oneAPI Registration, Download, Licensing and Installation
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Re: OneAPI 2023 installation fails


Same problem here. Also the 2019 integration of the VS2019 integration of the Intel Distribution for GDB fails (very similar message in log). Skipping 2019 integration, makes that the 2022 integration fails:

Component id:, name: Intel® Distribution for GDB*, version: 2023.0.0-25548.
Error: Sequence execution failed.

Without that - no C++ compiler. Same problems as 2022.1, 2022.2, and 2022.3.




0 Kudos
1 Solution

A workaround was shared internally with the user which resolved the issue. Use the command>

webimage.exe -a --ignore-errors

For example>

w_BaseKit_p_2023.0.0.25940_offline.exe -a --ignore-errors

View solution in original post

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23 Replies

The component-specific log provides more information (,v=2023.0.0-25548.2022.

12/22/2022 22:11:49:627 : 3192 : MESSAGE : <MetaVariablesManager> Product search by upgrade code '{6bf68f6e-f9f1-470c-88ed-37982f573c46}'
12/22/2022 22:11:49:627 : 3192 : MESSAGE : Uninstall MSI with product code {04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C}, with parameters: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL="Disable" PSET_UI_MODE="Full" REBOOT="ReallySuppress" REMOVE="ALL"
12/22/2022 22:11:49:714 : 3192 : ERROR : <MsiCoexistence> Uninstallation of MSI with product code {04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C} failed with return code Uninstallation of MSI with product code {04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C} failed with return code 1605
12/22/2022 22:11:49:715 : 3192 : ERROR : <CoexistenceHandler> Coexistence processing is completed with error
12/22/2022 22:11:49:715 : 3192 : ERROR : Execution of step 3 failed with error: <CoexistenceValidationStep> The Executing step CoexistenceValidation is completed incorrectly
12/22/2022 22:11:49:715 : 3192 : MESSAGE : Rollback is required.

Attempting msiexec /x 04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C /l* remove.log

Empty log, and message box:

[Window Title]
Windows Installer

[Main Instruction]
This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.


Trying microsoft's installation trouble shooter for this product code.  Does not help, same error persists.




0 Kudos

The following information of the package however is still in the registry:


pointing to an installation path that does not exist. Removing this key also does not help. Same installation error persists

0 Kudos

After also removing Intel's install cache from c:\ProgramData, the problem still remains:

12/23/2022 11:57:59:022 : 14556 : MESSAGE : <MetaVariablesManager> Product search by upgrade code '{6bf68f6e-f9f1-470c-88ed-37982f573c46}'
12/23/2022 11:57:59:022 : 14556 : MESSAGE : Uninstall MSI with product code {04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C}, with parameters:


(which fails). It seems that Intel's package manager is able to resolve upgrade code {6bf68f6e-f9f1-470c-88ed-37982f573c46} to non existing installed product code {04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C}  which does not exist on my system, and hence removal fails. It is however not clear how the upgrade code resolves to the product code - I do not find any traces of this upgrade code on my system.

0 Kudos

Hi Jasper, please share the below information with us so that we can investigate on your issue>

- OS build on which you are installing the software

- Is the installer an online or an offline package?

- Version of Microsoft Visual Studio installed along with it's build version

- Other versions of Intel® Parallel Studio XE or Intel® oneAPI already installed on the system

- Screenshots of the error screen

- Installation Log files.

The default path for a log file for a oneAPI installation is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\logs

The default path for a log file for a Parallel Studio XE installation is: %temp%\pset_tmp_PSXE<version>_<username>

0 Kudos

- OS build on which you are installing the software

Windows 11, 22H2. Same issues on Windows 10.

- Is the installer an online or an offline package?

Offline, base kit, w_BaseKit_p_2023.0.0.25940_offline.exe

- Version of Microsoft Visual Studio installed along with it's build version

Visual Studio Professional 2022, 17.4.3

Visual Studio Professional 2019, 16.11.22

Only applying VS integration for VS2022.

- Other versions of Intel® Parallel Studio XE or Intel® oneAPI already installed on the system

None - currently. In the past, all since roughly 2015. No C++ related components since 2022.1, as per installation failures.

- Screenshots of the error screen


- Installation Log files.


Thank you.


0 Kudos

Jasper, thank you for sharing the conformation.

We have contacted you internally with some information. Please check your inbox for further updates.

0 Kudos

Jasper, please follow the below workaround:


  • Close Intel® installers if any.
  • Uninstall all Microsoft Visual Studio instances and Visual Studio Installer.

Important: check that C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Setup\x86\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.dll does not exist anymore. If it was not removed with Microsoft Visual Studio for some reason, please unregister the DLL using

REGSVR32 /U C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Setup\x86\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.dll

command in Command Prompt as Administrator, and then rename the file to Backup_Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.dll so the Intel® Installer can't load it.


We await your findings.

0 Kudos

Dear ArpanB

The work-around for completely removing my two Visual Studio installations and reinstalling them takes me roughly 10 hours to complete. The Intel software is not the only development software I have installed. Plus, it does not work - this exact work around was suggested for this exact problem for 2022.1. I am not going that route a second time.

I also went through the trouble last year already to replace the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.dll, again a suggestion that was raised in the same installation issues for 2022.1 - did not help. The current version installed is as in attached image. It is very recent - surely this is not the cause of the problem either.

I have no previous versions of Intel Parallel Studio XE currently installed, so there is nothing there to uninstall.

I have already sent you the list of Visual Studio versions I have installed - the very latest 2019 and very latest 2022 at this point.

The cause of the problem appears to be exactly as laid out in the log (as posted on the forum) - the upgrade code {6bf68f6e-f9f1-470c-88ed-37982f573c46} is somehow resolved to a non-existing (non-installed) product {04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C}, which fails to uninstall because it is not installed.

01/02/2023 19:43:14:081 : 30436 : MESSAGE : <MetaVariablesManager> Product search by upgrade code '{6bf68f6e-f9f1-470c-88ed-37982f573c46}'
01/02/2023 19:43:14:081 : 30436 : MESSAGE : Uninstall MSI with product code {04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C}, with parameters: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL="Disable" PSET_UI_MODE="Full" REBOOT="ReallySuppress" REMOVE="ALL"
01/02/2023 19:43:14:165 : 30436 : ERROR : <MsiCoexistence> Uninstallation of MSI with product code {04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C} failed with return code Uninstallation of MSI with product code {04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C} failed with return code 1605
01/02/2023 19:43:14:165 : 30436 : ERROR : <CoexistenceHandler> Coexistence processing is completed with error
01/02/2023 19:43:14:165 : 30436 : ERROR : Execution of step 3 failed with error: <CoexistenceValidationStep> The Executing step CoexistenceValidation is completed incorrectly
01/02/2023 19:43:14:165 : 30436 : MESSAGE : Rollback is required.


I hope you have more suggestions that complete removal and reinstallation of all my development tools? I would be delighted if you could tell me how the upgrade code gets resolved, as it is not through the normal msiexec channels it seems (enumerating all installed products does not reveal any product with upgrade code {6bf68f6e-f9f1-470c-88ed-37982f573c46}). Then perhaps I can fix the actual underlying problem, which I suspect is left-overs from an old parallel studio installation (I experience this both on my laptop and desktop).

Kinds regards,


0 Kudos

Jasper, thank you for sharing the information with us.

We have contacted you privately to share an update with you. Please check your inbox for further information.

0 Kudos

Jasper, we were able to figure out compatibility issues during integration of our compilers with the VS 2022 and it's builds. We tracked it down to a DLL file in the software which is pushed with the 2022 version of the Microsoft IDE. For users using legacy Intel® Parallel Studio XE software, we suggest to uninstall the VS 2022 entirely.


When using VS 2022, as a workaround, you can back up and substitute  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.dll by the similar library from Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 for the time of installation, modification, or uninstallation of Intel® oneAPI or Intel® Parallel Studio XE products, and then move the original one back. Note that this library is being upgraded by Microsoft Visual Studio, so if Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 has ever been installed, the library will most likely be of the new (problematic) version. You need a clean machine to obtain the older version of the library by installing Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.

The DLL file path> C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Setup\x86\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.dl 


Note> We had tested the workaround and found it to be resolving the issues for Intel® oneAPI installers only.

0 Kudos

Dear ArpanB,

This sound promising, and I can create a VM and install VS2019 there - but to my knowledge the VS installer will update itself on first use, at which point it will be able to install VS2022 as well  - will this not immediately replace Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.dll? Could you perhaps share the version of DLL that makes the installer work, so that I can manually replace it on my target system?

Best wishes,


0 Kudos

Jasper, by default the Visual Studio settings are turned on to auto update itself as a new update is available. However, you could manually turn that off.

Also the 2019 DLL that worked fine for us is shared below:

File version: 2.6.2111.5687

Product Version: 2.6.2111+3716221855

We await your findings.

0 Kudos

Dear ArpanB,

The version of Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.dll currently on my computer is 3.4.1128.26111 - the version that comes with a fresh installation of VS 2019 (Community) is Trying replacing my system copy by and installing the VS2019/VS2022 integration fails:

01/09/2023 19:22:58:185 : 6348 : MESSAGE : <MetaVariablesManager> Product search by upgrade code '{B8F62A74-9CDD-498d-81D8-8D1F57487860}'
01/09/2023 19:22:58:186 : 6348 : MESSAGE : Uninstall MSI with product code {073CECE6-E3CE-481A-B293-56D977AAAAA9}, with parameters: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL="Disable" PSET_UI_MODE="Full" REBOOT="ReallySuppress" REMOVE="ALL"
01/09/2023 19:22:58:276 : 6348 : ERROR : <MsiCoexistence> Uninstallation of MSI with product code {073CECE6-E3CE-481A-B293-56D977AAAAA9} failed with return code Uninstallation of MSI with product code {073CECE6-E3CE-481A-B293-56D977AAAAA9} failed with return code 1605
01/09/2023 19:22:58:276 : 6348 : ERROR : <CoexistenceHandler> Coexistence processing is completed with error
01/09/2023 19:22:58:277 : 6348 : ERROR : Execution of step 3 failed with error: <CoexistenceValidationStep> The Executing step CoexistenceValidation is completed incorrectly
01/09/2023 19:22:58:277 : 6348 : MESSAGE : Rollback is required.

Attempting only the VS2022 integration fails with the familiar:

01/09/2023 19:26:09:599 : 51320 : MESSAGE : <MetaVariablesManager> Product search by upgrade code '{6bf68f6e-f9f1-470c-88ed-37982f573c46}'
01/09/2023 19:26:09:599 : 51320 : MESSAGE : Uninstall MSI with product code {04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C}, with parameters: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL="Disable" PSET_UI_MODE="Full" REBOOT="ReallySuppress" REMOVE="ALL"
01/09/2023 19:26:09:676 : 51320 : ERROR : <MsiCoexistence> Uninstallation of MSI with product code {04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C} failed with return code Uninstallation of MSI with product code {04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C} failed with return code 1605
01/09/2023 19:26:09:676 : 51320 : ERROR : <CoexistenceHandler> Coexistence processing is completed with error
01/09/2023 19:26:09:676 : 51320 : ERROR : Execution of step 3 failed with error: <CoexistenceValidationStep> The Executing step CoexistenceValidation is completed incorrectly
01/09/2023 19:26:09:676 : 51320 : MESSAGE : Rollback is required.

I do not think your suggested work around works, at least not with, and I would not know how to get my hands on 2.6.2111.5687 (unless you are willing to share the DLL - then I can try again).

Best wishes,


0 Kudos

I can't install Lastest OneAPI on Latest Visual Studio 2022, I have addressed this issue before in separate thread, but please provide us a solution other than installing VS2019 please!
Please check the attached screenshots and log file.

0 Kudos

Jasper, we have shared some information with you internally. Please check your inbox for further updates.

0 Kudos

Jasper, unfortunately we are not be able to share our .DLL file with you.


As a workaround, could you rerun the same installer that you had used to install the older installation of which the leftovers are present on your system? We believe the uninstallation was not complete and has caused a corrupted install. Could you run the older installer again, repair the installation first and the perform the clean installation?


We would like to know.

0 Kudos

Dear ArpanB,

1) how I am to identify which is the offending product? I have had each and every Parallel Studio and OneAPI installation on this computer since 2019 or so (the age of this computer - I have been a paying Parallel Studio customer for about a decade). Can you tell which product is identified by product code {04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C}?

2) if I am able to identify the offending product - where am I to get the installers?





0 Kudos

Jasper, did you manually remove any installed product by deleting it's files? That leads to residual files remaining in the system. We generally do not suggest our users to manually remove installed files and only use the installer. If yes, then you would need to run that installer which was used to install the product in the first place. We cannot share the link as the package numbers would be different and thus, would not repair the installation.

If not, then you could try repairing your other older installations once and then proceed with this oneAPI installation again.

0 Kudos

I did not manually remove products.

All older products are uninstalled, I always do so prior to installing the next version - so repairing is not applicable. I would have to re-install each and every one of them, which is a lot.

Unless perhaps you can determine which version featured the product with product code {04DBBFD1-AE47-45C5-A6EB-237BCE0ECF4C}?

Best wishes,


0 Kudos

Jasper, we thank you for sharing the confirmation with us.

We have shared some information internally with you. Please check your inbox for further updates.

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