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visual Fortran compiler version 11

781 조회수

Hi there,

I am a researcher and have an Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Professional Edition for Windows OS, Version 11 with IMSL library. For years, I was able to install this to my laptops etc successfully. My company switched to Windows 11 recently and now it does not even confirm my serial number anymore. My IT guy did everything he could to install it, but it is not happening. I need Fortran with IMSL for my research asap. What is the most affordable version of it that I can buy and will work with Windows 11? Or, do you have any suggestions to make this work with Windows 11? IMSL is very important to me, I need math and stat functions in my research.


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2 응답
669 조회수

Hi Evrim, we have contacted you internally with some information. Please check your inbox and respond to us there as the information is non-public in nature.

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652 조회수

Evrim, unfortunately we were unable to hear back from you.

If you have any further queries, please post a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored by Intel®.

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