Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
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How do I find out who is calling those modules?

I am using Source SDK by Valve to create HL2 Mods for personal research. I am enjoyably using your tool, VTune, to learn which modules are taking up resources. It was very good in doing that. However, I have a relative issue to this one, I wish to learn who is calling the functions (modules). I need so to understand which parts of the WHOLE program can be optimized with parallelization.

First is to find the parts of the WHOLE program that are using up most of the CPU time. Because, through the help of VTune, I learned which moduls/functions are being called up, it is not enough to know which parts of the WHOLE program are working. Therefore, second is to find who is calling the modules/functions from before.

Therefore, my question is how do I know which parts of the WHOLE program are using those called modules? Is here where call-graph comes into action?

BTW, when I try to drill down after VTune finishes its collection, I always get the message that I cannot trail through calls. Is there a tool, or a compiler that I can use to get that trailing feature?

I would like to state my goal only so that someone with a relatively good advice may be kind enough to oblige.
My goal is to find which parts of the Mods that use up the most of the CPU time to be able to parallelize it.

Thank you guys in advance!
0 Kudos
8 Replies
Quoting - zgzg2020
I am using Source SDK by Valve to create HL2 Mods for personal research. I am enjoyably using your tool, VTune, to learn which modules are taking up resources. It was very good in doing that. However, I have a relative issue to this one, I wish to learn who is calling the functions (modules). I need so to understand which parts of the WHOLE program can be optimized with parallelization.

First is to find the parts of the WHOLE program that are using up most of the CPU time. Because, through the help of VTune, I learned which moduls/functions are being called up, it is not enough to know which parts of the WHOLE program are working. Therefore, second is to find who is calling the modules/functions from before.

Therefore, my question is how do I know which parts of the WHOLE program are using those called modules? Is here where call-graph comes into action?

BTW, when I try to drill down after VTune finishes its collection, I always get the message that I cannot trail through calls. Is there a tool, or a compiler that I can use to get that trailing feature?

I would like to state my goal only so that someone with a relatively good advice may be kind enough to oblige.
My goal is to find which parts of the Mods that use up the most of the CPU time to be able to parallelize it.

Thank you guys in advance!

Yes, call-graph is exactly what you need to find out "who called this function". Call-graph will also tell you, how often the function was called, which is important to identify the best level to thread the routine.Don't forget to adjust the instrumentation level for the module that you are interested in. If this module is loaded at runtime, it will only show up in the list of modules after a first run.

Kind regards
0 Kudos

Yes, call-graph is exactly what you need to find out "who called this function". Call-graph will also tell you, how often the function was called, which is important to identify the best level to thread the routine.Don't forget to adjust the instrumentation level for the module that you are interested in. If this module is loaded at runtime, it will only show up in the list of modules after a first run.

Kind regards

Would you kindly explain what you meant by adjusting the instrumentation level for the module? I remember from a previous reply of yours, you kindly instructed me to make sure to add my dlls to the modules when call-graphing. However, is what you are saying now about adjusting the instrumentation level different?

Is there anything else I need to keep in mind as well?
0 Kudos

Yes, call-graph is exactly what you need to find out "who called this function". Call-graph will also tell you, how often the function was called, which is important to identify the best level to thread the routine.Don't forget to adjust the instrumentation level for the module that you are interested in. If this module is loaded at runtime, it will only show up in the list of modules after a first run.

Kind regards

I have run the Call-Graph wizard, added my two dlls to the modules. Then, made VTune run my mod, paused VTune so that I can set the proper settings in my game (map...etc), resumed VTune. After the game finished, the part I wanted to monitor, I pressed Stop in VTune. Then, I get the following pop-up message "No results were generated for this run. Check the log or output window for further information." I checked the Output widown, and nothing suspicious seemed to be there.

Below is the output. What should I do to get the needed output?

[shell]Sat Mar 28 21:53:37 2009 Warning for module "steam_api.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:37 2009 Warning for module "tier0.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:37 2009 Warning for module "vstdlib.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "steam_api.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "tier0.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "vstdlib.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "steam_api.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "tier0.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "vstdlib.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "steam_api.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "tier0.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "vstdlib.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:37 2009 Warning for module "steam_api.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:37 2009 Warning for module "tier0.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:37 2009 Warning for module "vstdlib.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "steam_api.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "tier0.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "vstdlib.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "steam_api.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "tier0.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "vstdlib.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "steam_api.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "tier0.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:44 2009 Warning for module "vstdlib.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:53:50 2009 Static instrumentation started
Sat Mar 28 21:53:50 2009 Minimal instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007hl2.exe" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:06 2009 All functions instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappssourcemodscallgraphbinclient.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:25 2009 All functions instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappssourcemodscallgraphbinserver.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:25 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32ntdll.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:25 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:25 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32advapi32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:25 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32gdi32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:25 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32rpcrt4.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:25 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32user32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:25 2009 Static instrumentation done
Sat Mar 28 21:54:25 2009 Warning for module "steam_api.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:25 2009 Warning for module "tier0.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:25 2009 Warning for module "vstdlib.dll" - Module was not found or is not a valid image.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:26 2009 Data collection started...
Sat Mar 28 21:54:26 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32msvcrt.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:26 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32msvcrt.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:26 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32imm32.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:26 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32imm32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:26 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32msctf.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:26 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32usp10.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:27 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32usp10.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:27 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32lpk.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:27 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32lpk.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:27 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32nsi.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:27 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32nsi.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:27 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32ws2_32.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:27 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32ws2_32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:27 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32wsock32.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:28 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32wsock32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:28 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32mswsock.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:28 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32shlwapi.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:28 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32shlwapi.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:28 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32shell32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:28 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32shunimpl.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:28 2009 Instrumentation requested by module
Sat Mar 28 21:54:29 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:29 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32comctl32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:29 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32ole32.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:29 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32ole32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:29 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binsteam_api.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:29 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binsteam_api.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:29 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007bintier0.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:31 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007bintier0.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:31 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binvstdlib.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:33 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binvstdlib.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:33 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binlauncher.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:35 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binlauncher.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:35 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32opengl32.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:36 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32opengl32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:36 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32glu32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:36 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32ddraw.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:36 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32dciman32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:36 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32setupapi.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:36 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32oleaut32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:36 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32dwmapi.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:36 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:Program FilesSteamGameOverlayRenderer.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:37 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamgameoverlayrenderer.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:38 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binFileSystem_Steam.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:39 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binfilesystem_steam.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:39 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32version.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:39 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32version.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:39 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:Program FilesSteamSteam.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:42 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteam.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:42 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32dnsapi.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:42 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32dnsapi.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:42 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32secur32.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:42 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32secur32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:43 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32winnsi.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:43 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32winnsi.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:43 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32dhcpcsvc.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:43 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32dhcpcsvc.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:43 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32dhcpcsvc6.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:43 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32dhcpcsvc6.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:43 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32IPHLPAPI.DLL
Sat Mar 28 21:54:43 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32iphlpapi.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:43 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32nlaapi.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:44 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32nlaapi.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:44 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32NapiNSP.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:44 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32napinsp.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:44 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32pnrpnsp.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:44 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32pnrpnsp.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:44 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32psapi.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:44 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32psapi.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:44 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32Wldap32.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:45 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32wldap32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:45 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32winrnr.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:45 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32winrnr.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:45 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32rasadhlp.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:45 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32rasadhlp.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:45 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamdbghelp.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:46 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamdbghelp.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:46 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamCSERHelper.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:47 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamcserhelper.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:47 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32uxtheme.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:48 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32uxtheme.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:48 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32oleacc.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:48 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32oleacc.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:48 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32winmm.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:48 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32winmm.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:48 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32iertutil.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:49 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32iertutil.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:49 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32wininet.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:49 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32wininet.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:49 2009 Minimal instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32normaliz.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:49 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binbinkw32.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:49 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binbinkw32.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:50 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binengine.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:51 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binengine.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:52 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007bininputsystem.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:53 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007bininputsystem.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:53 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binMaterialSystem.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:55 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binmaterialsystem.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:56 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007bindatacache.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:57 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007bindatacache.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:54:57 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binStudioRender.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:54:59 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binstudiorender.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:00 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binvphysics.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:01 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binvphysics.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:01 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32msacm32.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:01 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32msacm32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:01 2009 Instrumentation requested by module
Sat Mar 28 21:55:02 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:02 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32msvfw32.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:02 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32msvfw32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:02 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32avifil32.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:02 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32avifil32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:02 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binvalve_avi.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:04 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binvalve_avi.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:04 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binvguimatsurface.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:05 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binvguimatsurface.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:05 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binvgui2.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:07 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binvgui2.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:07 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32d3d8thk.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:07 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32d3d8thk.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:07 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32d3d9.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:08 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32d3d9.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:08 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binshaderapidx9.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:09 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binshaderapidx9.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:09 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32nvd3dum.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:10 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32nvd3dum.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:10 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32KBDUS.DLL
Sat Mar 28 21:55:10 2009 Minimal instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32kbdus.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:10 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binxinput1_3.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:11 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binxinput1_3.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:11 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32msasn1.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:11 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32msasn1.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:11 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32userenv.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:11 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32userenv.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:12 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32crypt32.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:12 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32crypt32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:12 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32imagehlp.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:12 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32imagehlp.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:12 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32wintrust.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:12 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32wintrust.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:13 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32dinput.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:13 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32dinput.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:13 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32hid.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:13 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32hid.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:14 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binstdshader_dbg.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:14 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binstdshader_dbg.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:15 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binstdshader_dx6.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:16 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binstdshader_dx6.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:16 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binstdshader_dx7.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:19 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binstdshader_dx7.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:19 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binstdshader_dx8.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:20 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binstdshader_dx8.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:20 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binstdshader_dx9.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:23 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binstdshader_dx9.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:23 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32clbcatq.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:23 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32clbcatq.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:23 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32wbemcomn.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:23 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32wbemcomn.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:23 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32wbemwbemprox.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:24 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32wbemwbemprox.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:24 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32rsaenh.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:24 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32rsaenh.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:29 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32wbemwbemsvc.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:29 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32wbemwbemsvc.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:29 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32netapi32.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:29 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32netapi32.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:29 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32ntdsapi.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:30 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32ntdsapi.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:30 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32wbemfastprox.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:30 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32wbemfastprox.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:31 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binunicode.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:31 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binunicode.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:33 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binSoundEmitterSystem.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:33 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binsoundemittersystem.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:33 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binscenefilecache.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:35 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binscenefilecache.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:36 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:Program FilesSteamtier0_s.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:38 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamtier0_s.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:38 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:Program FilesSteamvstdlib_s.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:39 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamvstdlib_s.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:40 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:Program FilesSteamsteamclient.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:42 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamclient.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:42 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteammss32_s.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:44 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteammss32_s.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:44 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteambinp2pvoice.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:55:45 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteambinp2pvoice.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:47 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteambinmss32_s.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:50 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007bintier0_s.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:51 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binvstdlib_s.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:55:51 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32WSHTCPIP.DLL
Sat Mar 28 21:55:51 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32wshtcpip.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:03 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binGameUI.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:56:03 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007bingameui.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:21 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binMss32.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:56:22 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binmss32.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:22 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binvaudio_miles.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:56:23 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binvaudio_miles.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:24 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binmssmp3.asi
Sat Mar 28 21:56:25 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binmssmp3.asi" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:25 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binmssvoice.asi
Sat Mar 28 21:56:27 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binmssvoice.asi" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:27 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32powrprof.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:56:27 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32powrprof.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:27 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32dsound.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:56:28 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32dsound.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:28 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32MMDevAPI.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:56:28 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32mmdevapi.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:28 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32avrt.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:56:28 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32avrt.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:28 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32AudioEng.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:56:29 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32audioeng.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:29 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32AudioSes.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:56:29 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32audioses.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:31 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32IMEIMEJP10IMJPTIP.DLL
Sat Mar 28 21:56:31 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32imeimejp10imjptip.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:31 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32IMJP10K.DLL
Sat Mar 28 21:56:31 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32imjp10k.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:32 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32IMEsharedIMETIP.DLL
Sat Mar 28 21:56:32 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32imesharedimetip.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:32 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32IMEsharedimecfm.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:56:32 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32imesharedimecfm.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:32 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32IMEIMEJP10IMJPAPI.DLL
Sat Mar 28 21:56:33 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32imeimejp10imjpapi.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:33 2009 Instrumentation requested by module C:WindowsSystem32IMEsharedIMJKAPI.DLL
Sat Mar 28 21:56:33 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:windowssystem32imesharedimjkapi.dll" was skipped.
Sat Mar 28 21:56:34 2009 Instrumentation requested by module c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binServerBrowser.dll
Sat Mar 28 21:56:34 2009 Exports instrumentation of module "c:program filessteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007binserverbrowser.dll" was successful.
Sat Mar 28 21:59:53 2009 Started writing Call Graph data.
Sat Mar 28 21:59:53 2009 Process c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007hl2.exe, id "6112", started writing Call Graph data.
Sat Mar 28 21:59:53 2009 Process c:Program FilesSteamsteamappszgzg2020source sdk base 2007hl2.exe, id "6112", finished writing Call Graph data.
Sat Mar 28 21:59:59 2009 Data collection paused...
Sat Mar 28 21:59:59 2009 Data collection resumed...
Sat Mar 28 21:59:59 2009 Data collection paused...
Sat Mar 28 21:59:59 2009 Finished writing Call Graph data.
Sat Mar 28 21:59:59 2009 Finished writing Call Graph data.
Sat Mar 28 21:59:59 2009 Finished writing Call Graph data.
Sat Mar 28 21:59:59 2009 Data collection finished...

0 Kudos
Quoting - zgzg2020

Would you kindly explain what you meant by adjusting the instrumentation level for the module? I remember from a previous reply of yours, you kindly instructed me to make sure to add my dlls to the modules when call-graphing. However, is what you are saying now about adjusting the instrumentation level different?

Is there anything else I need to keep in mind as well?

I fixed the problem of not getting a graph after the game finishes. The problem was that I clicked Stop in VTune instead of exiting properly from within the game itself.

However, since the Output is already there, could someone kindly tell me whether the "not found" dll files will influence my result?
0 Kudos
Quoting - zgzg2020
Would you kindly explain what you meant by adjusting the instrumentation level for the module? I remember from a previous reply of yours, you kindly instructed me to make sure to add my dlls to the modules when call-graphing. However, is what you are saying now about adjusting the instrumentation level different?

Is there anything else I need to keep in mind as well?

The VTune help on "Configure Call Graph Dialog Box" provides the background information that your need. It also explains how tochange the instrumentation level.

If your measurement already provides the results that you are looking for, it sounds like there is nothing for you to worry about.

Kind regards
0 Kudos

The VTune help on "Configure Call Graph Dialog Box" provides the background information that your need. It also explains who change the instrumentation level.

If your measurement already provides the results that you are looking for, it sounds like there is nothing for you to worry about.

Kind regards

Yes, I guess you are right.

Thank you for response.
0 Kudos
New Contributor II
Quoting - zgzg2020
I am using Source SDK by Valve to create HL2 Mods for personal research. I am enjoyably using your tool, VTune, to learn which modules are taking up resources. It was very good in doing that. However, I have a relative issue to this one, I wish to learn who is calling the functions (modules). I need so to understand which parts of the WHOLE program can be optimized with parallelization.

First is to find the parts of the WHOLE program that are using up most of the CPU time. Because, through the help of VTune, I learned which moduls/functions are being called up, it is not enough to know which parts of the WHOLE program are working. Therefore, second is to find who is calling the modules/functions from before.

Therefore, my question is how do I know which parts of the WHOLE program are using those called modules? Is here where call-graph comes into action?

BTW, when I try to drill down after VTune finishes its collection, I always get the message that I cannot trail through calls. Is there a tool, or a compiler that I can use to get that trailing feature?

I would like to state my goal only so that someone with a relatively good advice may be kind enough to oblige.
My goal is to find which parts of the Mods that use up the most of the CPU time to be able to parallelize it.

Thank you guys in advance!
As you asked "My goal is to find which parts of the Mods that use up the most of the CPU time to be able to parallelize it." Please read & follow below -

Call graph data shows the calling sequence of the application and critical path, and can help identify functions that maybe good candidates to introduce threads. When generating call graph data, it is advisable to disable compiler inlining (-fno-inline, -fno-inline-functions). This makes it clear which functions are consuming CPU time and helps identify opportunities to introduce threads.

Intel VTune call graph data gives the critical path information of all the functions in the application. Critical path data indicates the most time-consuming path in the application. It is displayed as a thick red edge and starts from the most time consuming thread.

If one is interested in threading the application, selecting the functions to thread on the critical path gives better performance results. Since, OpenMP is suited for coarse grain parallelism, it would be better to scale thread one level above the hotspot pointed in the call graph data. The fact that to achieve excellent scaling, instead of focusing on a part of an application effectively, we need to determine how to thread the entire application effectively.


Mukkaysh Srivastav

0 Kudos
Quoting - srimks
As you asked "My goal is to find which parts of the Mods that use up the most of the CPU time to be able to parallelize it." Please read & follow below -

Call graph data shows the calling sequence of the application and critical path, and can help identify functions that maybe good candidates to introduce threads. When generating call graph data, it is advisable to disable compiler inlining (-fno-inline, -fno-inline-functions). This makes it clear which functions are consuming CPU time and helps identify opportunities to introduce threads.

Intel VTune call graph data gives the critical path information of all the functions in the application. Critical path data indicates the most time-consuming path in the application. It is displayed as a thick red edge and starts from the most time consuming thread.

If one is interested in threading the application, selecting the functions to thread on the critical path gives better performance results. Since, OpenMP is suited for coarse grain parallelism, it would be better to scale thread one level above the hotspot pointed in the call graph data. The fact that to achieve excellent scaling, instead of focusing on a part of an application effectively, we need to determine how to thread the entire application effectively.


Mukkaysh Srivastav

Thank you Srivastav. Now, let me see if I understood you correctly. You mean, that instead of going to, let's say we have inside our program a function that shoots a gun at a target. And, inside this function is a another function that is called to calculate the angel in which to aim the gun at. After running VTune, the function that does the aiming is shown as a hotspot. So, what you say is, instead of focusing on the function that does the aiming, we should go one step back, and focus and try and optimize/parallelize the function that calls that aiming one, right?

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