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Intel download center is broken!?!?


I just tried to download an eval version of VTune. I received an eval license file and number. When I try to register it to my account, it simply doesn't recognize that the serial number has been registered. It also repeatedly asks me to register my account.

When I try using the link that was emailed to me, get a 'product not found' error, and it fails to recognize that the serial number has been registered after I manually input it.

It's pretty embarrassing when you have all these exotic access control mechanisms on eval software - especially when it prevents the user from actually OBTAINING the software. I'd compare this to AMD's code analyst, which anyone can download for free, without a hassle. Something to think on there...

Normally I'm impressed with the ease of use for Intel software products, but frankly this is infuriating. Installing eval software should be opposed to epic ordeal that require heroic endeavors.

VTune used to be easy to obtain, but consider me a very disappointed user.


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4 Replies
I'm sorry, David. Just out of curiousity, what happens if you go to this link and register your serial number?
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Hi MrAnderson,

When I click on 'register product' and it goes to the "Account Creation Page". From there I click on the link for users who already have an account, which leads to the "Account Registration Page". At the "Account Registration Page" I fill in the relevant information. Over the weekend when I filled in the "Account Registration Page" with my name, company and region and hit the 'submit' button, it simply brought me back to the "Account Registration Page" again - an endless loop.

However, I just tried again and it now seems to work...which is great! I finally have VTune to play with. But it really would be a lot more sensible if you could easily download the program without any of the registration nonsense. It's fine if you need to register to get the key, but make the executable freely available with just one or two clicks!


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Thanks, David. I guarantee you, your experience is not typical. I'm sorry it happened.

BTW, you can easily download the VTune analyzer from

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Hi Ihad a similar problem. When I go into my products I just have some evaluation serial numbers from last year that have expired. I try to add my current purchased serial number and it says it is already registered and does not allow me to register it. I registered a premier support ticket as crtitical yesterday but have had no response. Last night I tried again and I could download the latest MKL libraries required, and my current serial number worked with it. However, it was not compatible with my installed level of intel compiler. I downloaded the latest Intel composer and it will not accept my serial number. So back to square one with a non working environment. I still cannot register my current serial number on my support login.

This was fixed by selecting the get activation code option in the install of the product.


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