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Intel Wireless 7260-N Problems



I firstly must say that i'm pretty angry right now. I have this laptop with this card for 2 years, and still have problems with your drivers.

This is my card, and I have more problems than i can imagine with it:

1. Constant disconnections, tried every driver version possible.

2. Slow speeds, 15mbps isn't acceptable considering the fact that i'm staying near my router, any other devices from my house work perfectly, just my laptop is faulty

3. This should be a wireless n card, right? I can't seem to find any "N featutures" in this card advanced properties.

4. In the Intel Proset/Wireless Tools, I can see only a profile importer, nothing else. 400MB for a profile importer isn't a good deal, right?

And btw, I have a Lenovo Z510 (core i7 version, not i5), so not a potato laptop, and Windows 10 was reinstalled a couple of weeks earlier.

I experienced 4 disconnections just by writing this post, so I would apreciate a fix asap. Thank you!

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26 Replies

Hello argustuft,



We'll keep our fingers crossed. Looking forward to reading your findings.



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

Hello argustuft,



We have not heard back from you in a while.



Did the clean driver only installation help resolve your issue?



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

Hi Carlos,

Thanks for the enquiry.

Having removed the Intel Pro/Set software I'm obviously not getting the ZeroConfig crashes any more. Not really sure what the Pro/Set software actually did but I haven't noticed any difference either way.

I'm not sure if the "driver only" install has achieved a whole lot. Connection speeds still fluctuate all over the place, up to 270mbps then down to 80mbps etc. Therefore still get video buffering that I never had in the past. Also there have been a few Wifi disconnections to the local network. I've tried the usual tricks like going into settings and "forget this network" and then reconnecting from scratch. But it doesn't resolve the issue. I don't think it's a router problem since my paired Iphone's Wifi connection is rock solid.

I have rerun the Intel Support tool and have attached the results below.

Maybe the problem still lies with the Windows Creator update and unforeseen issues it caused. I guess like everyone else I'll have to wait for some sort of a fix from them. A real PITA.

Kind Regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Argustuft,



Comparing this report to your previous one, we can definitely appreciate how bad the fluctuation is.



There's a new driver version set to be released soon, hopefully it should be ready within a month. This version will contain several fixes, some of which should help with your connectivity issues.



In the meantime, we can suggest trying an older driver instead:



- https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/26653/Intel-PROSet-Wireless-Software-and-Drivers-for-Windows-10 Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and Drivers for Windows® 10, version 19.50.1.


- Or the https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/26657/Intel-PROSet-Wireless-Software-and-Drivers-for-IT-Admins IT Admin version of the same for the driver only installation.



Let us know if this makes any difference.



Best regards,


Carlos A.


0 Kudos

Hi Carlos,

Thanks for all your help. I'll try your driver "roll-back" suggestion to see if there's any improvement in stability. But I wonder if Windows updates, which is set at Auto, will reinstall the latest drivers at a later date.

Hopefully the new driver version due out later will finally sort these problems out. We live in hope.

Kind Regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Argustuft,

Windows* updates are only able to provide the much older, generic inbox driver available through their update catalog, which is version Since the PROSet package linked in our last reply will install driver version for your 7260, there should be no risk of this driver being automatically overwritten.

If this older driver doesn't help, you can also uninstall the driver completely from device manager, then allow your OS to install their generic version and test that as well.

Best regards,


Carlos A.
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