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Callgraph help (Error - Internal error while resolving the results file)

I'm trying to use callgraph collector on my linux machine.
This is the command I issue:
vtl activity test_1 -c callgraph -app tester -moi tester run
(tester is a very simple application written in C)
Vtl returns after some time, but it reports an error, and there are no results collected.
I get these messages after hitting enter:
Tue Jan 25 13:19:35 2005 Reading property files started...
Tue Jan 25 13:19:35 2005 Reading property files done.
Tue Jan 25 13:19:35 2005 Static instrumentation started
Tue Jan 25 13:19:37 2005 All functions instrumentation of module "tester" was successful.
Tue Jan 25 13:19:41 2005 Exports instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Tue Jan 25 13:19:41 2005 Static instrumentation done
Tue Jan 25 13:19:51 2005 Data collection finished...
Tue Jan 25 13:19:51 2005 No module from the activity was loaded
Tue Jan 25 13:19:51 2005 Error - Internal error while resolving the results file.
The Activity has finished running.
Any help is appreciated!
(Sampling collector works fine.)

Message Edited by on 01-25-2005 02:42 AM

0 Kudos
7 Replies
try running a callgraph on /bin/ls
same error?
0 Kudos

I had the same error. When I run:

$ vtl activity -c callgraph -app /home/akshan/code/a.out -moi /home/akshan/code/a.out run

VTune Performance Analyzer 3.0 for Linux*. FOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY
Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

The Activity is running.
Sat Mar 18 09:10:12 2006 Reading property files started...

Sat Mar 18 09:10:12 2006 Reading property files done.

Sat Mar 18 09:10:12 2006 Static instrumentation started
Sat Mar 18 09:10:12 2006 All functions instrumentation of module "a.out" was skipped.
Sat Mar 18 09:10:12 2006 Exports instrumentation of module "" was skipped.
Sat Mar 18 09:10:12 2006 Static instrumentation done
Sat Mar 18 09:10:12 2006 Data collection started...
Sat Mar 18 09:10:16 2006 Data collection finished...
Sat Mar 18 09:10:16 2006 Error - Internal error while resolving the results file.
The Activity has finished running.

Where a.out was compiled with gcc options "-g -O0"
After seeing this thread, I tried:

$ vtl activity -c callgraph -app /bin/ls -moi /bin/ls run

VTune Performance Analyzer 3.0 for Linux*.FOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY
Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Sat Mar 18 09:18:01 2006 Warning for module "/bin/ls" - The module is stripped (Instrumentation degraded to MINIMAL).
The Activity is running.
Sat Mar 18 09:18:02 2006 Reading property files started...

Sat Mar 18 09:18:02 2006 Reading property files done.

Sat Mar 18 09:18:02 2006 Static instrumentation started
jrockit.4426.dump jrockit.4536.dump test1 vtwrkspc.vws workspace
Sat Mar 18 09:18:02 2006 Minimal instrumentation of module "ls" was successful.
Sat Mar 18 09:18:02 2006 Static instrumentation done
Sat Mar 18 09:18:02 2006 Data collection started...
Sat Mar 18 09:18:02 2006 Process Call Graph (MT) Data Collection, id "4863", started writing Call Graph data.

Sat Mar 18 09:18:02 2006 Process Call Graph (MT) Data Collection, id "4863", finished writing Call Graph data.

Sat Mar 18 09:18:12 2006 Data collection finished...
Sat Mar 18 09:18:12 2006 Updating call graph database...
Sat Mar 18 09:18:12 2006 Trying to find symbols for module (1 / 3) /lib/
Sat Mar 18 09:18:12 2006 Succeeded!
Sat Mar 18 09:18:12 2006 Trying to find symbols for module (2 / 3) /bin/ls
Sat Mar 18 09:18:12 2006 Succeeded!
Sat Mar 18 09:18:12 2006 Trying to find symbols for module (3 / 3) /lib/tls/
Sat Mar 18 09:18:12 2006 Succeeded!
Sat Mar 18 09:18:12 2006 Done.
The Activity has finished running.

And I was able to "vtl view" the results. Any suggestion as to what I'm/we're doing wrong in the first case?

Your advice is greatly appreciated.

0 Kudos

Sorry to reply to my own post. But I read around some. I configured the callgraph configuration '.ini' file, setting the instrumentation level to 'Minimal' for my module. It worked. Of course it had no information in it.

My application "a.out" is a very basic, one file C program. All it does is invoke a function(defined in the same file) and exits with a exit value determined by the retval of the function. It was compiled with "gcc -g"

The activity command was:

$ vtl activity -c callgraph -app /home/akshan/code/a.out -moi /home/akshan/code/a.out run

My platform is:

a Xeon 64-bit,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 (Kernel 2.6.9-5.EL)

`uname -a`
Linux localhost 2.6.9-5.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jan 5 19:30:39 EST 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

I'm including the environment seen by the call graph activity, in the attached file

Any suggestions?

0 Kudos

Have you experimented with various aspects of the .ini file? That is, make all functions minimal, see if it works (you did this already). Leave all functions but one "minimal," see what happens? Add functions one at a time until you find out which one is causing the failure, which may give a clue about what is failing.

HOWEVER, you should feel free to open a premier case on this, at our support engineers can help you out.

ALSO: have you considered using the analyzer versions 8.0 instead of 3.0?



Message Edited by jdgallag on 03-20-2006 11:16 AM

0 Kudos
Hi Jdg,

I tried a Callgraph activity on a Fortran module compiled with ifort, and it worked.

Since that is my primary interest and since I'm coming up against some deadlines, I'm not going to pursue this further at this point.

Thank you,
0 Kudos
Thanks for the update!
0 Kudos
It's probably too late for this thread, but I had the same problem when running vtune in Eclipse. It was working without any problems and after a total system crash I got the error.

I fixed it by closing vtune (in my case I was running it in Eclipse using vtlec). I removed the vtune tmp directories in /tmp. I removed all directories and files used by vtune in my workarea directory.

i.e. Project directory, .project, vtwrkspc.vws, .metadata

I re-started vtlec, recreated a new Call Graph view, and it worked OK.

Message Edited by on 05-25-200607:12 AM

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