first msiexec /i Driver.msi and next msiexec /i Wifi.msi) it will install, and I can load my profile, made with the Administrative Tool All Works fine,

If I install it silent (by running msiexec /i Driver.msi /quiet, and then msiexec /i WiFi.msi /quiet) nothing happens when I load my profile afterwards.

If I install the msi packages with msiexec /i Driver.msi /passive, and msiexec /i Wifi.msi /passive it will installe and I can load my profile, BUT ! It's not silent, and the user have to click Yes to run a package named 382cfxx.msi for both Driver.msi and wifi.msi package (where xx on the name are continuous number that raise eace time it is started on the same computer)


I had and idea that the error was in the first version that I worked with ( but I have the same issues with version 18.12.0
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