Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
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Memory analysis: Error: Failed to unreserve PMU resources.

Hi there,

I'm using VTune for Windows, v2011 Update 5. I have been using the memory analysis for a while, without problems. However, I noticed that if the execution is interrupted, the PMU will become unavailable until a reboot. I get the following error:

Error: Problem using PMU reservation service.
Error: Unable to reserve PMU resources required by the collection.
Error: Failed to unreserve PMU resources.
Error in sampling collector. Error code - 163

My flow includes first installing the sampling driver, then running the analysis, followed by uninstall of the driver:

amplxe-sepreg -i
amplxe-cl --collect core2_memory-access -no-auto-finalize [executable]
amplxe-sepreg -u

The full output shows:

Installing and starting sepdrv3_4...OK
Installing and starting sepdal...OK
Error: Problem using PMU reservation service.
Error: Unable to reserve PMU resources required by the collection.
Error: Failed to unreserve PMU resources.
Error in sampling collector. Error code - 163
Stopping and removing sepdrv3_4...OK

Is there anything I can do forcibly unreserve the PMU? I would imagine the driver load/unload would fix most of these issues, but it doesnt :(

Thanks for any help,
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2 Replies
This is so strange why you can't use PMU resource?!
I think that you already run cmd as "administrator", so uninstalling/reinstalling sep drivers in cmd should work.
Is it possible that your using processor is unsupported? Please check system requirements in release notes.
If it is the case, please use user-mode sampling analysis instead (Hotspots, Concurrenct, LW - which will not use PMU)
If it is no the case, please run "amplxe-feedback -create-bug-report " and send me for further investigating. (Or you know that other running module(s) uses PMU already?)
Regards, Peter
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Valued Contributor II
>>...Memory analysis: Error: Failed to unreserve PMU resources...

Some messages are confusing... Wouldn't it better to use a 'free' or 'deallocate' instead of 'unreserve'?
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