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Complete Setup Wizard option is throwing Error

I am using evaluation version of "Intel VTune Performance Analyzer 9.1, Build:406". I am trying to profile my application which is of typeserivce (Windows Service). I have selected "No Application To Launch" option and used default settings. After finishing the wizard, an error is displayed.

Error Message: A serious error occurred in file E:\\vttbuild\\workspaces\\vtune_linux_0\\source\\wizards-2.0.10-31308\\src\\windows\\VTCPSWiz.cpp at line 1564. The failed HRESULT that produced this error is 0x0. Please contact technical support.

I am running Vtune on Windows XP SP3OS.
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3 Replies

This can be the result of left over configuration files. First, reboot and try again. If that does not work, exit VTune analyzer and remove all files of the form vtenv.stg* from the user's VTune application directory (e.g., C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\VTune). Now, restart the analyzer and attempt again.

The VTune analyzer is sometimes unable to read the process description for some system services due to security on Microsoft Windows.
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Thanks for the reply. I have found only one vtenv.stg file in that location and deleted the same. I have restarted my machine and also VTune many times and still facing the same error. The service which I am trying to profile is not system(OS) service but it's our own service of type windows service. Do let me know how to resolve this issue.
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My suggestions are:

1. Verify if command line can work:
a) Start your own windows service application first
b) In command prompt, do"vtl activity -d 3600 -c sampling run" to start data collection; If you would like to stop data collection anytime, please run "activitycontroller" in another command prompt, select "1" to stop.
c) VTune Performance Analyzer can open file (generated .tb5 file) from C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\VTune\Projects\Sampling

2. Ifvtl command line doesn't workeither, I think that some components mightnot be installed properly. I strongly suggest to uninstall/reinstall the product. Beforereinstalling the product,please delete all under VTune_Dir, and delete all under C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\VTune

Hope it helps.

Regards, Peter

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