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Display regular sampling view for selected time-range


I've zoomed in using the sampling over time view but cannot locate the icon or menu entry to display the regular sampling view for that time range (during which one thread is idle for unknown reasons). I've attached a screenshot ... could some kind soul put an X on the spot or otherwise tell me how? This is with an evaluation copy of vtune 9.1 for linux and the gnu C++ compiler.

Many thanks in advance


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4 Replies

Just exit VTune GUI, do "export VTUNE_OVER_TIME=1", reenter VTune GUI, see "SOT" icon on toolbar.

Regards, Peter

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Just exit VTune GUI, do "export VTUNE_OVER_TIME=1", reenter VTune GUI, see "SOT" icon on toolbar.

Regards, Peter

Peter (Zhen Yu?) ... thanks for the pointer but I was already doing that, though I just repeated things to be sure. The screenshot on the original post shows the result of zooming in and now I want to follow the instructions in the manual to "display regular sampling view" for the zoomed in region to obtain some understanding of what the threads are up to.

I think that a related question is once I am looking at the sampling over time, how do I get back to the regular sampling view? Presently I have to exit and reenter the GUI ... it is probably exactly this functionality that I need.



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To be specific, once I've zoomed in on the desired sampling time interval, where is the "Display regular sampling view for selected time-range icon" as described in the below section of the manual ... thanks ... Robert

Regular Sampling View for Selected Time Range

After you zoom into a selected period of time in the Over Time view and are satisfied with the granularity of the information, you can click the Display regular sampling view for selected time-range icon to return to the regular Sampling view. In this view, you can see exactly which threads, modules, processes executed during the selected time period. You can drill down to the hotspots and source view. However, since the data displayed is derived from the Over Time view, the Over Time View icon is grayed out.

The Display regular sampling view for selected time-range icon is available only from a zoom-in view of a Sampling Over Time view. To return to the regular sampling views without zooming in, use the navigation icons on the main toolbar or click the tabs on the sampling view.

To return to the regular sampling view for the entire Activity run, you can do any one of the following:

  • From the Windows menu, select the view you wish to go back to.

  • Click the tab at the bottom of the sampling view.

  • Use the navigation icons on the main toolbar to go back to a specific view.

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Quoting - rjharrison

To be specific, once I've zoomed in on the desired sampling time interval, where is the "Display regular sampling view for selected time-range icon" as described in the below section of the manual ... thanks ... Robert

Hi Robert,

When you used Sampling Over Time view, there is no "Display Sampling Over Time info" button again, you can use Zoom In/Out to change time range, but also have "Restore View to Initial State" button to display data for original time-range

You can go back to regular sampling view, e.g. Processes report, or generate another SOT to replace current one.

Regards, Peter

Bye the way, "Display regular sampling view for selected time-range" - you can use "Display Threads for Selected Items" button and "Display Modules for Selected Items" based on current SOT, I guess.

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