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Problem to lauch amplxe-gui from non-root user

New Contributor I


As stated in the title, I have problems to lauch the "amplxe-gui" script from a non-root user, whereas everything is ok when I'm root.

I should mensionned that I'm running on fedore 17 and that I've just made a fresh install of Vtune 2015 beta.

[bash]# ./amplxe-cl --version
Intel(R) VTune(TM) Amplifier XE 2015 Beta (build 346592) Command Line Tool
Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.[/bash]

I've also added the line "source /opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe/" to my ~/.bashrc file.

What am I missing here ?


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6 Replies

1. First at all, you have to use "root" user to install the tool.

2. Add your non-root user to default "vtune" group after installing the product.

3. If you already started vncserver by "root" user, you have to start vncserver by other putty first - example, "vncserver :20" under non-root user then use amplxe-gui within "VNC viewer". Otherwise, you will see DISPLAY error in prior "VNC viewer" logged in "root".

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To flying_hermes:

Did GUI crash right away after opening? What was the message/error?

Could you also run command line to see if it works under non-root account?

Regards, Dmitry

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New Contributor I

I should add that I've made the installation using the root account. Moreover, I'm working a 64 bit computer: [bash]$ uname -m

Since I couldn't launched Vtune as a non-root user, I've tried to give it a try using a non-root installation. So, I've now got 2 installations of Vtune. The first one (named v1) is installed as root in "/opt/intel" and the second one (named v2) is installed as non-root in "~/intel".

Vtune v1 works when doing as root: [bash]# cd /opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2015/bin64/; ./amplxe-gui[/bash] but fails when doing the same command as a non-root used.

Vtune v2 works when doing as a non-root used [bash]$ cd ~/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2015/bin64/; ./amplxe-gui[\bash]

To be more specific one the problem, when launching the Vtune command from the v1 installation as a non-root user, there is no error message outputed from the "amplxe-gui" script. A gray rectangle pops-up to the screen in which the Vtune start-up info are supposed to appear... but the never do and the rectangle remains an empty gray rectangle.

Since I now can launched Vtune as a non-root user using the installation v2, this issue is not so critical for me. However, there still is something going wrong somewhere. I haven't updated my system for a while, so I will try to do so and see if it change something.



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Although this is not a critical issue for you...but I still get confused, because Amplifier XE is not allowed to be over-installed. It means if you try to installed the tool in the box, which already installed the tool - the installer will try to uninstall it first then install. At least, VTune Amplifier XE 2013 has this there any change in VTune Amplifier XE 2015? Or different user can install the tool many timers?

If 2015 support over-installing the product, and you tried to add non-root user to "vtune" group? I posted last time. Another workaround is - non-user can run VTune from its vtune_dir.

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Honored Contributor III

Peter Wang (Intel) wrote:

Although this is not a critical issue for you...but I still get confused, because Amplifier XE is not allowed to be over-installed. It means if you try to installed the tool in the box, which already installed the tool - the installer will try to uninstall it first then install. At least, VTune Amplifier XE 2013 has this there any change in VTune Amplifier XE 2015? Or different user can install the tool many timers?

If 2015 support over-installing the product, and you tried to add non-root user to "vtune" group? I posted last time. Another workaround is - non-user can run VTune from its vtune_dir.

No, the beta test version asks for permission to remove older versions, as before.  I believe it's a question of expected driver incompatibilities, and not having a way to switch drivers according to which version of VTune is started or which user is active.

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However, any user can install the product into their $HOME directory and use any of the non-hardware sampling based analysis types (e.g., Basic Hotspots).  Therefore, the product could be installed in /opt/intel by root and in $HOME by the user.

Also, a reminder, the user does NOT need to be added to a 'vtune' group.  The latest releases (Update 15 and higher) have removed that requirement.  It is available as a custom install option for those customers who are concerned about security and desire to use it, but that is not the default option.  The sampling driver is installed with read-write permissions for everyone (e.g. 'world'), so no group manipulation is required.

The real question, which Dmitry already asked, is, what are the "problems" when you say, "I have problems to lauch the "amplxe-gui" script from a non-root user"?  Please describe the symptoms.

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