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Unable to install oneAPI Fortran compiler 2024.1.0.466 in headless Windows

New Contributor I

We've not been able to install the recent v2024.1.0.466 release of the Fortran compiler on Windows machines that don't have UIs (Windows Servercore, etc.).

We normally install using:



w_fortran-compiler_p_2024.1.0.466_offline.exe -s -a --silent --eula "accept" --install-dir "C:\oneAPI"



When this failed, we extracted the contents with



w_fortran-compiler_p_2024.1.0.466_offline.exe -s -x -f C:\extract-2024.1



to confirm the issue was not with the extraction process.

From there, any attempts to run bootstrapper.exe yeild the following error message in bootstrapper.*.log:



04/10/2024 13:43:47:209 : 1716 : MESSAGE : <Bootstrapper> >>> THE BOOTSTRAPPER IS LAUNCHED <<<
04/10/2024 13:43:47:231 : 1716 : WARNING : QtWarningMsg: SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext(DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2) failed: COM error 0x5: Access is denied.
Qt's default DPI awareness context is DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2. If you know what you are doing you can overwrite this default using qt.conf (



The most portable reproduction of this I could come up with was using Docker:

  • Get an interactive pwsh shell by running:


docker run -it --rm​


  • Download, extract, and attempt to run the v2024.1 installer:


# Download the installer
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile w_fortran-compiler_p_2024.1.0.466_offline.exe

# Extract the contents
./w_fortran-compiler_p_2024.1.0.466_offline.exe -s -x -f C:\extract-2024.1

# Try to run --help
./extract-2024.1/bootstrapper.exe --help

# View the log(s)
Get-Content C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\IntelInstaller\*.log​


  • Try the same with the v2023.1 installer:


# Download the installer
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile w_fortran-compiler_p_2023.1.0.46351_offline.exe

# Extract the contents
./w_fortran-compiler_p_2023.1.0.46351_offline.exe -s -x -f C:\extract-2023.1

# Try to run --help
.\extract-2023.1\bootstrapper.exe --help​

# View the logs
Get-Content C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\bootstrapper.*.log


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