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My updated drivers caused internet crash!


Can somebody ANYBODY out there PLEASE help me? I updated all drivers because my tabs were opening slow. Now they're running slower than MOLASSES!! I'm supposed to get 55mbps, but I've been getting 9, 10, 15!! I tried to roll back the Network driver and NOW my Bluetooth mouse is acting crazy! I should have prefaced this discussion by saying I am computer ILLITERATE when it comes to nomenclature and such, I have been TRYING to read up on how to connect my dual band router to my laptop which does NOT support 5g, and my eyeballs are about to explode...I'm close to tears...and pulling my eyebrows out my face!!!

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7 Replies
Super User

Your best support will come from you taking your pc/device to a local repair shop.

You have no computer skills, yet you diagnosed the problem and decided to update ALL drivers? Do you know what drivers you updated and why? Why do you think it is simply a driver issue?

TABs in your browser opening slowly can be affected by many things. You need the help of a repair shop or a friend to clean up your PC first.

And, when seeking assistance, provide information about your system, like:

  • Complete processor model number
  • Operating system and build information
  • What graphics you have
  • How much memory do you have
  • What model system/motherboard you have
  • What model wireless card do you have
  • What anti-virus product do you have
  • etc, etc, etc,

And, from where did you get all those drivers? Is it your computer running slow, or just your network connection?

How many programs or tasks are running? How many PUPs have you installed, perhaps unknowingly, from other websites, which only make your performance and network speed worse?

Coming here is a bit premature.


0 Kudos

Hello auntteek,

If you would like to learn more about wireless adapters, we offer a free online book that is quite a good place to start:

- https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/pdf/next-gen-80211ac-wifi-for-dummies.pdf Next-Gen 802.11ac Wi-Fi for Dummies - Intel® Special Edition

That aside, to see what type of suggestions we can provide, please share the following which will contain most of the necessary system information:

1. Download the latest https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25293 Intel® System Support Utility (SSU)


2. While connected to your WiFi network, run the scan for "everything."


3. Save and name the report.


Best regards,


Carlos A.



@Carlos A. Intel Corporation

Thank you soooo much!!!

0 Kudos

I pray I sent this correctly!!

0 Kudos

Hello auntteek,



Thank you for this report.



Looking at the details, we can see that your computer does not use Intel® Wireless Adapter. Instead it has a Dell* Wireless 1704 802.11b/g/n (single band).



Since the adapter is not supported by us, there is not much insight that we can provide. However, there does seem like there is a slightly newer driver available in your computer manufacturer's support website.



NOTE: Any links provided for third party tools or sites are offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel® of the content, products, or services offered there. We do not offer support for any third party tool mentioned here.



- http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/drivers/driversdetails?driverId=GR38D Dell* Wireless 1704 WiFi + Bluetooth® Driver


- http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/product-support/product/inspiron-15-3521/drivers Official Drivers & downloads for Dell Inspiron 3521*



If the issue persists, it may be caused by other factors, such as system corruption or malware. If that's the case, the best recommendation would be to engage your http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/topics/OEMs.html computer manufacturer support, or take your system to a local repair shop.



Alternatively, you can backup any important files, and perform a factory reset on your computer:



- https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17085/windows-8-restore-refresh-reset-pc How to refresh, reset, or restore your Windows 8.1* PC (remove everything and reinstall Windows*) - by Microsoft* Support



We hope this information helps.



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos


Thank you so much for your help...AGAIN!!

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