Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)

PMU ret error


Trying to use Vtune with matrix.mic like described. With amplxe-gui and amplxe-cl -target-system=mic-native:0 I get:

amplxe: Warning: To enable hardware event-base sampling, VTune Amplifier has disabled the NMI watchdog timer. The watchdog timer will be re-enabled after collection completes.
abstract_Reserve_PMU ret error
abstract_Release_PMU ret error
Invalid error code
amplxe: Collection failed.
amplxe: Internal Error



0 Kudos
35 Replies


It seems that the application was not launched correctly - probably it has dependency on other .so (openmp?). One way is to creare a launch script on the target that will set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and run the binary. In this case this script should be pointed to VTune as app to launch.

Thanks & Regards, Dmitry

0 Kudos

Oh..elapsed (CPU) time almost was zero. Did you have problem to run matrix.mic without VTune? If so, you need to copy all compiler's libraries for MIC to the target first, including OpenMP* libraries, like:

> scp -r /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2016/linux/lib/mic/* mic0:/lib64

If you have specific .so to be loaded when running matrix.mic (I had no this request to run your matrix.mic on my side), do -

> amplxe-cl -target-system=mic-native:0 -collect advanced-hotspots -knob collection-detail=stack-sampling ./your_app_on_card



0 Kudos

ok, with all copied, I have now with the -knob collection-... Version

Elapsed Time:       26.648  
CPU Time:           3928.830
Average CPU Usage:  166.794
CPI Rate:           8.700


So, this seems to work. But still:

amplxe-cl -target-system=mic-native:0 -collect advanced-hotspots  /tmp/matrix.mic

throws PMU error.

0 Kudos

Did you mean that you profiled same application named matrix.mic with two sessions?

1. No stack sampling on MIC - failed.

2. Stack sampling (option "-knob collection-detail=stack-sampling") on MIC succeeded.

Case one was to use sep3_15, and case two was to use vtsspp. Interesting thing was that I used your binary on case one, no problem. You provided trace logs, I will communicate with developer about this soon. 

0 Kudos

I am curious if there is any further information regarding this matter. I will post system information below, but in summary appear to be experiencing the same issues:

  1. basic hotspots always seem to fail with --target-system=mic-native:0
  2. advanced-hotspots with --target-system=mic-native:0 fails (no stack sampling)
  3. advanced-hotspots with --target-system=mic-native:0 -knob collection-detail=stack-sampling works

This is very problematic for us and is true with hello world examples. My system information is below, and I'm happy to provide more debugging information and the exact source/scripts used.


  • kernel: 2.6.32-573.22.1.el6.x86_64
  • MPSS: 3.7 (we had the same problem with other recent versions as well)
  • Parallel Studio XE 2016 Update 3 (though this has been problematic with other versions as well)
    • compilers: 2016.3.210
    • mpi:
    • vtune: 2016 update 3

Thank you in advance.

0 Kudos

That was so interesting! Profiling application on Xeon Phi processor with stack sampling can work, but failed without stack sampling! Was it due to short running application?

Can you do - "amplxe-cl -target-system=mic-native:mic0 -c advanced-hotspots -d 10 -r r001ah"?

Do you profile MPI application ("Hello world") or just a simple ("Hellow world") application?

0 Kudos

I checked this with latest VTune Amplifier XE 2017 beta, also it worked -

# amplxe-cl -target-system=mic-native:mic0 -c advanced-hotspots -data-limit=0 -r r0002 -- /root/matrix.mic

Another note is  - VTune Amplifier only supports event-based sampling collectors on Intel Xeon Phi, basic hotspots / concurrency / lockswandwaits don't work.


0 Kudos


We need more details to figure out why collection w/o stacks does not work on your machine.

Please provide the exact VTune command line that you run.

Also could you please run the following:

><VTune_install_dir_on_MIC_host>/bin64/sep -version -mic

and also the run try in system wide more would be useful to check as Peter suggested:

>amplxe-cl -target-system=mic-native:mic0 -c advanced-hotspots -d 10 -r r001ah

Thanks & Regards, Dmitry


0 Kudos

Hi Peter and Dmitry,

Thank you for your assistance.

  • With regards to the sep version on the mics
[root@c016 bin64]# ./sep -version -mic
Sampling Enabling Product version: 4.0 (private) built by patbbinn on Apr 20 2016 02:39:28
SEP User Mode Version: 4.0.0
mic 0 (c016-mic0): SEP driver version 4.0.0
mic 1 (c016-mic1): SEP driver version 4.0.0
mic 2 (c016-mic2): SEP driver version 4.0.0
mic 3 (c016-mic3): SEP driver version 4.0.0
  • Also, I now see documentation about the event-based sampling support as mentioned by Peter in Message #28, and thank you for confirming this

Peter Wang wrote:

That was so interesting! Profiling application on Xeon Phi processor with stack sampling can work, but failed without stack sampling! Was it due to short running application?

Can you do - "amplxe-cl -target-system=mic-native:mic0 -c advanced-hotspots -d 10 -r r001ah"?

Do you profile MPI application ("Hello world") or just a simple ("Hellow world") application?

I first tried a mpi hello world example, then a serial hello world with the same results. Due to the short run time, I also have tried the matrix example included with the vtune 2016 update 3. For any outputs I'll use the matrix example, as it has a longer run time and is the Intel example.

  • First trying Peter's command from Message #27, since this should work before any executable comes in to play:
[whowell@c016 vtune]$ amplxe-cl -target-system=mic-native:mic0 -c advanced-hotspots -d 10 -r r001ah
amplxe: Using target: mic-native:mic0
amplxe: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: amplxe-cl -r /lustre/scratch/whowell/vtune/r001ah -command stop.
amplxe: Warning: To enable hardware event-base sampling, VTune Amplifier has disabled the NMI watchdog timer. The watchdog timer will be re-enabled after collection completes.
abstract_Reserve_PMU ret error
abstract_Release_PMU ret error
Invalid error code
amplxe: Error: abstract_Reserve_PMU ret errorabstract_Release_PMU ret errorInvalid error code
amplxe: Collection failed.
amplxe: Internal Error
  • Trying the system wide with stack sampling as a normal user (or root) results in the below output.
[whowell@c016 vtune]$ amplxe-cl -target-system=mic-native:mic1 -c advanced-hotspots -knob collection-detail=stack-sampling -d 10 -r r001ah
amplxe: Using target: mic-native:mic1
amplxe: Warning: Context switch data cannot be collected when system-wide profiling is enabled. Edit the Project Properties to modify this option.
amplxe: Error: System-wide collection is not possible due to a lack of credentials. Consider setting the /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid value to 0 or less.
amplxe: Warning: Stack size option will be changed to 1024 during data collection. If you need a different size please specify it explicity in the analysis type.
  • Trying the matrix example with stack sampling as a normal user works as expected  ( minus some debugging symbol warnings). 
[whowell@c016 vtune]$ amplxe-cl -target-system=mic-native:mic1 -c advanced-hotspots -knob collection-detail=stack-sampling -d 10 /lustre/scratch/whowell/vtune/matrix/built/matrix.mic 
amplxe: Using target: mic-native:mic1
amplxe: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: amplxe-cl -r /lustre/scratch/whowell/vtune/r014ah -command stop.
Addr of buf1 = 0x7f9662979010
Offs of buf1 = 0x7f9662979180
Addr of buf2 = 0x7f965b8f8010
Offs of buf2 = 0x7f965b8f81c0
Addr of buf3 = 0x7f9654877010
Offs of buf3 = 0x7f9654877100
Addr of buf4 = 0x7f964d7f6010
Offs of buf4 = 0x7f964d7f6140
Threads #: 240 Pthreads
Matrix size: 3840
Using multiply kernel: multiply1
amplxe: Collection stopped.
amplxe: Copying result directory from the device
amplxe: Copying collection logs from the device.
amplxe: Using result path `/lustre/scratch/whowell/vtune/r014ah'
amplxe: Executing actions 22 % Resolving information for dangling locations    
amplxe: Locating file `/usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/' on the remote system
amplxe: Locating file `vtsspp.ko' on the remote system
amplxe: Executing actions 23 % Resolving information for `'        
amplxe: Warning: Cannot locate debugging symbols for file `/tmp/pbstmp.72603/amplxe-tmp-whowell/modules.mic-native_mic1/'.
amplxe: Warning: Cannot locate debugging symbols for file `/tmp/pbstmp.72603/amplxe-tmp-whowell/modules.mic-native_mic1/'.
amplxe: Executing actions 25 % Resolving information for `'        
amplxe: Locating file `/boot/vmlinuz-' on the remote system
amplxe: Warning: Cannot locate file `vtsspp.ko'.
amplxe: Executing actions 25 % Resolving information for `vtsspp'              
amplxe: Locating file `vmlinux-' on the remote system
amplxe: Locating file `/boot/vmlinuz' on the remote system
amplxe: Warning: Cannot locate file `/usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/'.
amplxe: Executing actions 25 % Resolving information for `vmlinux'             
amplxe: Locating file `/boot/' on the remote system
amplxe: Locating file `kallsyms-' on the remote system
amplxe: Warning: Cannot load symbols from `'. Make sure the file format is valid.
amplxe: Executing actions 75 % Generating a report                             
General Exploration Metrics
Parameter             r014ah       
--------------------  -------------
Clockticks            2349828783455
Instructions Retired  290862787802 
CPI Rate              8.079        
MUX Reliability       1.000        
Cache Usage           0.0          
Vectorization Usage   0.0          
TLB Usage             0.0          

Collection and Platform Info
Parameter                 r014ah                                                                           
------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Application Command Line  /lustre/scratch/whowell/vtune/matrix/built/matrix.mic                            
Operating System Intel MIC Platform Software Stack (Built by Poky 7.0) 3.7 \n \l

Computer Name             c016-mic1                                                                   
Result Size               57075770                                                                         
Collection start time     14:04:14 11/05/2016 UTC                                                          
Collection stop time      14:04:24 11/05/2016 UTC                                                          

Parameter          r014ah                    
-----------------  --------------------------
Name               Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor
Frequency          1047397111                
Logical CPU Count  240                       

Elapsed Time:       10.000  
CPU Time:           2243.494
Average CPU Usage:  224.441 
CPI Rate:           8.079   

Event summary
Hardware Event Type    Hardware Event Count:Self  Hardware Event Sample Count:Self  Events Per Sample
---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------------  -----------------
CPU_CLK_UNHALTED                   2349828783455                            117691  20000000         
INSTRUCTIONS_EXECUTED               290862787802                            121798  20000000         
amplxe: Executing actions 100 % done              
  • The exact VTune commands I have been using (variable path/executable between hello world and matrix examples)
# [FAILS] native: advanced-hotspots - no stack sampling

amplxe-cl -target-system=mic-native:mic1 -c advanced-hotspots -d 10 /lustre/scratch/whowell/vtune/matrix/built/matrix.mi

# [WORKING] native: advanced-hotpots - stack sampling

amplxe-cl -target-system=mic-native:mic1 -c advanced-hotspots -knob collection-detail=stack-sampling -d 10 /lustre/scratch/whowell/vtune/matrix/built/matrix.mic
  • Final note: It does not appear to matter if I install using the actual vtune installer and allow it to install drivers on the compute node versus if I follow the manual steps (i.e insmod-sep, boot-script, mic-sepdk equivalents, ect ...) I'll verify this today by installing parallel studio (with drivers) on a separate compute node.

Thank you again for any help or pointers.


-- Will

0 Kudos

William H. wrote:

  • Final note: It does not appear to matter if I install using the actual vtune installer and allow it to install drivers on the compute node versus if I follow the manual steps (i.e insmod-sep, boot-script, mic-sepdk equivalents, ect ...) I'll verify this today by installing parallel studio (with drivers) on a separate compute node.


I installed on another node directly using the vtune 2016 update 3 download, and the problem still persists. I'm only guessing, but to me the symptoms would indicate a configuration problem on the mic side related to the sep4_0 driver. I'm not sure if this is relevant, but I also see the following on the co-processor OS under /sep4.0/sep_mic_server.txt:

[root@c014-mic0 sep4.0]# tail -10 /sep4.0/sep_mic_server.txt 
ERROR Reading data from socket: Connection reset by peer
ERROR reading header from socket: Connection reset by peer
ERROR Reading data from socket: Connection reset by peer
ERROR reading header from socket: Connection reset by peer
ERROR Reading data from socket: Connection reset by peer
ERROR reading header from socket: Connection reset by peer
ERROR Reading data from socket: Connection reset by peer
ERROR reading header from socket: Connection reset by peer
ERROR Reading data from socket: Connection reset by peer
ERROR reading header from socket: Connection reset by peer


0 Kudos

Running the command:

export AMPLXE_LOG_LEVEL=trace
export AMPLXE_LOG_DIR=./trace-log

amplxe-cl -target-system=mic-native:2 -collect advanced-hotspots /lustre/scratch/whowell/vtune/matrix/built/matrix.mic


I then see the following in the debug log

4250 [47240299403008] TRACE perfrun.vtsspp <> - EXIT:  void runtool::vtsspp::Controller::onEvent(runtool::sdk::collection_state_t)
4250 [47240299403008] TRACE perfrun.itt <> - ENTER: bool runtool::itt::Controller::start(unsigned int)
4250 [47240299403008] INFO perfrun.itt <> - start itt controller for pid #9495
4252 [47240299403008] TRACE perfrun.itt <> - EXIT:  bool runtool::itt::Controller::start(unsigned int)
4252 [47240299403008] TRACE perfrun.sep <> - ENTER: bool runtool::sep::SdkController::start(unsigned int)
4252 [47240299403008] INFO perfrun.sepdk <> - called: "/global/opt/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2016_update3/vtune_amplifier_xe_2016.3.0.463186/bin64/sep" -start -mic dev=2 -sam 1 -em -out "/tmp/" -ec CPU_CLK_UNHALTED:sa=1052630,INSTRUCTIONS_EXECUTED:sa=1052630, -d 0
4252 [47240299403008] TRACE perfrun.sdk <> - ENTER: bool runtool::sdk::runCmd(const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> &, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> *, bool, const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> &)
4252 [47240299403008] TRACE perfrun.sdk <> - EXIT:  bool runtool::sdk::runCmd(const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> &, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> *, bool, const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> &)
8253 [47240299403008] INFO perfrun.sepdk <> - called: "/global/opt/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2016_update3/vtune_amplifier_xe_2016.3.0.463186/bin64/sep" -start -d 1 -mic dev=2 -sam 1 -em -out "/tmp/" -ec CPU_CLK_UNHALTED:sa=1052630,INSTRUCTIONS_EXECUTED:sa=1052630,
8253 [47240299403008] TRACE perfrun.sdk <> - ENTER: bool runtool::sdk::runCmd(const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> &, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> *, bool, const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> &)
11696 [47240299403008] WARN perfrun.sdk <> - waitpid returns a status = 65280, , at file: vcs/perfrun1/sdk/src/utils.cpp:354
11696 [47240299403008] TRACE perfrun.sdk <> - EXIT:  bool runtool::sdk::runCmd(const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> &, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> *, bool, const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> &)
11696 [47240299403008] INFO perfrun.sepdk <> - abstract_Reserve_PMU ret error
abstract_Release_PMU ret error
Invalid error code

11697 [47240299403008] TRACE perfrun.launcher <> - IMessenger: send message with severity = 4 and msg = abstract_Reserve_PMU ret error
abstract_Release_PMU ret error
Invalid error code

11697 [47240299403008] INFO msngr.xml <> - Say: error abstract_Reserve_PMU ret error
abstract_Release_PMU ret error
Invalid error code

11697 [47240299403008] ERROR perfrun.launcher <> - Messenger::say: abstract_Reserve_PMU ret error
abstract_Release_PMU ret error
Invalid error code

11697 [47240299403008] TRACE perfrun.sep <> - EXIT:  bool runtool::sep::SdkController::start(unsigned int)
11697 [47240299403008] ERROR perfrun.launcher <> - sep can not perform an operation and will be disabled., at file: vcs/perfrun1/launcher/src/plugin_manager.cpp:1245


What is interesting is that, prior to running the failed vtune command, I can run the referenced sep command on a mic. However, after the failed vtune command, the sep command then directly fails with the messages

abstract_Reserve_PMU ret error
abstract_Release_PMU ret error
Invalid error code


0 Kudos

Question: can the drivers on both the host and the mic be set to group root with permissions 666?\

A little more detail which may perhaps be useful.

In summary the problem we experience is that native collection without stack sampling fails. I previously had thought this was true for either a normal user or root. This is not the case however. Running the following as root succeeds, so long as a normal user has not tried to run the same on the same mic previously. In other words root can perform the operation on a clean setup, but after a normal user tries the command and fails, root runs also subsequently fail.

The failing command being referred to (regardless of system wide or on a application)

amplxe-cl -target-system=mic-native:0 -collect advanced-hotspots /lustre/scratch/whowell/vtune/matrix/built/matrix.mic

This of course led me to check the permissions for sep on both host and mic again.

  • Ownership/permissions on the host should be fine with root group and 666 permissions
[root@c016 src]# ./insmod-sep -q
pax driver is loaded and owned by group "root" with file permissions "666".
socperf2_0 driver is loaded and owned by group "root" with file permissions "666".
sep4_0 driver is loaded and owned by group "root" with file permissions "666".
vtsspp driver is loaded and owned by group "root" with file permissions "666".
  • When trying to check on the mics, I've noticed the /<vtune install path/mic_sepdk/src/insmod-sep_mic script fails because the variable STAT is not set in the script. Setting it to use the 'stat' command doesn't work here because we don't have the coreutils installed on the mics. As a workaround I modified the script to use 'ls' and 'awk' instead. Unfortunately the ownership and permissions here look fine as well, unless I'm mistaken that root group with 666 permissions should work.
[root@c016-mic0 src]# ./insmod-sep_mic -q
sep4_0 controller group "root" with perms "crw-rw-rw-"
sep4_0 module devices group "root" with perms "crw-rw-rw-"
sep4_0 percpu 0 group "root" with perms "crw-rw-rw-"
sep4_0 driver is loaded and owned by group "root" with file permissions "crw-rw-rw-".
[root@c016-mic0 src]# echo $?


  •  For reference, here is the diff on the insmod-sep_mic script I used
[root@c016 src]# diff -u insmod-sep_mic.orig insmod-sep_mic
--- insmod-sep_mic.orig 2016-05-13 13:17:32.859013014 -0400
+++ insmod-sep_mic      2016-05-13 13:45:04.682812083 -0400
@@ -190,14 +190,21 @@
         if [ -e /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/c ] ; then
           # get group and perms of base controller device
-          drv_group_c=`${STAT} -c "%G" /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/c`
-          drv_perms_c=`${STAT} -c "%a" /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/c`
+          #drv_group_c=`${STAT} -c "%G" /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/c` # [NOTE1]: orig doesn't work without special packages and defining STAT
+          #drv_perms_c=`${STAT} -c "%a" /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/c` # see [NOTE1]
+          drv_group_c=`ls -lr /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/c | awk '{print $4}'`
+          drv_perms_c=`ls -lr /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/c | awk '{print $1}'`
+          print_msg "${DRIVER_NAME} controller group \"${drv_group_c}\" with perms \"${drv_perms_c}\""
           # compare against group and perms of module devices
-          drv_group=`${STAT} -c "%G" /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/m`
+          #drv_group=`${STAT} -c "%G" /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/m` # see [NOTE1]
+          drv_group=`ls -lr /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/m | awk '{print $4}'`
           if [ "$drv_group" != "$drv_group_c" ] ; then
-          drv_perms=`${STAT} -c "%a" /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/m`
+          #drv_perms=`${STAT} -c "%a" /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/m`# see [NOTE 1]
+          drv_perms=`ls -lr /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/m | awk '{print $1}'`
+          print_msg "${DRIVER_NAME} module devices group \"${drv_group}\" with perms \"${drv_perms}\""
           if [ "$drv_perms" != "$drv_perms_c" ] ; then
@@ -206,11 +213,14 @@
           # for minor_no in $num_cpus
           for minor_no in $num_samp_dev
-            drv_group=`${STAT} -c "%G" /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/s${minor_no}`
+            #drv_group=`${STAT} -c "%G" /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/s${minor_no}` # see [NOTE 1]
+            drv_group=`ls -lr /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/s${minor_no} | awk '{print $4}'`
             if [ "$drv_group" != "$drv_group_c" ] ; then
-            drv_perms=`${STAT} -c "%a" /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/s${minor_no}`
+            #drv_perms=`${STAT} -c "%a" /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/s${minor_no}` # see [NOTE 1]
+            drv_perms=`ls -lr /dev/${DRIVER_NAME}/s${minor_no} | awk '{print $1}'`
+            print_msg "${DRIVER_NAME} percpu ${minor_no} group \"${drv_group}\" with perms \"${drv_perms}\""
             if [ "$drv_perms" != "$drv_perms_c" ] ; then


0 Kudos

I don't know why, Dmitry might help further. Please attache problematical result directory and associated logs (AMPLXE_LOG_DIR=./trace-log

I am interested that you worked on driver sep4_0, can it be reproduced on driver sep3_15? I mean that you can try VTune Amplifier XE 2016 U2.  

0 Kudos

Hi Peter,

The same is true with the previous release (confirmed today), and has been with several releases prior which is what makes me think this an installation problem on my part, or a system configuration which perhaps is different then expected. I'm attaching 2 items using the 2016 update 3. I also have opened a support ticket for further help.  I can provide the reference number if desired.


1) the result directory: 2016u3-no-stack-normal-user.tar.gz

2) the trace output: trace-log.tar.gz

0 Kudos

Thank you for result directory. I will work with you on a support ticket.

0 Kudos