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Sporadic but recurring connection dropouts on an Intel 6235 wireless adapter


Dear all,

I have the same issues of intermittent sudden connection dropouts as reported by others with the Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6235 Wifi adapter and the Intel Proset 15.x drivers!

My system is a brandnew desktop computer with an Intel i7 3770 Quad-Core CPU, an Intel Z77 chipset, an Asrock Z77E-ITX mainboard, 16 GB of RAM, and Windows 7 64-bit.

Previously, I already encountered the issue with this adapter's predecessor, the Intel Centrino 6230 and only managed to resolve it by going back to an older driver version. If my memory is correct, the Intel Proset 14.x version range worked flawlessly, but the 15.x drivers lead to the dropouts (I always use 64-bit drivers).

These can occur randomly after 5 or after 50 minutes. The adapter suddenly disconnects and won't reconnect to the wireless network unless it is reset. The wireless router itself is fine as there are over a dozen devices from all types of brands that connect regularly to it without any problem at all.

The fact that the problem occurs on two different cards (6230 and 6235) leads me to believe that there is a driver problem.

On the 6235, going back to a 14.x driver does not seem to be an option on the table, because the device seems to be only supported by 15.x versions. I already tried going back from the recent 15.2 version to the previous 15.1.1 (after uninstalling through the device manager), but the problem still persists. Now I just went back to 15.1.0 and it's been ok so far, but i'm not very optimistic.

I have tried different changes in the driver settings but with no success. The problem persists!

I'd be thankful for a solution.

Best regards,


Edited 9/5/2014 by John S. (Intel Customer Support).

The "/message/169514# 169514 Sporadic but recurring connection dropouts on an Intel 6235 wireless adapter" thread will be locked. This thread will remain on the forum for you to reference, but no new posts will be possible on this thread.

The 17.1.0 version of Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and Drivers has fixes for connectivity related issues with the Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6235 wireless adapter. If you are still experiencing connectivity issues after installing the very latest software and drivers and you require further troubleshooting, please contact Intel Customer Support. If you prefer to ask questions, make comments, and/or receive answers on this support forum (Wireless Networking Support Community), please start a new thread or find an existing thread that matches your specific issue with your specific hardware/software.



http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support Intel Customer Support

1,128 Replies

Hard to understand how Intel can get this so wrong in the first place and still have no fix after all this time. My NP900X3C looses its wifi connectivity every 15 minutes or so. This is with the latest driver on Windows 8 x64.

Come on Intel. Standby your product.

0 Kudos

After having a long weekend and some time to test I found it to be exactly as described with my 6205 Adapter - so the problem definitly is not only the 6235!

I've been streaming video from my file server and 1-2 times per minute the video would stop, task manager showing no transfer happening, then after 3-4 seconds the video continues as if nothing had happened.

Switched to Wireless G the video runs without interruption, but copying files is incredibly slow (maxed out at ~8MBit)

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This is the exact issue I have with my Intel Centrino 6235 WiFi adapter in my Samsung Series 7 too Josef, it seems the more packets the WiFi adapter handles the slower it gets and then just stutters. Then after a while it will lose it's IP connection.

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i have an I5 dell studio 1569.. wil someone plz tell me how to find out which pixel shader do i have ???

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I can also report that the 20 HP Spectre 13 laptops we purchased recently are affected by the same issue. It is a shame that intel who call themselves a leader in the IT industry treat their customers with such utter contempt... Shame.

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Hello everyone!

I was just about to buy a Samsung Series 9 NP900X3E, when I saw a user review saying there are massive problems with the Intel 6235 wireless adapter, so I googled it and found this thread.

I am by no means an expert on this, and am now VERY concerned about whether I should proceed to buy it... therefore I would be really grateful for any help and advice!!


1. Is this problem in every laptop that has the 6235 adapter, or is it possible that some are fine? (Because if so, I'm thinking about returning the laptop if it has the problem, and keeping it if it doesn't.)

2. Is it possible that ONLY laptops with Win8 have the problem, whereas ones with Win7 do not?

(If that's the case, I would opt to buy the older version of the laptop that comes with Win7 Pro.)

Again, I would really appreciate any help and advice!


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I've a Samsung NP900X3D-A03, bought 2 months ago. Windows 8, Wifi Driver ist up to date vers. (installed with Samsung SW Upate), connection allways with 2.4 GHz. All other devices in the network works fine (Android Smartphone, Tablet, PC).

On the Samsung Ultrabook there are still Wifi Dropouts, about 3-4 times in 1 hour. In this case I turn on flightmode, and then turn off (so a new wifi connection is established). This works to the next Dropout....


Also tried:

Turn off 802n: no Dropouts, but this is *stoneage wifi" (I payed for a new ultrabook with newest technology). So it's not a real solution.

USB Wifi stick: this netgear stick works fine also with 802n -> it seems really a Intel Driver 6235 problem.

Still wait for a solution from Intel/Samsung.

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So what OS do you guys all have? Maybe the problem is only with Win8?

Not sure if this actually makes sense.

But if it's the case, one could try installing Win7 to ''solve'' the problem.

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Hi Byin,

I believe the problem is there in every card but doesn't present itself for whatever unknown reasons. If it was not affecting every card you would not see issues in multiple laptops and tablets as they all had mostly different build dates. It appears software updating fixes the card losing it's IP address as sporadically as it was. However I'm on my second laptop/card and while disconnects are infrequent I still have a stutter issue where the card will not transmit for 2-3 seconds. It effects SaaS, streaming and downloading large files. The other issue is I can never get above 80Mbps connection rate, even though the router is 6 feet away from the laptop.

I have tried Windows 7 as well as Windows 8 Pro and both had the issue.

I would get the Samsung Series 7 Chronos NP700Z5C-S02UB instead of the Series 9. It's a Quad Core, 8gigs of ram and comes with a DVD drive. I had the series 9 to test out and picked the Series 7 because it had much better overall performance especially with the NVIDIA Graphics versus the Intel.

Overall if you don't stream or download large files and don't log the WiFi card, the wireless does not become an issue because you won't notice it, which I think is why it's not as widely reported.

I'm in IT and electronics so it's something I would notice.

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Today I had to work on the laptop of my collegue.

As it was a fairly new HP I looked what card it has - and surely it has a 6205 just as my Lenovo.

I asked if he noticed any connection dropouts or slowdowns - he hadn't.

So we tried copying a 1GB file from our company's server to his notebook. Copying was at ~40% of the speed Windows showed and it would regularly stop transferring data for 2-3 seconds and then continue - just like most of us noticed.

So I think this indeed does happen to most (all) NICs and just some don't notice (he mostly uses the laptop for surfing the web and doing E-Mails).

One other quite "interesting" thing:

If I put my 6205 on Wireless N it regularly crashes our Cisco 1140 Access Point - I noticed this 2-3 times when I was working at another desk and was just online via Wifi - at some point the connection is down just like at home - but for 1-2 minutes (while the AP reboots) all our iPhones and other Notebooks loose connection.

The AP was stable the last week while I was on Wireless G - today I put my Notebook on N and as soon as I did everyone connected complained that the Wifi was down (ooops...!)

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I have exactly the same situation like "Stark". I disabled 802.11n mode, installed the new drivers and have less problems at the moment, but this is not a real solution.. All other devices in my network (tablet, PC, smartphones, Playstation, etc.) work fine, only the new Laptops have problems. But it is unbelievable that I bought two new Samsung machines some weeks ago for about 2000 Euro and nobody is really able and willing to help solve this problems.

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The problem is not isolated to Windows 8. It is just as prevalent on Windows 7. You are seeing more Win8 reports because the vast majority of new systems come with Win8 installed.

Update on my own situation (Win7 64-bit on Samsung NP530U4C-A01)...5GHz connection seems stable with latest drivers, but I'm still getting drops and "red Xs" when connected to 2.4GHz networks.

C'mon Intel, this is getting ridiculous.

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I recently purchased a Samsung Series 9 NP900X4C-A05AU. My wireless card recently updated itself and now it drops constantly. I have to continuously disconnect/forget the network just so I can try to connect again. I couldn't recall this happening before the update. I have spent a lot of money and I'm frustrated over this issue. Please release a fix for this issue!

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In an effort to assist Intel in isolating the dropout issue with their current driver I will attempt to post a comment on this thread each time I experience a dropout. So, I just had my first dropout a few minutes ago while watching a video on YouTube. As usual, after about 5 minutes of streaming the video, the picture froze, followed by the appearance of the yellow exclamation mark over the wireless icon in my system tray, then the message "an error has occurred" on the video. I disconnected from the network and reconnected, then restarted the video.

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Again, while watching a YouTube video, I experienced the same dropout. My Intel wireless adapter disconnected from the Internet, as indicated by the yellow exclamation mark over the wireless icon in the system tray, forcing me to disconnect from the network and reconnect to restore my connection.

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Once again, while watching an online video, my Internet connection dropped, forcing me to disconnect and reconnect the Intel network adapter.

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It happened again. Watching YouTube video, lost Internet. Yellow "!" over network icon. Disconnected and reconnected to restore connection. Intel representative, if you had a new computer whose network adapter lost connection to the Internet several times an hour, what would you do? Would you find this acceptable?

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Thank you very much for posting.

We continue monitoring for valuable information in order to provide feedback of the issues. Intel® is aware and actively trying to address the remaining issues not solved with the latest driver release.

I regret any inconvenience caused and thank you again for your understanding.


"Intel® is aware and actively trying to address the remaining issues not solved with the latest driver release."

Thank you Joe. Obviously, we as consumers would like our products to work properly, but speaking for myself, it makes me feel a little better knowing that Intel is actively working to correct the issue instead of kicking it to the OEM. I look forward to installing the updated drivers when they are available. I shall now cease posting after every dropout, trusting that skilled software engineers are working to correct the issue.


I'm having the same problems as reported, dropouts every half hour or so. I have to disconnect and reconnect the wireless to get it working again. (Samsung NP550P5C Win 8 64bit)

Have updated all drivers, trying both through Samsung's software and Intel direct and barely any change. Disabling 'N' does reduce the number of dropouts but is not an acceptable solution.

Please sort this out soon

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I recently purchased a Samsung Series 7 Ultra with the Centrino Advanced-N 6235 and experienced "Limited Connectivity" problems --meaning that the PC sporadically lost connection to the Internet (but not the router). A couple of days ago I unchecked "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" in the Properties' Power Management tab of the following devices: Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6235 and Intel Centrino Wireless Bluetooth 4.0 + High Speed Adapter (Control Panel > System and Security > System > Device Manager). I have not had a "Limited Connectivity" problem since.

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