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Error when opening a previous profile run through MSVS 2019 integration

New Contributor I

Running Windows 10 Professional 1903, build 10.0.18362.175.  Running Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 16.1.3.  I have Intel Parallel Studio XE integrated into MSVS 2019.  After running VTune for a project, a new pane shows up (in the collection of panes that contain Solution Explorer, Team Explorer, etc.).  The pane contains a list of the VTune runs I have completed.  When I double-click on any one of these, I get an error dialog with title bar "Intel(R) VTune(TM) Amplifier" and text "An unexpected error has occurred while opening VTune Amplifier.  This occurs whether I am running MSVS 2019 as a regular user or in administrator mode. Is this a known problem with the VTune integration into MSVS 2019?  Thank you.

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2 Replies

Hello David,

Thanks for your question!

To help us solve the issue could you please provide us VTune Amplifier logs?

To collect logs you should set the environment variable VTUNE_AMPLIFIER_LOG_DIR to some directory.

Then reproduce the issue, close MSVS 2019 and copy collected logs (.txt files) from the directory which you set for VTUNE_AMPLIFIER_LOG_DIR.






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New Contributor I

Hello Daria.  Thank you for following up.  I had an additional problem this time.  I cleaned out all output folders for the application, both those generated by MSVS 2019 and by Intel VTune; that is, I wanted to start out with a clean build and run.  I launched MSVS 2019, compiled (release x64).  The application ran fine under normal conditions.  When I clicked the VTune Amplifier icon on the MSVS tools bar, a window border appeared but the client window itself was not drawn.  I exited MSVS 2019 and tried again.  This time the window was rendered, but the user controls for starting a profile session were missing.  I was able to get to the configuration page instead by going to the MSVS menu, selecting Tools | Intel VTune Amplifier | Profile with VTune Amplifier.  I then launched a session (basic profiling), exited the application so that the VTune logs are written, and exited MSVS.  The two text files submitted to you are the results of this experiment.

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