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Hey guys,
I'm trying to analyze GPU hotspots on my chromebook (Intel Core i3-5005U Processor - Intel HD graphic 5500 - graphic driver i915) using Vtune_Amplifier_XE_2016. 3.0.463186.
I keep getting this error when I run "amplxe-cl -collect gpu-hotspots -- <my app> "
amplxe: Error: Your version of the Intel Graphics Driver is obsolete and needs to be updated before collection.
Here is the output of "amplxe-runss --context-value-list" :
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For Linux* targets, to analyze Intel Graphics hardware events on a GPU, make sure to install the Intel Media Server Studio (starting with version 2015 R5) and build the kernel driver as described in the Getting Started Guide.
Only patched graphics driver from the Media Server Studio is supported by VTune Amplifier on Linux* in order to monitor GPU HW events.
Regards, Katya
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first of all, we are happy with vtune. Thanks for the good work.
I wonder, if the issue above is resolved?
We have the very same issue of "Your version of the Graphics driver is either obsolete or not supported." on a clean minimal CentOS 7.2.1511 installation. The hardware is an Intel NUC Skull Canyon.
Steps in order to use vtune with GPU Hotspots analysis:
1) Installation of Intel Parallel Studio XE 2017 Cluster Edition
2) Installation of Intel Media Studio 2017 Production16.5 Community Edition
For the installation of the Intel Media Studio the install_sdk_CentOS.sh script is used, as described in https://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/media_server_studio_getting_started_guide.pdf
Is a manual installation of Intel Graphics Installer for Linux* 1.4.0 required? ( https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads )
(If so, how does this work with CentOS 7? On Fedora 24 the installation works like a charm with the rpm-package.)
Best regards
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finally, the driver works as expected.
The media server install-script (install_sdk_CentOS.sh) uses yum to install a couple of packages. In my case, the wrong repository was used for that task. I will post more details soon with the hope that it will help others with the same issue. For now, I just confirm that everything works fine.
Kind regards
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