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Does Vtune support Ubuntu


Hello, does vtune supports Ubuntu?

thanks for your reply!

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8 Replies
Not yet! Watch the product web site for an announcement when support for Ubuntu* is added.
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I know Ubuntu is not officially supported, so i tried to build out VDK and RDC by myself, and I installed VDK-9.0 successfully in Ubuntu, but failed while trying to install rdc-9.0.

I did the following:
Install VDK.
1. install alien
2. use alien to convert RPM packages into Deb
3. install the Deb package that contains the sourcecode.(the other packages can't be installedsuccessfully).
4. build out the module and install it

But when i trying to install rdc-9.0, i can't make it work, because i don't have a source package. and the Deb packages i converted from RPM can't be installed. Error information is like:
dpkg: error processing intel-vtune-rdc-runtimelibs_9.0p-1139_all.deb (--intall): trying to overwrite `/opt/intel/vtune/bin/', which is also in package intal-vtune-rdc-common
I installed the deb packages use --force-all option, install succeeded, but vtserver can't start......

Does any body can help? or possibly point out a clue?
thanks a lot!

Can anybody tell me that Vtune definitly does not support Ubuntu?

0 Kudos

I tried RDC and VDK version 8 today, but it's even worse, even the source code of VDK can't be successfully built......

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I've had the problem with Intel software using chkconfig, as in RedHat, so what I do for debian is;

ln -s /usr/sbin/update-rc.d /usr/sbin/chkconfig

That still doesn't solve all the problems, as I now get:

Can't get shared lock on rpm database, because there is no rpm database in Debian. If it will install in Debian, it will install in Ubuntu, because Ubuntu is Debian.

If everyone reading this can add one piece to the puzzle, hopefully we can all get it to work.
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It doesn'tworth spending (wasting) time on adapting VTune install for Debian-based Linux distributions. This is not as simple as just converting rpm package to deb pacakge and install it in the system.

There is a chance you can make VTune Remote Agent (Remot data collectors) working on Debian/Ubuntu. You need to move exising RDC files installed on SuSE or RedHad distros to the same location on Debian/Ubuntu + compile sampling driver. This will help to bypass all rpm-related issues. But threre is still no guarantee it will work.

As Dave already mentioned Watch the product web site for an announcement when support for Ubuntu* is added.

0 Kudos
Got it, Thank you!
0 Kudos
OK, this is going to sound silly, but it works (read the whole thing):

sudo apt-get install rpm

So you did that and then you get this "can't get lock on the rpm database". If you look at the installer scripts, it uses rpm to check for the installation of rpm. But you installed rpm using apt!

Instead of trying to install rpm using rpm, I commented out that check in the installer, making it always succeed.

So, look through the scripts find the phrase "shared lock on RPM database" (or something like that) and comment it out, making sure all the required environment variables are still set properly. It's easy, but a hassle.

This has worked for me for both rdc and for thread-checker. Trying to install the full vtune has caused me other problems (segfaults).

For people who have had other installer and vdk build issues, try this:
sudo touch /etc/SuSE-release

That's because the installers / builders have vendor-specific switches that ignore lsb-release.

I think I made other changes to the installer files -- you'll find that grep and bash commenting are your friends.

Overall I'm highly disappointed at Intel's support for Debian/Ubuntu systems, especially since it is because of installer shizzle, rather than actual product issues. I think they've missed out on a lot of paying customers due to this?

[Sorry if some of what I have up there is not exactly right with respect to the products -- I've spent the last couple days fighting installers of various Intel products on my Ubuntu systems.]

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Wow, after two years of fruitlessly trying to install Vtune on Ubuntu systems, I flame/complain about it on these forums. Then one month later, a minor update comes out that explicitly supports Ubuntu 7.04!?

Thank you VTune team for finally supporting this distribution.

I have succesfully installed and used VTune on Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10 with an amd64 kernel (2.6.22-14).

Unfortunately, I could not get it to work on Ubuntu Dapper 6.06 LTS. If there is no fundamental issue with supporting this distribution it might be a good idea. This version is supported by Ubuntu/Canonical for 5 years (hence the 'LTS') and is the choice for many stable server installations.

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