Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
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Intel VTune Amplifier XE 2016 error (Cannot get global tsc range)




I tried to profile a MPI program with Vtune by typing the following command.

mpirun -n 8 -machinefile ~/machinefile  amplxe-cl -r reportfile -collect-with runsa -start-paused  -knob event-config=UOPS_RETIRED.ALL,CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD,CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.REF_TSC -- ~/bench/sdpara_bench/ sdpara.power.gpu/sdpara ~/bench/sdpara_bench/data/tai18a.dat-s

But, Vtune returned the following error. Could anyone help me to avoid the error.

amplxe: Error: 0x4000002a (Database interface error) -- Internal database error: `Cannot get global tsc range'. Try to re-finalize the result.

With regards to the execution environment, the OS is CentOS 7.2.1511,  the version of VTune is Intel VTune Amplifier XE 2016 Update 3, and the CPU is Intel Xeon CPU E5-2640 v3

The all message during running Vtune is as follow.

amplxe: Analyzing data in the node-wide mode. The hostname ( will be added to the result path/name.
amplxe: Analyzing data in the node-wide mode. The hostname ( will be added to the result path/name.
amplxe: Analyzing data in the node-wide mode. The hostname ( will be added to the result path/name.
amplxe: Analyzing data in the node-wide mode. The hostname ( will be added to the result path/name.
amplxe: Analyzing data in the node-wide mode. The hostname ( will be added to the result path/name.
amplxe: Analyzing data in the node-wide mode. The hostname ( will be added to the result path/name.
amplxe: Analyzing data in the node-wide mode. The hostname ( will be added to the result path/name.
amplxe: Analyzing data in the node-wide mode. The hostname ( will be added to the result path/name.
amplxe: Warning: To profile kernel modules during the session, make sure they are available in the /lib/modules/kernel_version/ location.
amplxe: Warning: To profile kernel modules during the session, make sure they are available in the /lib/modules/kernel_version/ location.
amplxe: Warning: To profile kernel modules during the session, make sure they are available in the /lib/modules/kernel_version/ location.
amplxe: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: amplxe-cl -r /home/oka/bench/sdpara_bench/sdpara.power.gpu/ -command stop.
amplxe: Warning: To profile kernel modules during the session, make sure they are available in the /lib/modules/kernel_version/ location.
amplxe: Warning: Pause command is not supported for managed code profiling. Runtime overhead is still possible. Data size limit may be exceeded.
amplxe: Warning: Pause command is not supported. Runtime overhead is still possible. Data size limit may be exceeded.
amplxe: Collection paused.
amplxe: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: amplxe-cl -r /home/oka/bench/sdpara_bench/sdpara.power.gpu/ -command stop.
amplxe: Warning: Pause command is not supported for managed code profiling. Runtime overhead is still possible. Data size limit may be exceeded.
amplxe: Warning: Pause command is not supported. Runtime overhead is still possible. Data size limit may be exceeded.
amplxe: Collection paused.
amplxe: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: amplxe-cl -r /home/oka/bench/sdpara_bench/sdpara.power.gpu/ -command stop.
amplxe: Warning: Pause command is not supported for managed code profiling. Runtime overhead is still possible. Data size limit may be exceeded.
amplxe: Collection paused.
amplxe: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: amplxe-cl -r /home/oka/bench/sdpara_bench/sdpara.power.gpu/ -command stop.
amplxe: Warning: To profile kernel modules during the session, make sure they are available in the /lib/modules/kernel_version/ location.
amplxe: Warning: Pause command is not supported for managed code profiling. Runtime overhead is still possible. Data size limit may be exceeded.
amplxe: Warning: Pause command is not supported. Runtime overhead is still possible. Data size limit may be exceeded.
amplxe: Collection paused.
amplxe: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: amplxe-cl -r /home/oka/bench/sdpara_bench/sdpara.power.gpu/ -command stop.
amplxe: Warning: To profile kernel modules during the session, make sure they are available in the /lib/modules/kernel_version/ location.
amplxe: Warning: Pause command is not supported for managed code profiling. Runtime overhead is still possible. Data size limit may be exceeded.
amplxe: Warning: Pause command is not supported. Runtime overhead is still possible. Data size limit may be exceeded.
amplxe: Collection paused.
amplxe: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: amplxe-cl -r /home/oka/bench/sdpara_bench/sdpara.power.gpu/ -command stop.
amplxe: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: amplxe-cl -r /home/oka/bench/sdpara_bench/sdpara.power.gpu/ -command stop.
amplxe: Warning: Pause command is not supported for managed code profiling. Runtime overhead is still possible. Data size limit may be exceeded.
amplxe: Warning: Pause command is not supported. Runtime overhead is still possible. Data size limit may be exceeded.
amplxe: Collection paused.
amplxe: Warning: Pause command is not supported for managed code profiling. Runtime overhead is still possible. Data size limit may be exceeded.
amplxe: Warning: Pause command is not supported. Runtime overhead is still possible. Data size limit may be exceeded.
amplxe: Collection paused.
amplxe: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: amplxe-cl -r /home/oka/bench/sdpara_bench/sdpara.power.gpu/ -command stop.
amplxe: Warning: Pause command is not supported for managed code profiling. Runtime overhead is still possible. Data size limit may be exceeded.
amplxe: Collection paused.
amplxe: Warning: To enable hardware event-base sampling, VTune Amplifier has disabled the NMI watchdog timer. The watchdog timer will be re-enabled after collection completes.
Sampling session is already stopped
The sampling collection paused.
SDPA start at [Fri Sep 30 13:24:19 2016]
param is /home/oka/bench/sdpara_bench/sdpara.power.gpu/param.sdpa
data  is /home/oka/bench/sdpara_bench/data/tai18a.dat-s : sparse
out   is
NumNodes    is set as 8
NumThreads  is set as 8
NewArray(double, 47142*5893=277807806)
Schur computation : DENSE 
NewArray(double, 47142*5893=277807806)
NewArray(double, 47142*5892=277760664)
NewArray(double, 47142*5893=277807806)
NewArray(double, 47142*5893=277807806)
NewArray(double, 47142*5892=277760664)
NewArray(double, 47142*5893=277807806)
NewArray(double, 47142*5893=277807806)
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1 -> 37281 ^2 loop
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=0/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=1832/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=3696/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=5544/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=7376/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=9191/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=10991/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=12774/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=14702/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=16469/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=18220/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=20149/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=21884/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=23812/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=25531/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=27459/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=29162/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=31090/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=34705/37281
[computeFormula_sdp:0] l=0/1, k1=36633/37281
[computeFormula_sdp] Start MPI_Barrier...
[computeFormula_sdp] End MPI_Barrier
   mu      thetaP  thetaD  objP      objD      alphaP  alphaD  beta 
printHeader at Fri Sep 30 13:24:23 JST 2016
6357, GPU-aa386078-22a7-00f3-8cf6-13af5b7ef14f,
6357, GPU-aa386078-22a7-00f3-8cf6-13af5b7ef14f,
8743, GPU-a1a631bf-7742-0e86-9aa2-ff28d0370d94,
11407, GPU-dfa2350b-dd7f-145f-1189-a19d59ea1cbb,
9954, GPU-02daaf16-1507-bf48-b152-732e4ba96ca9,
9954, GPU-02daaf16-1507-bf48-b152-732e4ba96ca9,
11407, GPU-dfa2350b-dd7f-145f-1189-a19d59ea1cbb,
8743, GPU-a1a631bf-7742-0e86-9aa2-ff28d0370d94,
6360, GPU-a41813d2-4a80-1415-3efd-c54cc7e7404d,
6360, GPU-a41813d2-4a80-1415-3efd-c54cc7e7404d,
11404, GPU-7e53fee7-21d8-46a0-1e7b-a92033c9dd43,
8739, GPU-5e9aca59-49b5-49a7-077f-a092f345d08b,
Make_bMat: start_time: 1475209463.336767, pid: 6357, hostname:
Make_bMat: start_time: 1475209463.336804, pid: 6360, hostname:
9957, GPU-b7ef635c-5bef-5d76-1fe8-9d87006c898b,
11404, GPU-7e53fee7-21d8-46a0-1e7b-a92033c9dd43,
Make_bMat: start_time: 1475209463.334738, pid: 8743, hostname:
9957, GPU-b7ef635c-5bef-5d76-1fe8-9d87006c898b,
Make_bMat: start_time: 1475209463.317903, pid: 11404, hostname:
Make_bMat: start_time: 1475209463.317959, pid: 11407, hostname:
8739, GPU-5e9aca59-49b5-49a7-077f-a092f345d08b,
Make_bMat: start_time: 1475209463.336134, pid: 9954, hostname:
Make_bMat: start_time: 1475209463.336176, pid: 9957, hostname:
Make_bMat: start_time: 1475209463.335391, pid: 8739, hostname:
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3] starts (omp max_th=8) at Fri Sep 30 13:24:23 JST 2016
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=0/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=1832/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=3696/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=5544/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=7376/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=9191/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=10991/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=12774/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=14702/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=16469/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=18220/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=20149/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=21884/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=23812/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=25531/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=27459/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=29162/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=31090/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=34705/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3:0] l=0/1, k1=36633/37281
[compute_bMat_dense_SDP3] finished at Fri Sep 30 13:24:25 JST 2016
Make_bMat: end_time:1475209465.592085, pid: 6357, hostname:
Make_bMat: end_time:1475209465.577624, pid: 11407, hostname:
Make_bMat: end_time:1475209465.597000, pid: 9957, hostname:
Make_bMat: end_time:1475209465.599193, pid: 9954, hostname:
Make_bMat: end_time:1475209465.584122, pid: 11404, hostname:
Make_bMat: end_time:1475209465.605628, pid: 6360, hostname:
Make_bMat: end_time:1475209465.609806, pid: 8739, hostname:
Make_bMat: end_time:1475209465.616780, pid: 8743, hostname:
9954, GPU-02daaf16-1507-bf48-b152-732e4ba96ca9,
6357, GPU-aa386078-22a7-00f3-8cf6-13af5b7ef14f,
6357, GPU-aa386078-22a7-00f3-8cf6-13af5b7ef14f,
8743, GPU-a1a631bf-7742-0e86-9aa2-ff28d0370d94,
11407, GPU-dfa2350b-dd7f-145f-1189-a19d59ea1cbb,
9954, GPU-02daaf16-1507-bf48-b152-732e4ba96ca9,
11407, GPU-dfa2350b-dd7f-145f-1189-a19d59ea1cbb,
8743, GPU-a1a631bf-7742-0e86-9aa2-ff28d0370d94,
9957, GPU-b7ef635c-5bef-5d76-1fe8-9d87006c898b,
8739, GPU-5e9aca59-49b5-49a7-077f-a092f345d08b,
6360, GPU-a41813d2-4a80-1415-3efd-c54cc7e7404d,
6360, GPU-a41813d2-4a80-1415-3efd-c54cc7e7404d,
9957, GPU-b7ef635c-5bef-5d76-1fe8-9d87006c898b,
Compute_DyVec: start_time: 1475209469.404676, pid: 8743, hostname:
11404, GPU-7e53fee7-21d8-46a0-1e7b-a92033c9dd43,
11404, GPU-7e53fee7-21d8-46a0-1e7b-a92033c9dd43,
Compute_DyVec: start_time: 1475209469.405808, pid: 9954, hostname:
8739, GPU-5e9aca59-49b5-49a7-077f-a092f345d08b,
Compute_DyVec: start_time: 1475209469.407023, pid: 6360, hostname:
Compute_DyVec: start_time: 1475209469.407078, pid: 6357, hostname:
Compute_DyVec: start_time: 1475209469.405864, pid: 9957, hostname:
Compute_DyVec: start_time: 1475209469.405034, pid: 8739, hostname:
Compute_DyVec: start_time: 1475209469.388113, pid: 11404, hostname:
Compute_DyVec: start_time: 1475209469.388123, pid: 11407, hostname:
Compute_DyVec: end_time:1475209481.872884, pid:8739, hostname:
Compute_DyVec: end_time:1475209481.880038, pid:6357, hostname:
Compute_DyVec: end_time:1475209481.880720, pid:6360, hostname:
Compute_DyVec: end_time:1475209481.863485, pid:11404, hostname:
Compute_DyVec: end_time:1475209481.881679, pid:9954, hostname:
Compute_DyVec: end_time:1475209481.883663, pid:8743, hostname:
Compute_DyVec: end_time:1475209481.886497, pid:9957, hostname:
Compute_DyVec: end_time:1475209481.868922, pid:11407, hostname:
 0 1.0e+04 1.0e+00 1.0e+00 -0.00e+00 -1.00e+02 8.8e-01 1.0e+00 2.00e-01
maxIteration is reached :: line maxIteration is reached :: line 260260 in sdpa_solve.cpp :: iam 6
 in sdpa_solve.cpp :: iam 3
maxIteration is reached :: line maxIteration is reached :: line 260 in sdpa_solve.cpp :: iam 2
maxIteration is reached :: line 260 in sdpa_solve.cpp :: iam 260 in sdpa_solve.cpp :: iam 4
maxIteration is reached :: line 260 in sdpa_solve.cpp :: iam 7
maxIteration is reached :: line 260 in sdpa_solve.cpp :: iam 1
maxIteration is reached :: line 260 in sdpa_solve.cpp :: iam 0
 1 1.6e+03 1.2e-01 1.7e-14 -6.09e-01 -2.37e+04 8.8e-01 1.0e+00 2.00e-01

phase.value  = dFEAS     
   Iteration = 1
          mu = +1.6281771201195857e+03
relative gap = +1.9998971305307678e+00
        gap  = +2.3680512669336942e+04
     digits  = -3.0100765726806961e-01
objValPrimal = -6.0903176774844525e-01
objValDual   = -2.3681121701104690e+04
p.feas.error = +1.1744113927582491e+01
d.feas.error = +1.6953723128189702e-12
total time   = 20.641755
  main loop time = 19.482508
      total time = 20.641755
file  check time = 0.000000
file change time = 0.001064
file   read time = 1.158183
SDPA end at [Fri Sep 30 13:24:44 2016]
ALL TIME = 25.391471
amplxe: Collection resumed.
amplxe: Collection resumed.
amplxe: Collection resumed.
amplxe: Collection stopped.
amplxe: Collection resumed.
amplxe: Collection resumed.
The sampling collection resumed.
amplxe: Collection stopped.
amplxe: Collection stopped.
amplxe: Collection stopped.
amplxe: Collection resumed.
amplxe: Collection resumed.
amplxe: Collection resumed.
amplxe: Collection stopped.
amplxe: Using result path `/home/oka/bench/sdpara_bench/sdpara.power.gpu/'

amplxe: Executing actions  0 %                                                 
amplxe: Executing actions  0 % Finalizing results                              
amplxe: Executing actions  0 % Finalizing the result                           
amplxe: Executing actions  0 % Clearing the database                           amplxe: Collection stopped.
amplxe: Using result path `/home/oka/bench/sdpara_bench/sdpara.power.gpu/'
amplxe: Collection stopped.
amplxe: Using result path `/home/oka/bench/sdpara_bench/sdpara.power.gpu/'

amplxe: Executing actions  0 %                                                 
amplxe: Executing actions  0 %                                                 
amplxe: Executing actions  0 % Finalizing results                              
amplxe: Executing actions  0 % Finalizing results                              
amplxe: Executing actions  0 % Finalizing the result                           
amplxe: Executing actions  0 % Finalizing the result                           
amplxe: Executing actions  0 % Clearing the database                           
amplxe: Executing actions  0 % Clearing the database                           
amplxe: Executing actions  8 % Clearing the database                           
amplxe: Executing actions  8 % Loading raw data to the database                
amplxe: Executing actions  8 % Loading 'systemcollector-11393-cal47.imi.kyushu-
amplxe: Executing actions 14 % Loading 'systemcollector-11393-cal47.imi.kyushu-
amplxe: Executing actions 14 % Loading 'systemcollector-11396-cal47.imi.kyushu-
amplxe: Executing actions 14 % Loading '11407.perf' file                       
amplxe: Executing actions  8 % Clearing the database                           
amplxe: Executing actions  8 % Clearing the database                           
amplxe: Executing actions  8 % Loading raw data to the database                
amplxe: Executing actions  8 % Loading raw data to the database                
amplxe: Executing actions  8 % Loading 'systemcollector-9943-cal48.imi.kyushu-u
amplxe: Executing actions  8 % Loading 'systemcollector-8728-cal49.imi.kyushu-u
amplxe: Executing actions 14 % Loading 'systemcollector-9943-cal48.imi.kyushu-u
amplxe: Executing actions 14 % Loading 'systemcollector-9946-cal48.imi.kyushu-u
amplxe: Executing actions 14 % Loading '9957.perf' file                        
amplxe: Executing actions 14 % Loading 'systemcollector-8728-cal49.imi.kyushu-u
amplxe: Executing actions 14 % Loading 'systemcollector-8731-cal49.imi.kyushu-u
amplxe: Executing actions 14 % Loading '8739.perf' file                        amplxe: Collection stopped.
amplxe: Using result path `/home/oka/bench/sdpara_bench/sdpara.power.gpu/'

amplxe: Executing actions  0 %                                                 
amplxe: Executing actions  0 % Finalizing results                              
amplxe: Executing actions  0 % Finalizing the result                           
amplxe: Executing actions  0 % Clearing the database                           
amplxe: Executing actions  8 % Clearing the database                           
amplxe: Executing actions  8 % Loading raw data to the database                
amplxe: Executing actions  8 % Loading 'systemcollector-6347-cal46.imi.kyushu-u
amplxe: Executing actions 14 % Loading 'systemcollector-6347-cal46.imi.kyushu-u
amplxe: Executing actions 14 % Loading 'systemcollector-6350-cal46.imi.kyushu-u
amplxe: Executing actions 14 % Loading 'sep7fadf48c0700.20160930T132413.146661.
amplxe: Executing actions 50 % Loading 'sep7fadf48c0700.20160930T132413.146661.
amplxe: Executing actions 50 % done                                            

amplxe: Error: 0x4000002a (Database interface error) -- Internal database error: `Cannot get global tsc range'. Try to re-finalize the result.
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code.. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

  Process name: [[18331,1],0]
  Exit code:    2

Thank you

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0 Replies