Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16618 Discussions

Unable to create FPGA configuration file using "hello_world" example

Honored Contributor II



I have been trying to compile this example for the a10gx board, but always get the following: 


aoc -v --board a10gx device/ -o bin/hello_world.aocx aoc: Environment checks are completed successfully. You are now compiling the full flow!! aoc: Selected target board a10gx aoc: Running OpenCL parser.... aoc: OpenCL parser completed successfully. aoc: Compiling.... aoc: Linking with IP library ... aoc: First stage compilation completed successfully. Error: Compiler Error, not able to generate hardware  


This is the error I got when checking the "quartus_sh_compile.log" file: 


Error (15653): The Fitter cannot find a legal configuration for the following atoms. Update any outdated transceiver PHY IP cores, correct any illegal pin assignments, and then recompile your design. Error (15744): In atom 'board_inst|pcie|pcie|altpcie_a10_hip_pipen1b|g_xcvr.altpcie_a10_hip_pllnphy|g_xcvr.g_phy_g3x8.phy_g3x8|phy_g3x8|g_xcvr_native_insts.twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pma|gen_twentynm_hssi_pma_rx_sd.inst_twentynm_hssi_pma_rx_sd' Error (15744): The settings must match one or more of these conditions: Error (15744): ( sup_mode == ENGINEERING_MODE ) OR ( prot_mode != PCIE_GEN3_RX ) OR ( sd_output_off == CLK_DIVRX_14 ) Error (15744): But the following assignments violate the above conditions: Error (15744): sup_mode = USER_MODE Error (15744): prot_mode = PCIE_GEN3_RX Error (15744): sd_output_off = CLK_DIVRX_6 Error (18590): The imported netlist contains settings that are not supported by the current version of the software. Import using the --timing_analysis_mode option, which ignores the errors and allows Timing Analysis to be run. Error: design::import_design -file base.qdb -overwrite failed! Error (23031): Evaluation of Tcl script /opt/cad/altera/altera-16.1/quartus/common/tcl/internal/qatm_import_design.tcl unsuccessful Error: Quartus Prime Compiler Database Interface was unsuccessful. 11 errors, 0 warnings Error: Peak virtual memory: 4517 megabytes Error: Processing ended: Tue Mar 21 18:57:05 2017 Error: Elapsed time: 00:18:24 Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:18:07 ... Error (23031): Evaluation of Tcl script import_compile.tcl unsuccessful Error: Quartus Prime Compiler Database Interface was unsuccessful. 1 error, 0 warnings Error: Peak virtual memory: 1189 megabytes Error: Processing ended: Tue Mar 21 18:57:07 2017 Error: Elapsed time: 00:18:28 Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:18:11  


Also I checked potential sources of error such as when using the tool through ssh, or problems due to localization settings. 


But besides that, I don't understand the tool suggestion: 


The Fitter cannot find a legal configuration for the following atoms. Update any outdated transceiver PHY IP cores, correct any illegal pin assignments, and then recompile your design.  


My compiler is: 


aocl version aocl (Intel(R) FPGA SDK for OpenCL(TM), Version 16.1.0 Build 196, Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation)  


aoc --version Intel(R) FPGA SDK for OpenCL(TM), 64-Bit Offline Compiler Version 16.1.0 Build 196 Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation  


How could solve this? 

Any hint would be greatly appreciated!
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You are using Quartus 16.1.2 with AOC 16.1.0, this is likely the source of your problem. You have to update your AOC to 16.1.2 using the separate patch provided by Altera. 


Also make sure you are using the exact same version of Quartus/AOC as your BSP version for Arria 10.
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Honored Contributor II

Have you set the OpenCL license correctly?

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Honored Contributor II

Thank HRZ & schieben, 


After updating to the v16.1.2 (Build 203) both Quartus and AOC, that error dissapears. 


However, I got a new one:  

"The quartus_pro license feature is not available and is required for compilation in Quartus Prime Pro Edition" 


It seems strange as I have been working with the Pro Edition (e.g. emulation targeting the a10gx) and the tool didn't complain before. 

Moreover, the LM_LICENSE_FILE is set correctly (I corroborated this using command line and the Quartus Prime Pro Edition GUI) 


However, I checked the license file, but there is no such feature.  

should I add that feature to license?
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Honored Contributor II

I don't think emulation uses Quartus at all, it probably just uses AOC and your AOC license is probably functioning. Needless to say, you cannot "add" features to a license just like that; all features are followed by a hash that proves whether your license for that feature is valid or not. If your license doesn't include Quartus, you should obtain a license that does. Contact wherever/whoever you obtained the license from.

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Honored Contributor II

Licenses have been updated and now hardware generation runs succesfully. 

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