oneAPI Registration, Download, Licensing and Installation
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1552 Discussions

AI Tools Selector - conda install not working


I am trying to install the AI tools using the command generated by the AI Tools Selector page, but it is not working.
The error makes it seem like the conda channels it is suggesting may be incorrect(?)


$ conda install -c intel -c conda-forge --override-channels scikit-learn-intelex intel-extension-for-tensorflow=2.14 tensorflow=2.14 intel-optimization-for-horovod= intel-extension-for-pytorch=2.0.120 pytorch=2.0.1 oneccl_bind_pt=2.0.200 torchvision=0.15.2 neural-compressor=2.3.1
Retrieving notices: ...working... done
 - intel
 - conda-forge
Platform: win-64
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed

LibMambaUnsatisfiableError: Encountered problems while solving:
  - nothing provides requested torchvision 0.15.2**
  - nothing provides requested tensorflow 2.14**
  - nothing provides requested pytorch 2.0.1**
  - nothing provides requested oneccl_bind_pt 2.0.200**
  - nothing provides requested intel-optimization-for-horovod**
  - nothing provides requested intel-extension-for-tensorflow 2.14**
  - nothing provides requested intel-extension-for-pytorch 2.0.120**
  - nothing provides opencv-python-headless needed by neural-compressor-2.3.1-py_0

Could not solve for environment specs
The following packages are incompatible
├─ intel-extension-for-pytorch 2.0.120**  does not exist (perhaps a typo or a missing channel);
├─ intel-extension-for-tensorflow 2.14**  does not exist (perhaps a typo or a missing channel);
├─ intel-optimization-for-horovod**  does not exist (perhaps a typo or a missing channel);
├─ neural-compressor 2.3.1**  is not installable because it requires
│  └─ opencv-python-headless, which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel);
├─ oneccl_bind_pt 2.0.200**  does not exist (perhaps a typo or a missing channel);
├─ pytorch 2.0.1**  does not exist (perhaps a typo or a missing channel);
├─ tensorflow 2.14**  does not exist (perhaps a typo or a missing channel);
└─ torchvision 0.15.2**  does not exist (perhaps a typo or a missing channel).



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2 Replies

Hi Kurt, could you please share the below details for further investigation: 


  • OS build on which you are installing the software.
  • Is the installer an online or an offline package?  
  • Version of Microsoft Visual Studio installed along with it's build version 
  • Installation Log files.  
    • The default path for a log file for a oneAPI installation is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\logs  
  • Is python 3 installed in your system?
  • Exact Intel® oneAPI Product name?

0 Kudos

Hi Kurt, unfortunately, we were unable to hear back from you. 

If you have any further queries, please post a new question, as this thread will no longer be monitored by Intel®. 

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