Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)

Intel Fortran Compiler Key


Hi Friends,

                I am a research scholar in Anna University, Chennai. We have a server in our lab for computational research purposes. The system was brought in the year 2013 before I joined as a research scholar. The system OS is Ubuntu which crashed and the reinstalled. We had compilers copied in our hard drive from the system before we reinstalled the OS. Now when we are installing the compiler it is asking for Intel key which I have never heard of. I decided to google it which led me to this site. I do not know which type of Intel Fortran Compiler key I had before and confused about selecting the compiler suites. Please guide me to find my Intel fortran compiler type. Thanks in advance.

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor III

The companion forum on licensing and registration would be the place to request a replacement license. That would enable you to use compiler versions issued during the term of your license. I'm not expert enough on smart phone to be able to quote the url.

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